Obstetrics: Anesthesia for Complicated Pregnancy Flashcards
What is labor that occurs between 20 & 37 weeks?
Premature labor
What percentage of deliveries are premature?
What are contributing factors to premature labor?
- Extremes of age
- Inadequate prenatal care
- Infections
- Prior preterm labor
- Multiple gestations
Preterm infants under 30 weeks and weighing less than 1500 G have more complications than term infants
What is the most common complication in premature babies?
Inadequate surfactant levels and low lung maturity
At what age does surfactant become adequate?
35 weeks
What is PROM?
Premature rupture of membranes
What happens during PROM?
Leakage of amniotic fluid that occurs before the onset of labor
What is incidence of PROM?
- 10% of all pregnancies
- - 35% of all premature deliveries
What are contributing factors to PROM?
- History of PROM or premature labor
- Multiple gestations
- Smoking
- Infections
T or F:
Spontaneous labor starts within 24 hours of PROM in 90% of patients
If PROM occurs before 34 weeks gestation, what is course of action?
Stop the pregnancy if you can
Start antibiotics
Start tocolytics for 5-7 days
If PROM occurs after 34 weeks gestation, what is course of action?
Deliver the baby
Chorioamnionitis is what?
Infection of the chorionic and amnionic membranes that may or may not involve the placenta, uterus, and umbilical cord
What is chorioamnionitis usually associated with?
What are some maternal complications of chorioamnionitis?
- Dysfunctional labor
- Septicemia (infection)
- Postpartum hemorrhage
What are some fetal complications of chorioamnionitis?
- Premature labor
- Acidosis
- Septicemia (infection)
What are clinical signs of chorioamnionitis?
- Fever >38* C
- Maternal and fetal tachycardia
- Foul smelling or purulent amniotic fluid
Is regional anesthesia safe for patients that have chorioamnionitis?
Is safe as long as no signs of septicemia at placement site
What has happened when an onset of sudden fetal bradycardia and profound decelerations is noted?
Umbilical cord prolapse
when umbilical cord is wedged between baby and canal possibly kinking off cord
What are predisposing factors of umbilical cord prolapse?
- Excessive cord length
- Malpresentation ( baby not head down)
- Grand parity >5 ( history of more than 5 pregnancies)
- Multiple gestations
What is treatment for umbilical cord prolapse?
- Immediate steep trendelendburg
- - Pushing of fetus back into pelvis until stat C-section can be performed
What is an entry of amniotic fluid into the maternal circulation that occurs through any break in uteroplacental membranes?
Amniotic fluid embolism
What is the mortality rate of an amniotic fluid embolism?
What does amniotic fluid contain?
- Fetal debris
- Prostaglandin
- Leukotrienes
What is incidence of Amniotic fluid embolism?
Very rare, but accounts for 10% of all maternal deaths with 50% mortality rate in 1st hour
What is the classic triad of symptoms to present during an amniotic fluid embolism?
- Acute hypoxemia
- Hemodynamic collapse w/ severe hypotension
- Coagulopathy without obvious cause
What are the 3 main pathophysiological manifestations with amniotic fluid embolism?
1) Acute pulmonary embolism
2) DIC
3) Uterine atony
What is the treatment for an amniotic fluid embolism?
- Resuscitation and supportive care
- Immediate delivery of baby improves maternal and fetal outcome
What are 3 types of partum hemorrhages?
- Antepartum
- Peripartum (intrapartum)
- Postpartum
What is antepartum?
Placenta previa
Placental abruption
What is peripartum?
Uterine rupture
What is postpartum?
Placenta accreta (placenta grows through endometrium) Uterine atony
What is placenta previa?
Complication in which placenta is wedged into uterine segment
What are 3 types of placenta previa?
- Central or complete previa (37% of time)
- Incomplete or partial previa ( 27% of time)
- Low lying or marginal previa (46 % of time)
What is complete placenta previa?
Placenta completely covers internal cervical OS
What is partial placenta previa?
Placenta partially covers internal cervical OS
What is marginal placenta previa?
– Placenta is close to the internal cervica OS without extending beyond its edge
(The anterior lying placenta previa increases risk of excessive bleeding during C/S)
What is incidence of placenta previa?
Goes up to 5% for subsequent pregnancies
What risk factors are associated with placenta previa?
- Scarring of uterine wall
- Many previous pregnancies
- Abnormally developed uterus
What is most common symptom of placenta previa?
Painless vaginal bleeding
What is the management of placenta previa for a women less than 37 weeks gestation?
Bedrest and observation
What is the management of placenta previa for a women after 37 weeks gestation?
When can you deliver vaginally with placenta previa?
When marginal placenta previa exist and bleeding is only mild
T or F:
All patients with vaginal bleeding are assumed to have placenta previa until proven otherwise
What type of anesthetics can you use for placenta previa?
– Regional if patient is hemodynamically stable and no active bleeding
– General with stat C/S if active bleeding or patient is unstable
For most OB procedures, how much blood needs to be crossmatched and available for transfusion?
2 units
What is a premature separation of normal placenta after 20 weeks of gestation?
Placenta abruption
How does placenta abruption cause fetal distress?
The separation of placenta equates for a loss of area for maternal-fetal gas exchange causing fetal distress
What is the most common cause of intrapartum fetal death?
Placental abruption
What are some risk factors for placental abruption?
- Trauma
- Prolonged PROM
- Tobacco, alcohol, cocaine usage
- Short umbilical cord
What are some symptoms of placental abruption?
- Painful vaginal bleeding
- Uterine tenderness
What is the unique diagnosis for placental abruption?
Amniotic fluid is port wine colored
Minimal placental abruption is characterized by what?
- Preterm with no fetal distress
- - Patient is hospitalized and pregnancy allowed to continue until fetal lung maturation
Mild to moderate placental abruption is characterized by what?
– If >37 weeks and no fetal distress, then vaginal delivery is allowed
– If fetal distress is apparent, then immediate C/S
– Fibrinogen levels are mildly reduced and patient starting to get to DIC
Severe placental abruption is characterized by what?
– Fibrinogen, Factor 5 and 7, and platelet counts all low
– Is life threatening emergency and requires STAT C-section
What is IFD?
Intrauterine fetal demise
What type of anesthetic is preferred for placental abruptions?
General b/c of high blood loss and required treatment of hyprovolemia
What is a uterine rupture?
When the integrity of the myometrial wall is breached that typically occurs during active labor