Pepe2 - Dec rev 4,8,16 Jan9,24Feb,29Mar Flashcards
What should we do?
¿Que deberíamos hacer? possibility-suggestion (should-ought)
What must we do?
¿Qué debemos hacer? obligation
What would you have done? (ud).
What would I, she, he have done?
What would you have done? (tú)
¿Qué habria hecho?
¿Qué habría hecho?
¿Qué habrias hecho?
Who do they think are implementing those measures?
Who thinks that they are implementing those measures?
¿Quiénes (de uds) piensan que están aplicando esas medidas?
The same!
aplicar - to apply/put into practice
implementar - to implement
Yesterday I received an announcement that there is a Peace Corps{ position for twelve months for an extension specialist.
Ayer recibí una noticia de que hay un puesto en el Cuerpo de Paz por doce meses para una especialista de divulgación.
not haya because de que hay etc. all modifies noticia so not two dif independent subjects joined by que
if that does=which, use que
DOES-QUE short
if that does Not = which, use de que
DOES NOT - DE QUE longer that does-que
After I record it, I will translate it and then look for errors and try to correct them.
Después de grabarlo, lo traduciré y luego buscaré errores y trataré de (o intentaré) corregirlos.
Después de (no que) with infintive because there is no change of subject (like others in DAHN, depués de, antes de, hasta, nada más)
5 ways to say I am going to bed
irse a la cama, acostarme Voy a irme a la cama. Me voy a ir a la cama. Voy a acostarme. Me voy a acostar. Voy a irme a costar.
CANNOT SAY Voy a ir a la cama. It is irse a la cama.
What errores did I make? (person you are talking knows about them)
What errores did I make? new to everyone I guess
¿Cuáles errores cometí?
¿Qué errores cometí?
DeepL translates it.
DeepL lo traduce.
to drive, motivate, promote, boost
promover - to promote, cause, provoke
the English speaker
the Spanish speaker
el/la anglohablante
el/la hispanohablante
It is snowing.
It snowed today.
It snows today.
I hope it does not snow today.
Está nevando o nieva. Nevó hoy. Nieva hoy. Ojalá que no nieve hoy. (verbs that have spelling change in present, don´t have change in preterite. tener - tengo, tienes, tuve, tuvo nieva present tense nevó - preterite pres subj - nieve
the area
the areas
el area - because can´t have two a-s but
las areas because areas is actually feminine
You (ud.) are moving from where to where?
¿Se está mudando de dónde a dónde?
real estate agent
agente inmobiliario
Mi madre era una agente inmobiliario. Madre . mom in a mob
real estate agents like what´s her name, should be immobilized
Hours after the earthquake, several teams delivered supplies to the affected area.
Horas después del terremoto, varios equipos llevaron - entregaron víveres a la zona afectada. o al area afectada. o a las areas afectadas
viveres - supplies, provisions, food
entregar - to deliver, to turn in
el area afectada, the adj is f because area is actually feminine
I want you to take the garbage out.
Quiero que saques la basura.
sacar - to take out, to remove
Ana needs Pedro to go to the store.
Ana necesita que Pedro vaya a la tienda.
I hope it doesn´t snow today.
Ojalá que no nieve hoy.
I am happy you are here. two translations
Me alegra que estés aquí. gustar conjugation (MAQS - think I liked Mac, liked is gustar conjugation)
Me alegro de que estés aquí. regular conjugation with de (MADQS)
I am sorry that you do not have a job at this time.
Siento que no tengas un trabajo en este momento.
put in regs about sentir and sentirse
sentir - what you feel (usually followed by noun)
- sentir + que + indic or subj verb
- noun
- w/lo
- 2 verbs, 1 subj, use inf
- adj/adv
- como + noun
- como si + imp subj
It bothers me that people are rude.
Me molesta que la gente sea grosera.
conjugate corregir and pedir, present and past
corrijo, corriges, corrige, corregimos, corrigen
pido, pides, pide, pedimos, piden
corregí, corregiste, corrigió, corregimos, corrigieron
pedí, pediste, pidió, pedimos, pidieron