HEENT Flashcards
What is a Cholesteatoma?
“Cauliflower-like” growth with foul smelling discharge from an ear. On exam,
there is no visibile tympanic membrane or ossicles (destroyed). If not removed,
can erode into skull and the facial nerve (CN 7). A complication from chronic
otitis media infections. Treated with antibiotics and surgical removal of the mass.
What physical findings would you expect to see in papilledema?
Optic disc swollen with blurred edges caused by increased intracranial pressure
(ICP) because of brain tumor, abscess, or pseudotumor cerebri.
What is AV nicking ?
When the ateriole and vein cross over in the eye creating a kink, decreasing blood flow to the eyes
patients may complain of blurry vision
What is the difference between conductive hearing loss vs. Sensorineural?
conductive is because sound waves cannot conduct due to sometype of blockage
Sensorineural is inner and middle ear are not functioning properly, there is toxicity from a drug, physiological as to why someone has hearingloss
What is Presbycussis
This is age related hearing loss, and it is sensorineural
What type of hearing loss is Ménière disease disease?
If your patient has right ear pain, what would the result of their webber test be?
in this case it would lateralize to the right ear
If you patient has left ear pain, how would you interpret the Rhinne test?
In the Left ear that has tinnitus, bone conduction is better than AIR conduction
BC greater than AC!!
What organim causes otitis media?
- Strep pneumonia
- M. catarrhalis
- H. Influenzae
What is an Xanthelasma?
Raised and yellow soft plaques that are located under the brow on the upper and/or lower lids of the eyes on the nasal side.
May be a sign of hyperlipidemia if
present in persons younger than 40 years of age.
What is rhinitis Medicamentosa?
Prolonged use of topical nasal decongestants (>3days) causes rebound effects that result in severe and chronic nasal congestion. If the patient stops using the nasal spray, severe nasal congestion results.
What can cause PAINLESS otorrhea (ear drainage) and conductive hearing loss?
- Tympanic membrane perforation
- Cholesteatoma
What clinical sign has the most sensitivity for otitis media?
Impaired mobility of tympanic membrane
Describe the symptom onset of pertussis?
100 day cough
three phases which occur over 6-10 weeks
catarrhal phase: rhinorrhea, mild cough, low grade fever
paroxysmal phase: occurs in bursts, whoop and postussive emesis
convalescence phase: coughing decreases in frequency and intenity
What cranial nerve is the Webber and Rhinne test, testing for?
8Th cranial nerve, acoustic
What is a normal Rhinne test result?
when air conduction is heard twice as long as bone conduction
If you patient has conductive hearing loss what would the results of their Webber and Rhinnes test be?
- Webber in conductive hearing loss, it would lateralize to the affected ear
- Rhinne in conductive hearing loss bone conduction would be heard longer than air conduction
If your patient has sensorineural hearing loss what findings would you see in Weber and Rhinne test?
- Webber in sensoineural hearing loss, the sound would lateralize to the non affected ear
- Rhinne- in sensorineural hearing loss air conduction will be heard almost twice as long as bone conduction
How do you diagnose Herpes Keratitis?
Fluorescine dye strip with a black lamp in darkened room, fern like lines
What is Cavernous Sinus thrombosis?
a blood clot in the cavernous sinuses. It can be life-threatening.
What are the symptoms of Cavernous Sinus Thrombosis>
- Opthalmoplegia
- Proptosis
- Chemosis ( swelling of the eye surface membranes because of accumulation of fluid)
- Horners syndrome
What is horners syndrome
problem with sympathetic nerve supply to one side of face
miosis- constricted pupil
anhidrosis- failure to sweat
What is diptheria
Complains of extremely sore throat and dysphagia. The posterior pharynx and
respiratory tract are coated with gray-to-yellow pseudomembrane that is hard to
What is Hairy leukoplakia?
enlongated dark colored papilla on lateral aspects of the tongue, rule out HIV
What is a subconjunctival hemorrhage?
sudden onset of bright red blood on the eye that does not impede vision and is painless. Event preceded by severe coughing, sneezing, trauma
What considerations should be made if prescribing Betimol for
primary open angle glaucoma ?
its a beta blocker eye drop, contraindicated in:
Asthma, COPD, Heart block, heart failure
What signs and symptoms would you see in closed angle glaucoma?
sudden severe headache/eye pain
Halos arround lights
severe nausea/vomiting
What organisms cause Otitis Externa?
P. aeruginosa
Staphe aureus
What are the physical findings of optic neuritis ?
one eye vision loss
washed out color vision
affects CENTRAL vision loss
What specific eye conditions cause eye pain
Optic Neuritis
Acute closed angle glaucoma
How can you differentiate Iritis (anterior uveitis) from keratitis?
both will be painful, but on physical exam in Iritis the cornea will not be involved (read the question)