Pepe8-26Mar Flashcards
My mom would go to her friend’s house and her friend would scan the letter and email it to me.
Mi mamá iba a la casa de su amiga y esta última escaneaba la carta y me la mandaba por correo electrónico.
Everybody likes that.
A todos les gusta eso.
The weather is very comfortable at that time.
The weather is nice today.
El clima/tiempo es muy agradable/cómodo en esa época. here it is a characteristic
Hoy hace buen tiempo.
la época = period, time, age, season
Flowers are a gift that most people like.
Most people like flowers.
Las flores son un regalo que gusta a la mayoría de la gente.
A la mayoría de la gente le gustan las flores.
Most people like receiving a gift of flowers.
A la mayoría de la gente le gusta recibir un regalo de flores.
to be connected with
relacionarse con uno
relacionarse - to mix, to connect, to be related
…information that is related to my story
información que está relacionada a mi historia
I have had various houses that I had dreamt of.
He tenido varias casas con las que había soñado.
I bought it (the house) after I finished my Ph.D., before I went to work in Indonesia and before I got married.
La compré después de terminar mi doctorado, antes de ir a trabajar a Indonesia y antes de casarme.
Remember antes de as part of DAHN, when no change of subject do not use que and use infinitive.
a part-time job, a full-time job
el trabajo de medio tiempo, el trabajo de tiempo completo
the lapel, flap (pocket flap)
la solapa
think it is over your soul and not in your lap
the slot/opening
la ranura
the frog = la rana, the spider = la araña
see running a flat frog in the slot
the frog
the toad
the spider
la rana
el sapo
la araña
to cheer-up/liven up/decide/get going
Nuestro abuela se animó cuando la visitamos. Our Grandma cheered up when we visited her.
explanatory clause/non-restrictive
specifying clause/restrictive
la clausula explicativa
la clausula especificativa
to make a mistake
equivocarse (does NOT mean to be wrong)
You must be mistaken; my friend would never do such a thing.
Debes de estar equivocado; mi amiga nunca haría tal cosa.
frase hecha, sort of like he who has a mouth (tries) makes mistake
El que tiene boca, se equivoca.
Of the 15 questions on the quiz, I only got four right.
De las 15 preguntas en la prueba, solo acerté cuatro.
to get right/to guess right
think the opposite of to be certain is to guess
I guessed right. two ways
Lo he acertado. Lo acerté.
Lo he advinado. Lo adiviné.
adivinar - to guess, to predict
acertar - to get right, to guess right
I just guessed.
Solo lo adiviné/acerté.
Sort if like if you dance to the music, you pay to the piper. he that do it, pay it
El que la hace, la paga.
the alternative - noun
There´s no alternative, we have to take this road.
There’s no other alternative but to take this road.
la alternativa
No hay alternativa, tenemos que tomar esta carretera.
No hay otra alternativa que tomar este camino.
also alternativo-alternativa adj.