(406 E2) CVA Flashcards
CVA epidemiology
-lots per year
-4th leading cause of death
-strokes occur every 40 sec w/ a death every 4 mins
-leading cause of serious disability
risk factors of CVA (11)
-tabacco use
-race (AA)
-oral contraceptives
-age (older)
-gender (men)
-sickle cell anemia
-hx of TIA
-Afib (d/t blood pooling)
CVA clinical manifestations (7)
-numbness or weakness on one side of body
-sudden confusion
-trouble speaking
-slurred speech (dysarthria)
-trouble sleeping
-severe headache
what drives treatment for CVA
cat scan so need to get this first because treatment starts
Ischemic Stroke
occlusion of cerebral artery by either thrombus or embolus resulting in an area of the brain losing blood supply, presentation depends on location of the occlusion shown by a cat scan and it can convert into a hemorrhagic stroke
patho of occlusion in the brain
occlusion -> oxygen deprivation -> neuro deficits within 1 min -> continued loss of supply leads to irreversible damage
if within tiny vessel, damage might not be noticed
what causes a thrombotic ischemic stroke
-hyper coagulable state
what cause an embolic ischemic stroke
-first look at cardiac sources: mural thrombus, Afib, venous clot if atrial septal defect or patent foramen ovale (hole in heart), or thrombus of vegetation of valves
-carotid plaque / carotid bruit
tissue around the ischemic area that is still viable / salvageable
goal is to get pt into treatment within 3hrs to reestablish blood flow & save the penumbra
what is a hemorrhagic stroke
-bleeding within the brain parenchyma associated w/ standing, severe htn
-38% mortality rate
-can also be caused by a ruptured brain aneurysm
-can effected large area of the brain
-increases IOP w/ inflammation
hemorrhagic stroke prognosis depends on
-location & size
-how rapid the bleed causes brain distortion & shift on scan
how does older age benefit stroke pts
as a persons ages, their brain shrinks -> more room for the blood to pool without causes damage
hemorrhagic stroke presentation
-“worst headache of my life”
-rapid change in LOC
-irritation of the meninges (nuchal rigidity & photophobia)
intracranial hemorrhage is
when bleeding occurs in the layers of the tissues that cover the brain
epidural bleed is
between the skull & the dura
subdural bleed is
below the dura
subarachnoid bleeds
between the arachnoid membrane and the pia mater
epidural bleeds characteristics
-usually skull fracture / trauma related
-arterial (tend to bleed a lot)
-injury is usually less sever
subdural bleeds characteristics
-bridging veins / venous bleed
-if severe, can see rapid decline
-if mild, can be 2-10 days before symptoms
-brain moves within skull, vessels
treatment for epidural & subdural bleeds
evacuate the blood collecting
subarachnoid bleeds characteristics
-hemorrhages into the area filled w/ cerebral spinal fluid
-usually caused by aneurysm or arterio venous malformation
-lumbar puncture will show blood in CSF
subarachnoid hemorrhage mgt
-bedrest w/ sedation
-BP tightrope
-surgical clipping as soon as possible
-prophylactic anticonvulsant
-nimodipine (narrows vessels & slows blood flow)
-triple H therapy: htn (pressors), hypervol (colloids) & hemodilution (Hct-33)
intracerebral bleed
bleeding in the brain tissue