Peer Review Flashcards
What is peer review
Before publication, all aspects of the investigation are scrutinised by experts (‘peers’) in the field
-These experts should be objective and unknown to the researcher
What are the aims of peer review
Funding- allocate research funding
-Validation of the quality and relevance of research
-Improvements and amendments are suggested
A03 (Protects Quality Of Published Research)
E- Minimises possibility of fraudulent research and means published research is of the highest quality
E- Preserves the reputation of psychology as a science and increases the credibility and status of the subject
A03 (Anonymity May Be Used To Criticise Rival Research
E- A minority of reviewers may use their anonymous status to criticise rival researchers
E- Often There is competition for limited research funding so this may be an issue
A03 (Publication Bias)
E- Tendency for editors of journals to want to publish ‘headline-grabbing’ findings
E- Means that research that does not meet this criterion is ignored
A03 (Ground-Breaking Research May Be Buried)
E- Reviewers may be much more critical of research that contradicts their own view
E- Peer review may slow down the rate of change within scientific disciplines