OMT Flashcards
What is the beginning position of the ankle for HVLA if a patient has a fiblar head that is restricted in anterior motion?
restricted fibular head in anterior motion
distal fibula is restricted in posterior motion
ankle that is dorsiflexed, eversion, abducted (this is the barrier)
A patient shrugs his shoulders and the proximal clavicle remains cephalad.
What is the somatic dysfunciton?
adduction somatic dysfunction of the clavicle
what is the posterior chapman point for the kidney?
the posterior chapman point for the kidney is between the transverse processes of T12 and L1
Exhalation muscle energy to the first rib requires activation of which muscle?
Exhalation muscle energy to the first rib requires activation of the anterior and middle scalene muscles.
Exhalation muscle energy to the second rib requires activation of which muscle?
Exhalation muscle energy to the second rib requires activaton of the posterior scalene
Exhalation muscle energy to ribs 3-5 requires activation of which muscle?
Exhalation muscle energy to ribs 3-5 requires activation of the pectoralis minor
Exhalation muscle energy to ribs 6-8 requires activation of which muscle?
Exhalation Muscle energy to ribs 6-8 requires activation of the anterior serratus
Exhalation muscle energy to ribs 9- 10 requires activation of which muscle?
Exhalation muscle energy to ribs 9 -10 requires activation of the latissimus dorsi muscles
Exhalation muscle energy to ribs 11-12 requires activation of which muscle?
Exhalation muscle energy to ribs 11-12 requires activation of the quadratus lumborum muscles
(+) Adison’s Test indicates what diagnosis?
A positive Adson’s test
thoracic outlet syndrome
*adison’s test: abduct and extend arm to 90 degrees. Turn head to the ipsilateral side. Physician monitors the pulse.
what is the first line OMT technique for fibromyalgia?
counterstrain is the most gentle and requires the least amount of direct pressure on the tissues being manipulated.
What is the position of the sacrum when the cranial bones are in flexion?
when the cranial bones are in flexion the sacrum is in
extension or counternutation
What is the proper HVLA set up for an anterior radial head?
HVLA to an anterior radial head
forearm pronation and flexion
posterior thrust
Anterior radial head occurs when the patient falls backwards
the patient will have restricted pronation
What is the set up for HVLA if a patient has restricted motion into supination?
Restricted motion into supination means that the position of ease is pronation with a posterior radial head.
HVLA for a posterior radial head is
supination and extension with an anterior thrust
What is the cause of a
loss of sensation in the 4th and 5th digit?
ulnar nerve entrapment in the gunyon canal
where is the chapman point for the pancreas?
the chapman point for the pancreas is on the right, 7th intercostal space and posteriorly on the lamina of T7
which chapman points should be treated in someone with diabetes?
both the chapman points for the pancreas and the adrenal glands should be treated in patients with diabetes
What are the three rules of lumbosacral mechanics?
lumbosacral mechanics
- if L5 is sidebent the sacral axis is on the same side
- if L5 is rotated the sacrum rotates the opposite way
- the (+) seated flexion test is opposite of the axis
sphenoid and occiput oppositely rotate around 2 transvers axis
flexion and extension
in a vertical strain pattern they rotate around two transvers axis in the same direction