Peds Exam 1 - HP/Nut/Immu Flashcards
what direction should an infant car seat be facing
backwards until age 2
if there is something a toddler should not have, how should it be stored
locked away not just out of reach
ex: meds, poisons, cleaning sprays, firearms (even better not in the house at all)
what points should a seatbelt hit on the body
clavicle and hip bones
booster seat until points are hit without one
when can an infant be introduced to water
after 6mo
**never needs it before 6mo & can cause disturbances in lytes **
how to introduce solid foods
1 food at a time, wait a few days then add another
if you give juice at 6mo, how do you introduce it
1/2 water 1/2 juice
what can you not give before baby is 1 yo
-cows milk d/t possible anemia
-honey d/t botulism
-corn syrup (unless HCP directed)
~nuts, strawberries, wheat, shellfish, egg white, citrus d/t allergies
what is the first solid a baby should be started on and when can it be introduced
iron fortified cereal @ 4-6mo
what foods are a main choking hazard
grapes, hard candy, popcorn, hot dogs, raw mini carrots, & other smooth hard foods
what milk should a child drink from 1-2 yo
whole milk for brain development then transition to low fat milk
is grazing ok for toddlers
yes -> 3 solid meals might be overwhelming
is it normal for a toddler to start to decrease the amount they are consuming
yes -> toddler anorexia
food jag
hyper fixated on one food (ex: will only eat mac & cheese for all meals)
often leads to a food aversion
will have a question that you have to plot on a growth chart
know how to plot on a growth chart
if between %ile line make educated guess
will have a question that requires reading of an immunization chart
know how to read immunization chart
ex: what immunization would you give a 6mo old
what is measles
a virus that causes rash, cough, and fever and can lead to ear infection, pneumonia, diarrhea, seizures, brain damage and death
what is neomycin allergy a contraindication for
no longer contraindicated for polio
will not ask vaccine routes
do not know routes
what is polio
a disease caused by an airborne virus which can cause paralysis and death
what are the live vaccines (attenuated)
-Flu mist
what is a live a vaccine
a suspension of live or inactivated microorganisms or fractions of the microorganism administered to induce immunity and prevent infectious disease
who would you not give a live vaccine to
-receiving chemo
-taking steroids
-severe febrile infection
if you have an allergic reaction to a vaccine, would you give it again?
if someone has a cold, an ear infection or some type of mild illness, can they still receive their vaccines
yes -> it is still safe to give the vaccine
if vaccine schedule gets thrown off, what do you do?
catch up schedule
refer to red bool
based on the immunization chart, if there is a range, when do providers strive to give the vaccine
at the earliest possible time
what is mumps
a virus that can cause fever, headache, and swollen glands under the jaw which can lead to hearing loss, meningitis, and males can have swollen, painful testicles
what is rubella (german measles)
a virus that causes rash, mild fever, swollen glands, and arthritis
what is a side effect of rubella if a pregnant person gets it
can cause loss of the baby or the infant can be born with deafness, blindness, heart disease and brain damage
side effects of MMR
-fever 7-10 days after vaccine
what is HIB
bacteria which causes meningitis, pneumonia, infection of other body systems and cna lead to death and permanent brain damage
what is Hep B
viral infection that infects the liver
contraindicated for people w/ bakers yeast allergies
what is prevnar
the organism it fights is called streptococcus pneumonniae and it is the leading cause of serious illness among children
what is rotovirus
a virus that causes a lot of vomiting and diarrhea and can easily lead to dehydration
how often should you get a tetanus booster
every 10 years
what is hep A
same description as hep B but no bakers yeast allergy
what is diptheria
causes a thick covering in the back of the throat that can lead breathing problems, paralysis, heart failure and death
causes painful tightening of the muscles
whooping cough