Pediatrics - Basics Flashcards
What is definition of a neonate?
0-31 days old
What is age of a infant?
1 month old - 1 year old
What is the definition in age of a child?
> 1 year old
What are some of major differences in adults and pediatrics?
- Body temp regulation
- Airways
- Respiratory
- NPO Guidelines
- Cardiovascular
Hypothermia causes what?
- Decreased wound healing
- Prolonged drug metabolism
- Increased coagulopathy
How do neonates regulate temperature?
Brown fat metabolism
Why causes hypothermia in pediatrics?
- Low body fat content
- Thin skin
- Increased BSA : mass ratio compared to adults
- Inability to shiver (neonates)
What does increased BSA: mass ratio mean?
Means there is more space to lose heat more quickly
What causes hyperthermia in pediatrics?
Malignant hyperthermia
What are 3 stages of losing heat under anesthesia?
1) A. internal redistribution of heat (very dramatic in peds)
2) B. heat loss to environment
3) C. rewarming (can occur quickly in peds)
What do you have to remember about evaluating pediatric airway?
- May not be able to perform in pre-op
- - May have to wait until versed has kicked in/started working
T or F:
Almost all pediatric codes are due to cardiac origin?
most due to respiratory origin
T or F:
Majority of cardiopulmonary arrests occur at age < 1 year old
What are anatomical differences for pediatric airway?
- Larger head, tongue, tonsils, adenoids
- Anterior and cephalad (higher) larynx
- Funnel shaped larynx
- Angled vocal cords in relation to trachea
What are anatomical differences for pediatric epiglottis?
- Long floppy epiglottis
- Omega shaped epiglottis
- Angled epiglottis away from axis of trachea
What is narrowest point in pediatric airway?
Cricoid ring
What is narrowest point in adult airway?
Vocal cords
At what age does obligate nasal breathing subside in pediatric population?
3-5 months
At what vertebra level is pediatric glottic opening?
Between C3-C4
At what vertebra level is preterm infant glottic opening?
At what vertebra level is adult glottic opening?
Between C4-C5
What kind of blade do you use in peds?
Preceptor preference
Miller can be used better for lifting floppy epiglottis in neonates, infants and very young children
– But have both blades out to use
What kind of tube do you use in peds?
Attending preference
Can use cuffed, or uncuffed, or micro cuffed tubes
How much air can be placed into micro cuffed tube balloon?
0.25 - 1.5 mL
How do you determine size of tube to use?
Diameter = 4 + (age/4)
How do you determine depth of tube in the patient?
Depth = 12 + (age/2)
this only gives a ballpark depth, must tape at where you hear bilateral sounds
At what age can you start using the formula for determining the size of tube to use?
> 1 year old
What is the starting size of the tube for children?
4.0 tube
What is the starting size tube for neonates/infants?
3.5 tube
When performing the leak test, when should you hear the leak in a properly sized tube?
15-25 cmH2O
When performing the leak test, when should you hear the leak in a tube that is too small?
Leaks below 15 cmH2O
When performing the leak test, when should you hear the leak in a tube that is too large?
Leaks above 25 cmH2O
The physiology effect of edema basically means edema is what in pediatrics?
Any edema formation in pediatrics is very bad because they already have a narrower range to pass air through because trachea smaller in diameter so any blockage of this will greatly increase resistance and blockage compared to same edema formation in an adult
For a short case in pediatrics when using a size 4.0 tube or greater, should you use cuff or uncuffed?
Does not matter because of length of case
When are cuffed tubes then indicated?
- High aspiration risks cases (bowel obstruction)
- Low lung compliances cases (ARDS, CO2 insufflation cases)
- When needing precise control of ventilation and pCO2 gradients (Neuro cases, 1 ventricle physiology)
What are 2 main complications of ETT use in pediatrics?
– Postintubation croup ( can occur with multiple intubation attempts, traumatic intubation, large ETT used)
– Laryngotracheal stenosis (occurs in 90% of prolonged intubations and is caused by ischemic injury)
What is normal FRC for pediatric?
Same as adult
~ 28-30 mL/kg