EX 7 Pr 3.2 - Flashcards
the monastery for monks
el monasterio para monjes
the convent for nuns
el convento para monjas
to denounce/report/indicate
the advantages and disadvantages
las ventajas y desventajas
same/similar concept so no need for 2nd article
the complaint/report
la denuncia (noun) - complaint/report
el denuncio (noun) - complaint/denunciation
the collected/gathered proposals
the compiled proposals
las propuestas recogidas
las propuestas recopiladas
If you (ud.) need something, tell me. (do not use necesitar)
Si ud. precisa algo, dígamelo.
Jaimie said his business has been harmed by the virus.
Jamie dijo que su negocio ha sido perjudicado por el virus.
to be detrimental to/damage/harm - to slander/malign
who it benefits and who it harms
a quién beneficia y a quién perjudica
to specify/need/require
closed down, closed, out-of-service
clausurado (adj)
You really should recycle it.
De veras deberías reciclarlo.
It is a cloistered convent.
Es un convento de clausura.
clausura - closing ceremony/cloistered/closed
I have saved myself $12.
Me he ahorrado 12 dólares.
the raincoat and the flip-flops
el impermeable y las chanclas
the bow and arrow
el arco y la flecha
to hunt - the hunter
cazar - el cazador/la cazadora
remember z is pronounced like an s
The three children were playing in the snow with the sled and hit a tree.
Los tres niños jugaban en la nieve con el trineo y chocaron con un árbol.
She is on a spiritual retreat.
Está en un retiro espiritual.
Is it a flood or a puddle?
¿Es una inundación o un charco?
the water lily
el nenúfar (neh-noo-fahr)
el lirio de agua - nenúfar probably is better
They were holding hands close by the water lilies.
Se tomaron de la mano cerca de los nenúfares.
tomarse de la mano - to hold hands (of each other, to take of the hands, reflexive so se)
Él la tomó de la mano. He held her hand.
My mother and I are very close.
Mi madre y yo estamos muy unidas.
She is going to have a glass of red wine.
Va a tomar una copa de vino tinto.
The paintings of the water lilies had no frames, rather they were painted directly on the walls.
Los cuadros de los nenúfares no tenían marcos, sino que estaban pintados directamente en las paredes.
use sino que when 1st statement negative and two clauses with two conjugated verbs
the mark/brand - the frame/framework
la marca - el marco
It is not the same in any way (at all)
No es lo mismo, de ninguna manera.
There was a sign on the bathroom door that said “out of order”.
La puerta del baño tenía un letrero que decía “clausurado”.
Había un letrero en la puerta del baño que decía “fuera de servicio”.
Yesterday it was sunny.
Ayer hacía sol.
habia sol, you will hear this but hacía is correct.
You´re blaming me.
Me estás echando culpas.
You´re throwing guilt at me.
He got mad at/became mad at her.
Se enojó con ella.
Do not use se puso enojado. just don´t
you can say está enojado con ella but has a different meaning (he is mad at her) perhaps could say se puso bravo
Es verdad in a question or otherwise - followed by subj o indic?
ALWAYS INDICATIVE even in a question! because it is an affirmation
Is it true that both words “portarse” y “compartarse” mean “to behave”.
¿Es verdad que ambas palabras “portarse” y “comportarse” significan “to behave”?
always indicative after es verdad, it is an affirmation even if it is a question