derm ID Flashcards
fever, cough, coryza, conjunctivis, koplik’s spots, erythematous macules and papules that start on face and spread cephalo-caudad
neuro complication assc’d with measles?
acute encephalitis
prodrome of URI sx, followed by pruritic, pink to red macules and papules that begin on face and spread to trunk/extremities over 24 hrs
rubella (german measles)
slapped red cheeks, lacelike eruption on trunk and extremities, lasting 5-9 days
erythema infectiosum (parvovirus B19)
mode of transmission of parvovirus B19
- respiratory secretions
- percutaneous exposure to blood
- vertical transmission
erythema infectiosum most common in what ages
age 4-10
high fever, URI sx, edema, as fever goes away a sudden rash appears
exanthem subitum (HHV6)
rash that is pink macules and papules surrounded by white halos, lasts 1-3 days
exanthem subitum (HHV6)
most common exanthem before age 2
exanthem subitum (HHV6)
erythematous erosions resembling apthae starting in mouth, then hands/feet, diaper area, buttocks, elbows
hand foot and mouth disease
hand foot and mouth disease is assocaited with which virus
hand foot and mouth disease more common in what popoulations
Asia; late summer and early fall
transmission of varicella
inhalation of respiratory secretions or contact with skin lesions
where does varicella tend to start
on face
what is molluscum contagiosum caused by
dsDNA pox virus
umbilicated dom-shaped papules that may auto-inoculate from one part of the body to another; resolve in 6-9 months
molluscum contagiosum
monomorphous pink to red-brown papules or papulovesicles; symmetric distribution, extensor surfaces of extremities and buttocks; pruritic; self limited; age 6 mon-15 yrs
gianotti crosti syndrome
Adolescents, herald patch that looks like ringworm, seen in the winter, christmas tree pattern following relaxed skin tension lines
pityriasis rosea
when HPV infects basal keratinocytes of skin and mucosa epithelia, causing hyperplasia of epithelium
chronic bacterial infxn caused by corynbacterium minutissimum; often in toes, groin, axilla; red or brown sharply demarcated plaque
erythrasma (red spot)
tx of erythrasma (red spot)
benzoyl peroxide + topical erythromycin soln