Exam 5 Mental Health Flashcards
Pleasure Principle
Reality Principle
Opposite of the id
Moral component
Rational Self
Munchausen Syndrome
most severe form of fictitious disorder
7 Somatoform Disorders
Factitious Disorder Somatization Disorder Pain Disorder Conversion Disorder Malingering Hypochondriasis Body dysmorphic disorder
Conversion Disorder Most Frequently Affects
Sudden deficit in voluntary or sensory motor function w/o organic cause
Conversion disorder
La Belle Indifference
Relative lack of concern due to medical problem/ condition–> Conversion disorder
Examples of physical expressions of conversion disorder
Paralysis, aphonia (can’t talk), seizures, anosmia (inability to smell), pseudocyesis (false pregnancy)
false pregnancy
exaggerated believe that body/ (body part) is deformed/ defective
Hx includes numerous plastic surgeries/ dermatologist
Body Dysmorphic Disorder
Body Dysmorphic Disorder most commonly focuses on
the face (esp for females)- shape of nose, excessive facial hair, ears, eye, mouth, lips, teeth) Men (body build & genitalia)
Body Dysmorphic Disorder Co-morbidities
Depression & OCD
3 clusters of personality disorders
Cluster A: odd/ eccentric
Cluster B: dramatic, emotional, or erratic
Cluster C: anxious or fearful
Cluster A (odd/ eccentric) personality disorders
4 Cluster B personality disorders
3 Cluster C personality disorders
distrust & suspiciousness of others; Other’s are spiteful
begins in early adulthood.
Paranoid Personality- Cluster A
Song for Narcissistic Personality Disorder
Popular-Kristin Chenowth (Wicked)
Song for Paranoid Personality
Somebody’s Watching Me (Mr. Rockwell)
Song for Antisocial Personality
The Wanderer
Family influences (eating disorders)
Controlling High expectations (achievement) Chaotic (dramatic, arguments, tension) Enmeshed Passive father, domineering mom Dependent child High parental criticism
High mortality rate (10%)
Borderline Personality
1* gain
enable the individual to avoid difficult situations/ unpleasant activities about which anxious
2* gain
attention/ support not otherwise forthcoming
NDx somatization disorder
Ineffective Coping
Deficient Knowledge
NDx Pain Disorder
Chronic pain
Social Isolation
NDx Conversion Disorder
Disturbed sensory perception
NDx Hypochondrias
Chronic Low Self-esteem
grandiose sense of personal achievements
Narcissistic Personality
Interventions for Somatic Disorders
- Accept Physical Complaint as Real
- ID gains
- Initially fulfill most urgent needs, slowly w/d
- Explain new s/s will be referred to MD
- Allow to Verb. fears
- Spend Time W/ Pt
- Shift focus from somatic complaints to feelings/ neutral topic
- Do not push awareness/ insight
Characterized by: Terror of weight gain (⬇️85% expected wt) Preoccupied with food View self as fat when emancipated Peculiar handling of food
Anorexia nervous
Critera for hospitalization (anorexia)
Wt loss of 30% over 6 mo
K<3meq/ L
EKG changes
Referring syndrome
Demands of replenished circulatory system overwhelm capacity of nutritionally depleted heart➡️cardiovascular collapse
Panic Attacks are the Key Feature
Panic Disorder
Fear of dirt, germs, contamination
Fear of pain
Fear of People
fear of flying
Common SSRIs
- Prozac
- Paxil
- Zoloft
Start out on low dose – initially cause more anxiety
SSRI info
-Start out on low dose – initially cause more anxiety
-~ 4-6 wks –> full benefit
Do not stop abruptly/ use with ETOH
Common- SSNRIs
Serotonin, norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors
- Cymbalta
- Effecor
fear of flying
does not suppress CNS
effective in 60-80% of pt w/ generalized anxiety
10-14d to work
Tx anxiety symptoms, disorders, acute alcohol w/d
HUGE potential for dependence
benzodiazepines (DO NOT LIST)
DO NOT • Increase dose or frequency • Drink ETOH • Breast feed/ Take if pregnant • Drink caffeine beverages • Stop abruptly
blocks beta-adrenergic receptors in the sympathetic nervous system causing a relaxation response
GAD and Panic disorder
does not suppress CNS
effective in 60-80% of pt w/ generalized anxiety
Side Effects of BuSpar
→ HA, dizziness, light-headedness, nausea, insomnia
good stresses
occurs w/in 1 mo after exposure; must display 3 dissociative symptoms either during or after the traumatic event; resolves w/in 4 wks
Acute Stress Disorder:
1* method that ego uses to control/ manage anxiety
Defense Mechanisms
1* inhibitory transmitter;
elevates w/ anxiety (w/ disorders, this doesn’t happen)
enduring patterns of perceiving r/t and thinking about the environment
pervasive, persistent, and inappropriate mistrust of others;
suspicious of other’s motives
paranoid personality disorder
more men than women
personality disorder–>profound defect in the ability to form personal relationships or to respond to others in any meaningful, emotional way.
Schizoid Personality
Cold, aloof, & indifferent to others; Prefer to work in isolation & are unsociable; Invest energy in intellectual pursuits
Schizoid Personality
Isolate/ lonely–>Exist on periphery of society; Avoid relationships; Spend time daydreaming
- Appear indifferent to praise or criticism*
- Form attachments to animals*
Schizoid Personality
once describe as “latent schizophrenic”
Schizotypal Personality Disorder (Cluster A)
personality disorder–>profound defect in the ability to form personal relationships or to respond to others in any meaningful, emotional way.
Schizoid Personality
Trans. Feeling to another that is LESS threatening
or neutral
Attributing feelings/ impulses unacceptable to 1’s
Self to another person.
once describe as “latent schizophrenic”
Schizotypal Personality Disorder (Cluster A)
Covering up real/ perceived weakness by
Emphasizing a trait 1 considers more desirable
Trans. Feeling to another that is LESS threatening
or neutral
Attributing feelings/ impulses unacceptable to 1’s
Self to another person.
emotional brain
regulates emotion and memory
Limbic System
Parts of the Limbic System
- Thalamus
- Hypothalamus
- Cingulate
- Amygdala
- Hippocampus
- Basal Ganglia
Asc. w/ visual processing
Occipital Lobe
Asc w/ perception and recognition of auditory stimuli, memory, and speech
Temporal Lobe
- controls autonomic nervous system center for emotional response and behavior
- regulates body temperature, food intake, water balance and thirst, —controls endocrine system
Parts of the Limbic System
- Thalamus
- Hypothalamus
- Cingulate
- Amygdala
- Hippocampus
- Basal Ganglia
Serves as a conduit of messages to and from the inner Limbic System
Plays a role in planning and coordinating motor movements and posture
Basal Ganglia
- controls autonomic nervous system center for emotional response and behavior
- regulates body temperature, food intake, water balance and thirst, —controls endocrine system
All sensory inputs travel through it to the higher levels of the brain
neurotransmitter involved in voluntary movement, learning, memory, and sleep
Too much has been associated with schizophrenia (neurotransmitters)
Too much Acetylcholine
associated w/ depression
Too little Acetylcholine (in the hippocampus):
associated with dementia.
correlated with movement, attention, and learning (neurotransmitter)
Neurotransmitter involved in energy, and glucose metabolism;
Low amts associated w/ depression.
- plays a role in mood, sleep, appetite, and impulsive and aggressive behavior
- too little-asc w/ depression & anxiety, esp OCD
associated with eating, alertness
Too little norepinephrine has been associated with depression
Too little GABA
asc w/ anxiety/ anxiety disorders
established framework for the interpersonal development of the nurse w/ the pt.
Hildegard E. Peplau (RN)
Separating a thought/ memory from the feeling tone or emo asc. w/it
w/o showing emo, a young woman describes being attacked and rape
(Gamma-Amino Butyric Acid)
inhibits excitation and anxiety
Involuntary*blocking of unpleasant feelings &
Experiences from 1’s awareness
established framework for the interpersonal development of the nurse w/ the pt.
Hildegard E. Peplau (RN)
Attempt to increase self-worth by acquiring certain attributes & characteristics of an individual 1 admires
Ex: 8 yo playing teacher
Always constructive
Rechanneling of drives/ impulses that are personally/ socially unacceptable into activities that are constructive
Right Brain
Unconcious Mind (Id)→ imagery, creativity, synthess, dreams, symbols, emotions
a tx intervention in which a trained leader establishes a group for the purpose of treating patients with psychiatric disorders. (led by psychiatrist or psychologist NOT RN)
Group Psychotherapy
Attempt to increase self-worth by acquiring certain
Attributes & characteristics of an individual 1
Ex: 8 yo playing teacher
Left Brain:
Concious Mind (Ego)→ Logic, reason, math, reading, writing, analysis
Right Brain
Unconcious Mind (Id)→ imagery, creativity, synthess, dreams, symbols, emotions
a tx intervention in which a trained leader establishes a group for the purpose of treating patients with psychiatric disorders. (led by psychiatrist or psychologist NOT RN)
Group Psychotherapy
express both positive and negative feelings → relief