Nephrology/ GU Flashcards
What lab findings are expected in
pre-renal AKI?
- Bun:Cr
- FeNa
- Urine Sodium Concentration
- Urine Osm
Prerenal AKI
- BUN: Cr >20
- FeNa: <1%
- Urine Sodium concentration: <20
- Urine Osm: >500
What lab findings are expected with:
intra-renal AKI?
- BUN: Cr
- Urine Osm:
- Urine Sodium
- FeNa
intrarenal AKI:
- BUN:Cr <15
- Urine Osm: <350
- Urine Sodium: >40
- FeNa: >2%
What lab findings are expected in
post renal AKI?
- Urine Osm:
- Urine Na:
- FeNa:
- BUN:Cr
Post Renal AKI:
- Urine Osm: <350
- Urine Na: >40
- FeNa: mixed
- BUN:Cr >15
What does it mean if the urine turns blue with a cyanide-nitroprusside test?
That there is cistine in the urine indicating a defective renal amino acid transporter
*A patient with a build up of amino acids in the urine will be at an increased risk for bilateral kidney stones.
What is Bartter Syndrome?
Bartter Syndrome is an AR disorder that causes defective chloride reabsorption leading to decreased Na absorption in the loop of henle.
Decreased Na absorption leads to Hypovolemia, activation of RAAS, severely decreased potassium.
Look for polyhydraminos, hypokalemia, hypochloremia, metabolic acidosis, and hypovolemia
What is Liddle Syndrome?
Liddle Syndrome is the dysregulation of the ENaC channels in the proximal tubule leading to increased absorption of Na.
The increased absorption of Na leads to hypertension, along with hypokalemia. You’ll also see decreased levels of aldosterone and renin in these patients
What is the first line treatment for priapism that is <3 hours in duration?
for priapism that is <3 hours duration the first line treatment is
intracavernosal injection of phenylepinephrine
if this isn’t effective, intracavernosal needle aspiration is an option after 4 hours
urethral opening on the ventral side of the penis
*hypospadias are associated with an abnormal curvature of the penis known as a chordee.
It can also be associated with inguinal hernias and cryptorchidism, although this is not as common
What conditions predispose someone to the formation of uric acid stones?
Uric acid stones are formed in the setting of acidic urine and an increase in uric acid.
*look for a history of gout, tumor lysis syndrome, conditions with rapid cell turnover- leukemia, or metabolic acidosis (copious, frequent diarrhea)
diuretics like thiazides and loops can also precipitate uric acid stones
how do you treat and prevent uric acid stones?
Hydration is the number 1 way to prevent the formation of stones, but you can also decrease the acidity of the urine with potassium citrate
allopurinol can also be used
Patients with nephrotic syndrome are more susceptible to what type of infections?
patients with nephrotic syndrome are more susceptible to infections by encapsulated bacteria including strep pneumo.
make sure they get their vaccine.
Which class of diuretics can cause gout?
Thiazide diuretics can cause gout.
what is the first line treatment for HTN in a patient with proteinuria or evidence of CKD?
regardless of ethnicity, first line treatment of HTN in a patient with kidney issues are
What are the signs of epididymitis?
(+) Phren’s sign
normal lie
localized tenderness at the posterior of testicle
present cremasteric reflex
if pt is <35: Chlamydia
if >35: E. coli