MUSCLES Flashcards
innervation of the platysma muscle?
cervical branch of the facial n. (CN VII)
innervation of the trapezius muscle?
innervation of the splenius capitis m?
C1 of the ansa cervicalis
what is the innervation of the sternocleidomastoid?
motor innervation- accessory n (CN XI)
sensory innervation- cervical nerve plexus
action of the scalenus anterior m, scalenus middle m, scalenus posterior m?
move head to side
assist SCM in same side head rotation
cervical spinal n C4-C6
anterior rami of the cervical spinal n
cervical spinal n C4-c8
innervation of the longus capitis and longus colli m?
anterior rami of the cervical spinal n c4-c8
anterior rami of the cervical spinal n c2-c6
what are the innervations of the supra hyoid muscles?
digastric m -anterior belly - nerve to the mylohyoid -posterior belly - facial nerve stylohyoid m - facial nerve mylohoid m - nerve to the mylohyoid geniohyoid m - C1 of ansa cervicalis
what are the innervations of the infra hyoid muscles?
sternohyoid m. ansa cervicalis c1-3
sternothyroid m. ansa cervicalis c2-c3
omohyoid m. ansa cervicalis c1-3
thyrohyoid m. CN XII
what is the action of the corrugator supercilli m?
raise the eyebrows
what is the action of the procerus m?
wrinkles the nose
what is the action of the levator labii superioris aleque nasi m?
flares the nostrils and causes the lips to snarl
what is the action of buccinator m?
pushes food to the back of the mouth
what is the action of the mentalis m?
for pouting
what are the origins for the intraocular eye muscles? all the same except for one, which one and what?
tendinous ring of zinn
inferior oblique muscle, maxilla of orbital floor
action of frontalis?
Raises eyebrows, wrinkles forehead
action of the procerus?
Draws down the medial angle of the eyebrow giving expressions of frowning
action of the corrugator supercilii?
Wrinkles forehead
action of the obicularis oculi?
closes eyelids
action of the levator labii superioris alaeque nasi?
dilates the nostrils and snarls the upper lip
action of the zygomaticus major?
draws angle of mouth upward and laterally
action of the zygomaticus minor?
elevates upper lip
action of the levator anguli oris?
Smile (elevates angle of mouth)
action of the buccinator?
action of the obicularis oris m?
pucker the lips.