what are the unpaired skull bones?
occipital bone frontal bone sphenoid bone vomer bone ethmoid bone mandible bone
what are the paired skull bones (bilateral)?
parietal bones temporal bones zygomatic bones palatine bones maxilla bones lacrimal bones inferior concha bones nasal bones ear ossicles pharyngeal tubercle
this unpaired bone articulates with the superior facets of the atlas?
occipital condyle
what is the sphenoid bone comprised of?
pterygoid plate
greater wings
T/F, the mandible is a paired bone?
false, unpaired
these re indentations in the interior parietal bones made from arachnoid granulations?
pacchyonion depressions
what does the glenoid fossa articulate with?
mandible bone
what are the malleus and incus formed from? this acts as the supporting structure to the mandible in fetal life
meckels cartilage
pair of origin of the constrictor muscles?
pharyngeal tubercle
what type of joints are the sutures?
immovable joint (synarthrosis); fibrous
about 40% of the population has a this suture?
metopic suture
this is the point at which the four bone come together? what are these bones?
this is the soft spot in an infants head that enables the bony plates of the skull to flex during birth; cloaked by age two?
which ones are unilateral?bilateral?
what are the regions of the skull?
cranium calvaria facial diploe inner and outer tables
what is the cranium region comprised of?
frontal parietal temporal occipital sphenoid ethmoid
what is the calvaria region comprised of?
roof (frontal, parietal, occipital)
anterior (frontal)
posterior (parietal, occipital)
floor (anterior, middle, posterior fossa)
what is the facial region comprised of?
nasal bones
what is the inner and outer table made of?
cortical or compact bone
what is the diploe?
cancellous or spongy bone between inner and outer cortical plates
this is the term for a region of the skull that is the brain case; bones that enclose the brain?
this type of ossification starts out as a membrane and ossifies?
intramembranous ossification
this type of ossification starts out as cartilage and changes to bone? what type of cartilage does this start out as in the embryo?
endochondral ossification
reichert’s cartilage
what are the bones of intramembranous ossification?
frontal bone parietal bone maxilla nasal lacrimal vomer zygoma palatine temporal sphenoid occipital
what are the bones of endochondral ossification?
mandible ear ossicles ethmoid temporal inferior concha sphenoid occipital