Peds Exam 3 Gastrointestinal System Outline Flashcards
Paroxysmal abdominal pain or cramping
S/S Colic
Cries Pulls legs up Red Faced Fist Clenched 3h@3x a week
Tx Colic
Car babies, swings, colic carry
Feet to head
Move–>get air out
Passive transfer of gastric content s into esophagus;
Gastroesophageal Reflux (GERD)
Passive regurgitation/ emesis immediately less common( poor wt gain, gagging)
Nissen Fundoplication
Projectile, sour smelling vomit
Visible peristalsis
–>hungry, dehydrated, FTT
Pyloric Stenosis
Na loss> H2O
Hypotonic Dehydration
Isotonic Dehydration
Turgor; feel & mucous membranes
Isotonic Dehydration
Pulse, behavior
Rapid, irritable to lethargic
Hypotonic Dehydration Skin
Very poor turgor, clammy, mucous membranes slightly moist, pulse very rapid
Hypotonic Dehydration Pulse
Very Rapid
Behavior-Hypotonic Dehydration
Lethargic to coma
Hypertonic Dehydration Skin
Fair, thickened, doughy, parched
Hypertonic Dehydration Pulse
Moderately Rapid
HR Dehydration
Tx Pyloric Stenosis
Sx Pyloromyotomy (Fredet-Ramstedt procedure) Pre-op: rehydrate Post-Op:Clear liquids
Telescoping of 1 portion of the intestine into another, may ->ischemia
Most common cause of intestinal obstruction (3mo-5yr)
Sausage shaped mass in URQ
(Ileoc. Valve=most common site)
WAVES of pain
Dx pyloric stenosis
Barium swallow
Dx evaluation intussusception
Barium enema (May be enough to fix-hydrostatic reduction)
Tx intussusception
Hydrostatic reduction
Sx-manual reduction & resection of any non-viable intestine
Post op intussusception
Alert MD of normal stool- passage of stool=reduced intussusception
Most common congenital malformation of gi tract
Meckel diverticulum
Tx=Sx removal
S/s Meckel Diverticulum
Abd pain
Bloody stools
May be anemic
Dx Meckel diverticulum
Radionucleotide scintigraphy (Meckel Scan)
Abdominal pain, bloody stools, and occasionally anemic
Signs and symptoms of meckel diverticulum
Remnant of omphalomesenteric duct that Connects yolk sac w/ primitive midgut during fetal life fails to obliterate -> fistula
Mickel diverticulum
DX Mickel diverticulum
Radionucleotide scintigraphy
Absence of the ganglionic innervation to the muscle of the bow (typically lower portion of the sigmoid colon); d/t abnormal gene on chromosome 10
Hirsprung disease
Failure to pass meconium within 24 to 48H afterbirth, constipation/distention in the infant; constipation/impaction childhood
Clinical manifestation Hirsprung disease
Childhood signs and symptoms Hirsprung disease
<1 BM/ week; ribbon-like stool
Hirsprung disease–>Post Op
NG tube until peristalsis/stool in colostomy; assess abdominal distention
Preop Hirsprung disease
Daily enemas/ stool softeners ->BM
Bowel cleansing
Nutritional status
dx hirsprung disease
Anorectal manometry
Digital rectal exam, barium enema, rectal biopsy, HX
Susceptible individuals cannot digest gliadin factin
Celiac disease
Gluten consist of
Glutenin and gliadin
Definitive diagnosis celiac disease
Jejunal biopsy
Most common cause of vomiting in pediatrics
TX vomiting
NPO (3-8H) Ice chips, water/Popsicles in small amounts (clear liquids) \+dry crackers/toast Day2 – soft diet Day3 - reg diet
Definitive DX Hirschsprung’s disease
Barium enema (unprepped)
Most common malignant neoplasm of of the kidney in children
Wilms tumor (nephroblastoma)
Most common intestinal parasite in the US; children over five years, resolve spontaneously (4–6 W)
TX: Guardiasis (protozoa)
Furoxone=drug of choice
Dx guardiasis (protozoa)
Stool string test-attached string to capsule – swallow
whelms tumor favors the
Left kidney
Failure 1+ testes to descend
More common in pre-terms
persist after 1y-refer to surgeon
Abdominal cryptorchidism
Acute glomerulonephritis typically follows:
Streptococcal upper respiratory or skin infection; clinically apparent 1–3 weeks after acute infection
Initial S/S of acute Glomerulonephritis
Puffiness/dark colored urine
Later as/S a cute glomerulonephritis
Moderate edema, pale, lethargic/irritable
Older children - HA, abd discomfort, dysuria
Dx acute glomerulonephritis
⬇️ serum albumin/⬆️ASO (antiSTREPTOlysin)
CXR: ⬆️❤️& pulmonary congestion
Acute edematous phase - glomerulonephritis
10-14d, listless, anorexic
Improvement=urine output
Involuntary voiding of urine beyond age @ which vol. control is expected
(Symptom NOT disease)
Symptom NOT disease
Hospitalize (acute glomerulonephritis) if…
Gross hematuria
Complications of acute glomerulonephritis
HTN encephalopathy
Acute cardia decomp
Renal failure
Hemolytic uremic Syndrome triad
Hemolytic anemia
acute renal failure
Lacks HexA for lipid metabolism->fatty deposits in the brain
Tay Sachs
Exaggerated Marro
Cherry red macula
⬇️head control/severe hypotonia
Death by age 5 D/T cachexia
Tay-Sachs disease
Autosomal recessive
Prognosis 2 yo tay-Sachs
Avascular necrosis of femoral head
Coca plans/ perthes disease
Four stages of perthes disease
Slipped femoral capital epiphysis
Medical emergency
Slipping posteriorly and inferiorly
Widening growth plate/ slipped Epiphysis
Therapeutic management slipped femoral capital epiphysis
TX ASAP Nonweightbearing on DX/bedrest Prevent necrosis May need surgical stabilization 30% develop in opposite hip
Chronic inflammation of synovium & joint effusion in 1+ joint beginning before age 16y & last >6w
Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis
DX juvenile rheumatoid arthritis
Laytex fixation test – not reliable
Therapeutic management – juvenile rheumatoid arthritis
No cure! Preserve joint function/ROM
prevent physical joint deformation
Iridocyclitis or uveitis -> ophthalmologist
Meds – juvenile rheumatoid arthritis
NSAIDs,SAaRDS, cytotoxic’s, corticoid steroids (most potent)
Give meds 1H before getting up
Attend school even if some pain
SX if synovitis
Brushfield spots
Trisomy 21 – down syndrome
Missing portion of chromosome number five
We cut pitched cry (mew like) Microcephaly Eyes far apart FTT Severe mental retardation
Males extra X chromosome(s)
Testosterone only for appearance
Apparent at puberty
Only females
Absent X
Estrogen for 2ndary sex characteristics