where does the pelvis extend?
how many regions is it (what are they) and is there a dividing line and what are they?
from the iliac crest to the pelvic diaphragm
2 regions, false pelvis and true pelvis
yes, imaginary plane that runs from the sacral promontory to the pubic symphysis
what is located in the false pelvis?
what is located in the true pelvis?
site of uterus, ovaries, bladder and lower rectum
what comprises the pelvis?
which ones are fused together?
two ischium
two ilium
two pubis
one sacrum
ischium, ilium, and pubis
the greater sciatic notch of the ischium is located where?
at the unction between the ischium and ilium
what component of the pelvis do we sit on and which of that part?
ischial tuberosity
where does the inguinal ligament originate from? what part of the pelvis and what part of that?
where does the inguinal ligament insert?
pubic tubercle
this is the opening formed by the union of pubis and ischium? this is a structure of the coccal bone
obturator foramen
this is the cuplike structure where the head of the femur articulates with the pelvis?
the sacrum is fused to the rest of the pelvis bones?
the sacrum is prone to much more injury than the vertebrate above it (L4 and L5)
what bone is both part of the axial and appendicular skeleton?
false, solid structure with no discs
this part of the vertebrae is made of 2-4 fused vertebrae
this muscle of the perineum helps control the anal opening? what are the muscles that comprise this?
Levator Ani
1) pubococcygeus
2) puborectalis***
3) Iliococcygeus
***medial portion of the pubococcygeus
this muscle of the perineum is found on the spine of the ischium to lower the sacrum and coccyx?
coccygeus muscle
what are the openings in the pelvic floor for the male and female?
urethra and anus
urethra, vagina and anus
what is the area in front of the levator ani that supports the male genitalia and surrounds the female genitalia? this is found in the perineum
urogenital diaphragm
what comprises the anal opening, a muscle of the perineum? which one is skeletal and smooth muscle?
external(skeletal) and internal(smooth) sphincter
this is a longitudinal muscle of the perineum that runs along the pubic arch area form the ischium to the clitorus or base of the penis providing structure support and surrounds each crus of the penis?
ischiocavernous muscle
this muscle of the perineum wraps around the corpus spongiosum in male and urethral and vaginal openings in the female
bulbosponiosus muscle
the collective term for the female external genital structures?
inlet to the uterine cervix during coitus?
what is the term used to describe a structure in the vaginal opening that is covered by an incomplete membrane prior to first coitus?
this is the region of the vaginal opening where the vagina meets the cervix?
vaginal opening
this is the hair covered fatty region that cushions pubic symphysis area?
mons pubis
this is the double layer of peritoneum that extends from the sides of the uterus to the lateral walls and floor of the pelvis-keeps the uterus in position?
broad ligament of uterus
this attaches to the broad ligament, like a small, thin tube within broad ligament comes from the ligamentum teres?
round ligament of the uterus