peds derm Flashcards
light red macule found on nape of neck, eyelids, philtrum, glabella
salmon patches
sharply marginated area, depressed seen in midline of scalp; developmental isolated defect
cutis aplasia
blue black or greenish macules on back and buttocks; fades within a few years
dermal melanocytosis
what to do if baby presents with preauricular anomaly
hearing screening
blotchy erythematous macules 2-3 cm with tiny 1-4 mm central vesicle or pustule; appear on arms, legs, trunk, but spare palms and soles
Erythema toxicum neonatorum
Erythema toxicum neonatorum is benign or malignant
vesicles or pustules with collarette of surrounding scales, or pigmented macules; more common in Af Am; can occur on palms and soles
transient neonatal pustular melanosis
____is not present at birth; and ____is present at birth
Erythema toxicum neonatorum; transient neonatal pustular melanosis
multiple discrete papules that appear before 6 weeks
acne neonatorum
initial tx of mild acne
benzoyl peroxide or topical retinoid
port wine stain on 1st trigeminal nerve distribution
sturge weber
port wine stain + meningeal hemangiomas on ipsilateral side + seizures +mental retardation
sturge weber
cafe au lait; optic glioma; Lisch nodules (iris hamartomas)
ash leaf spots
tuberous sclerosis
facial angiofibromas, shagreen patch, cortical tuber, cardiac rhabdomyoma, renal angiolipoma, multiple renal cysts, ash leaf spots
tuberous sclerosis
when can you start putting sunscreen on babies
> 6 mon
how often to reapply sunscreen in kid >6 mon
every 2 hrs