Ex 7 Pr 2.3 - Pr 3.1 Flashcards
The guidelines are designed to help.
Las pautas están diseñadas para ayudar.
las pow-tas
the set phrase/idiom
la frase hecha
the wordy explanation
la perífrasis
time travel
los viajes en el tiempo
to exhibit/expose/explain/expound
the interviewer
the interviewee
el/la entrevistador/a
el/la entrevistado/a
think the interviewer asks more questions than the interviewee, thus has more letters in its name TADOR vs TADO
the chasm, gulf, world of difference
el abismo
along, throughout
a lo largo de
a is correct, por is WRONG, does NOT EXIST
to flow
not so much in practice as in theory
no tanto en la práctica como en la teoría
throughout historia
a lo largo de la historia
no matter how costly
as costly as
As costly as it is, I recommend that you (tú) buy it.
por muy costoso
Por muy costoso que sea, yo te recomiendo comprarlo.
factible (adj)
Mike and Vickie carried-out a cutting-edge experiment.
Mike y Vickie hicieron un experimento de vanguardia.
the avant-garde, vanguard, forefront
la vanguardia (noun)
de vanguardia (adj)
the evaluation/assessment/valuation/estimate
la valoración
They express assessments, opinions and advice.
Expresan valoraciones, opiniones y consejos.
la valoración - the evaluation/assessment/valuation
the track (line in cd) or the hint
la pista
the outer space
el espacio exterior
think of an E o r ex stair leading to outer space
the mark/track/footprint
It smells good.
The President fled the country.
la huella
Huele bien. (3rd person sing present tense conjugation of oler)
El presidente huyó del país.
huir (weer)
the event
el acontecimiento
int. to toast
trans. to offer/give
It gave them the perfect alibi.
Les brindó la coartada perfecta.
think making co-art, making an alibi.
coartar=to limit/restrict
to link/bind/relate to
(think vine, vinca . they are twined-linked-bound together)
ligada is also linked/spliced/tied
to spend the summer
it was frowned upon
estaba mal visto
(was badly seen) could change so estar not ser-era
to step in-on /walk on / tread on
pistar - to crush/pound
John Glen pisó la luna.
testarudo/a - adj
terco/a - adj
visual images and symbols
la iconografía
the admiral
el/la almirante/ta
the portrait
el retrato
the perseverance, motivation, proof, record
la constancia
según las constancias (according to the records)
There´s no record of her stay at the Grand Hotel.
No hay constancia/registro de su estadía en el Gran Hotel.
constancia - perseverance/proof/record
the legacy/bequest
el legado
legar - to bequeath/hand down/leave
la herencia - the inheritance/legacy
in the face of/in light of a fact
ante un hecho
as we move forward
conforme avanzamos, mientras avanzamos
conforme - happy, in line with, in agreement - not sure how it is used here, just memorize this
a slaver
un esclavista
ista . dentista, artista, etc.
to draw/trace/plot/design/chart
trazar una ruta de ida y vuelta
(plot/chart a route there & back/round-trip)
to subdue-dominate-put down
to submit-yield (weird)
sometió - subdued
suprimir - to eliminate/delete
Did Columbus subdue the indigenous americans?
¿Sometió Colón a los indígenas americanos?
someter - like so to put-down
someter - to subdue/put down /dominate meter-to put
suprimir - to eliminate/delete
revolve around
gira en torno (a)
to grant/award/bestow/afford
El presidente otorgó la máxima distinción al general. (The president bestowed the highest distinction upon the general.)
el debate histórico les ha otorgado … the historic debate has afforded-bestowed on them
Stop being so arrogant.
Deja de ser tan arrogante.
dejar de ser
to stop being
pero no deja de ser curioso que
(but it is still curious that/it can´t stop being curious that)
¡Deja de ser un idiota! tú
¿Deje de ser una idiota! ud
to approach/come by/take an interest in
acercase a
atrayente (adj)
atraer - to attract
María tiene una mirada muy atrayente. Mary has a very appealing-attractive gaze.