peds development Flashcards
At what age does separation anxiety start?
6 months
When do the following reflexes go away?
0-4 months
When do the following reflexes go away? Rooting
4 months
When do the following reflexes go away? Stepping
2 months
When do the following reflexes go away? Moro
4-6 months
When do the following reflexes go away? Babinski
2 years
the toes flare upward when the sole of the foot
is stimulated. It is normal in neonates (immature nervous system). This reflex disappears by age 2 years. ‘
Later the normal response is for the toes to curl down
(stroke soles of feet).
When do the following reflexes go away? palmar grasp
3 months
At what age do children start to tell stories
At what age do children play mom and dad?
4 years of age
At what age can a child pedal a tricycle
3 years
At what age do children start to play PRETEND with dolls animals and people?
3 years
At what age can children have conversations using 2-3 sentences?
3 years of age
At what age can children follow instructions with 2 or 3 steps?
3 years of age
At what age do children start to dress AND undress themselves?
At what age can a child copy straight lines and circles?
2 yr
At what age can a child run,jump, and kick a ball
2 yr
at what age can a child build towers of blocks of 4 or more?
At what age can a child sort shapes and colors?
2 years of age
At what age will a child know names of body parts and familiar people?
2 years of age
At what age will children be EXCITED to play with other children?
2 years of age
At what age can a child follow simple directions?
1 year of age
At what age does a child copy gestures?
At what age can pt say “mama” “by-bye”
At what age can a child shake a head no, or wave bye?
At what age does a chld cry when mom or dad leave?
At what age can a patient pull themselves up to stand?
9 months
At what age can a patient move things from one hand to the other
9 months
At what age can a patient make different sounds like mammmmaa babbba
9 monhts
At what age can a patient mimi sound and gestures of others
9 months
At what age can a patient roll over from front to back, and back to front
6 months
At what age can a patient sit without support
6 months
At what age can a patient bring things to mouth?
6 months
At what age can a patient respond to their name
6 months
At what age can a patient say vowels like ah, eh or oh
6 months
At what age can a patient tell if someone is a stranger
6 months
At what age can a patient hold head steady without support
4 months
At what age can a patient babble?
4 months
At what age can a patient start to smile
2 months
At what age can a patient coo
2 months
At what age can a patient move head towards sound
`2 monhts