Peds Flashcards
What is the test of choice to confirm a diagnosis of pyloric stenosis?
Ultrasound is the test to confirm the diagnosis of pyloric stenosis
What are the signs and symptoms of hypothyroidism in a neonate?
Hypothyroidism in a neonate include:
large fontanelles
feeding problems
dry skin
What is the area % for an infant’s head?
An infant’s head represents 18% of their body area
What is the area % for an infant’s upper extremitiy?
Each arm represents 9% of an infants total body area. 4.5% in the front and 4.5% on the back
What is the area % for an infant’s lower extremity?
An infant’s lower extremity represents 14% of total body area
7% front and 7% back
What is the area % for an infant’s torso?
An infant’s torso represents 36% of their total body area.
18% for the front and 18% for the back.
When does the Babinski reflex usually disappear?
The babinski reflex usually disappears by 1-2 years of age
What are the characteristics of an
Atrial Septal Defect?
An atrial septal defect is
wide split S2
soft systolic ejection murmur
What are the characteristics of a
Ventral Septal Defect?
Ventral Septal Defect:
harsh holosystolic murmur @ left sternal border
associated with failure to thrive and congestive heart failure
*the murmur associated with VSD is generally louder and longer than the murmur of ASD
What hematologic cancer is assciated with young children?
Acute lymphocytic leukemia presents in children 2-5 years old
What are the sequela of untreated hydronephrosis in children?
Hydronephrosis is generally caused by obstruction, posterior urethral valves, or vesicouretal reflux.
Failure to treat the hydronephrosis in pediatrics can lead to hypertension, acute or chronic renal failure, recurrent infections and failure to thrive
What are the developmental milestones of a 6 month old?
at 6 months:
sit for a short period of time
rake objects in
eat solid food
sleep through the night
transfer objects from one hand to another
what are the developmental milestones for 4 months
At 4 months baby should:
roll front to back
sit assisted for short periods
What tumor is associated with the combination of:
genitourinary abnormalities
mental retardation
Wilms Tumor
a newborn with GU abnormalities and aniridia is highly suspicious for WAGR. Mental retardation will not be diagnosed immediately
What is the fundoscopic exam concerning for child abuse/shaken baby syndrome?
Viterous hemorrhage is the fundoscopic finding associated with child abuse/shaken baby syndrome
When should you report an anaphylatic reaction after a tetanus vaccine?
Report any anaphylatic reaction if it occurs within 7 days of giving a vaccine to the CDC
what is the emperic treatment for suspected early-onset bacterial meningitis?
ampicillin + gentamycin + 3rd gen cephalosporin
is the emperic treatment for suspected early onset bacterial meningitis
*Early onset = <1 week
What are the top three bugs responsible for early onset bacterial meningitis?
Early onset bacterial meningitis (<1 week)
Strep agalactiae
e. coli
What are the qualifications for being an emancipated minor?
to be a fully emancipated minor:
living along/married
financially indepenent
serving in the armed forces
*pregnancy does not fully emancipate the minor- although she does not need parental concent for prenatal care
Strictly breastfead babies need to be suplimented with what? why?
strictly breastfead babies should be supplimented with
Vitamin D since breast milk is deficient in it.
Supplementation with vitamin D will prevent rickets