Peds Exam 1- Infants Flashcards
when we think growth and development we must think
safety and how to promote it in the hospital
infancy age group
birth to 12 months (first 28 days is neonatal)
toddler age group
1 years old to until they turn 3 years old
preschooler age group
3 years old until they turn 6 y/o
School age age group
6 years old until they turn 12 y/o
prepubertal age group
10 until they turn 13 y/o
13 until they turn 18y/o
piaget sensorimotor age group
birth until 2y/o
piaget preoperation age group
2 until 6 y/o (school age)
piaget operaiton age group
school age
piaget formal operaiton age group
Erikson: infant
trust vs mistrust
Erikson: toddler
autonomy vs shame & doubt
Erikson: preschooler
initiative vs guilt
Erikson: school ager
industry vs inferiority
Erikson: adolescence
identity vs role confusion
infant weight
-lose 10% after birth
-gain 1oz/d (5-7 oz/wk) until 6 mo
-doubles wt by 6 mo
-triples wt by 1 yr
when do we get concerned about a child’s weight
-if a child is not back to birth weight by 2mo
-if child is not gaining 5-7oz per week until 6mo
infant height
-1in/mo unitl 6mo
-increase 50% by 1 yr
infant head growth
0.5 in/mo until 6mo
what do we measure for OFC
occipital circumference to ensure brain growth & nothing is wrong
anterior fontanelle closes
by 18 months
if answers mentions fontanelle pasted closure time, distractor
posterior fontanelle closes between
6-8 wk
what can the fontanelles (esp the anterior) assess
hydration (sunken = dehydrated, bulging = increased inter-cranial pressure)
how many times does an infant breath per minute
infant normal temp
rectal: 90-99.5
axillary: 97.6-98.6
infant HR
100-160 bpm
infant BP
startle reflex
-appears @ birth
-until 4mo
-stim: loud noise or head drop
-rx: arms spread, fingers extended & then flex
rooting reflex
-appears @ birth
-until 3 to 4 mo
-stim: stroke cheek
-rx: turns head & opens mouth
palmer grasp reflex
-appears @ birth
-until 3 to 6 mo
-stim: place finger in palm
-rx: all fingers flex around finger
asym tonic reflex
-appears @ birth
-until 4 to 6 mo
-stim: supine baby -> turn head & hold 15sec
-rx: turn side arm&leg extend, other side flexes
babinski reflex
-appears @ birth
-until 2 yrs
-stim: stroke bottom of foot from heal to toes
-rx: big toe flexes towards top of foot, other toes fan
what allows use to test neuro status in kids
how far can an infant see after birth
8-10 in
at what month can infant turn their head
4mo -> will see infants following mom past midline (before 4mo, things disappear if they cross midline)
when do infants develop depth perception & directed reach
6 months
when is object permanence developed
10 month (continues as memory increases)
what does piaget help us understand
the way a child thinks
when do babies get their first teeth & S/s
6months -> will have increased drooling, small fever and inflammation of the gums
what do we not recommend to help reduce teething symptoms
home remedies like liquor and origel recommend something cold that they can chew on
what is the timeline for holding own head up
-1mo: marked head lag
-3mo: can hold head up
-4/6mo: well established head control
no head lag by 6mo
when should a baby be able to roll over
by 6 months (first belly to back then back to belly)
when can an infant crawl & when can they creep
-crawl (belly on floor) by 8-10 mo
-creep (belly off floor) by 11 mo
what is the timeline for sitting without support
-6mo: sit w/ support
-7mo: sit alone in tripod
-8mo: can sit unsupported
-10mo: can go into a sitting position from prone or supine
when can infant bear all their wt on their legs w/ someone holding them
6-7 mo
when can a baby pull themselves up and then stand holding the furniture
9 months
safety hazard for falling out of crib so lower the mattress
what does cruising mean and when can an infant do it
the infant can walk but always has to be holding onto something for support and they can do this by 10-12 mo can stand alone
when does walking happen
-by 12mo, walks well w/ one hand being held and the other out for balance
-walking alone by 15mo
wide base
when can an infant transfer an object from one hand to the other
7 months
when does grabbing things go from reflexive to voluntary
by 3 months of age, grabbing is voluntary
everything before 3mo is a reflex
when can a baby hold their own bottle
6 months
when does a baby have a refined pincer grasp
by 11-12 months, promote by giving finger foods (before this it is reflex -> palmer -> racking)
when does separation anxiety begin
6 months
eriksons trust vs mistrust, how is trust established
by someone meeting their needs (parents must be in sync w/ child)
ex: when baby cries, do they get picked up or fed
if needs meet, more trusting for the rest of their life
sensorimotor: stage 1
-up to 1mo
sensorimotor: stage 2
primary circular reactions
-development of habits
-1 to 4 months
sensorimotor: stage 3
secondary circular reactions
-interact more w/ the environment
-ex: if I scream, mom comes running ; if i kick this, sound is produced
-4 to 8 mo
sensorimotor: stage 4
coordination of secondary
-responsive become more coordinated
-actions have intention (ex: reach behind to get something hidden)
what do nurses need to promote in regards to social develop
attachment and bonding
-w/ this caregivers are less likely to harm the child in the future and properly care for the child
when does a social smile develop
when does a baby giggle and show excitement
3 months
when does discipline start
9-10 months
baby understands simple commands like “no” or “stop”
stages of prolonged separation
emotional deprivation during first 3 yrs of life
1) protest
2) despair
3) detachment
consequences of prolonged separation
-slowed physical growth
-more prone to infections and disease
-reactive attachment disorder
reactive attachment disorder
occurs after maladaptive or absent attachment -> child may refuse to make eye contact, poor impulse control, destructive to self and others
when does separation anxiety start
6 months
stranger fear starts at which age
onset: 6 months
peak: 1 yr
what causes stress to an infant
-loss of caregivers
-loud noises
-bright lights
-sudden movement
how much do infants sleep
-first 4mo, up to 20 hr per day
5 mo sleeping through the night w/ 2 naps
what is the most important part of play for an infant
the interaction
when does solitary play begin
3-6 months
what are the appropriate toys for an infant - first 6 months
-non breakable mirrors
-music boxes
-soft toys
-crinkle books
-hanging mobiles
always books
what are the appropriate toys for an infant - 7-12
-peek a boo
-unbreakable mirrors
-pots & pans
-nesting toys
-soft, squishy ballsl
-push toys (11-12)
-stacking toys
always books
what is the first form of language
when does vocalization begin
5-6 weeks
language @ 3-4 mo
consonant sounds, laughs
language @ 5-7 mo
vowel sounds
language @ 8mo
imitating sounds, combining syllables
language @ 12 mo
can say 3-5 words w/ meaning beyound “mama” & “dada”
spoiled child
when a parent always gives into their demand
cannot spoil by showing infant love, affection and care
when can a baby feed themselves with a spoon
> 12 months
when does a baby start to intentionally bring things to their mouth and what is our concern
at 4-6 months -> creates choking hazards