Ethical Issues Flashcards
What is deception
This is lying to participants and is unethical. It is only acceptable when the benefits outweigh the costs and there is no other alternative.
What is debriefing
It is when you inform the participants about all of the details of the study after they have participated and asking if they are still happy for their data to be used
Right to withdraw
At the beginning of research participants must be told they can withdraw from the investigation at any point. If they choose to withdraw all their data must be destroyed. If under 16 guardian has to withdraw for them
What is confidentiality
It is a legal right that personal information must be protected so participants cannot be individually identified. Use numbers/letters to identify them
What is informed consent
Making participants aware of the aims and purposes of a study, so that they can agree to take part in the full knowledge of what the research is about and what they are letting themselves in for.
Protection from harm
Participants should be protected from physical or mental health, including stress - risk of harm must be no greater than that to which they are exposed in everyday life. Participants should be offered counselling if harm is caused.