Pediatrics Flashcards
At what point should an infant have regained her birthweight after initial weight loss?
What about at 4 months, 12 months, and 24 months?
2 weeks
double by 4 months
triples at 12 months
quaduples at 24 months
How much weight should a child gain per year?
from 2-13 years, weight gain is about 5 pounds per year
inadequate weight gain
poor food intake chronic vomiting or diarrhea malabsorption neoplasm congenital diseases
failure to thrive
Complications of obesity
rapid growth sleep apnea HTN SCFE precocious puberty increased incidence of skin infections social dysfunction earlier development of 2DM
Height, or birth length at 1 year, 4 years, 13 years
1 year: increased by 50%
4 years: double
13 years: triple
2-13year: 2 inches/year
Greater-than-normal height
familial tall stature precocious puberty gigantism hyperthyroidism klinefelter syndrome Marfan syndrome obesity
lower-than-normal height
familial short stature neglect constitutional growth delay asthma CF TUrner IBD immunologic disease growth hormone deficiency hypothyroidism glucocorticoid excess skeletal dysplasia neoplasm
Cerebral metabolic diseases:
- Tay-Sachs
- Maple syrup urine disease
Neurocutaneous syndromes
- neurofibromatosis
- tuberous sclerosis
Hydrocephalus increased intracranial pressure skeletal dysplasia acromegaly intracranial hemorrhage
fetal toxin exposure- fetal alcohol syndrome
chromosomal trisomies congenital infections cranial anatomic abnormalities metabolic disorders neural tube defects
how to address growth defects
treat underlying disorder
intervention in abuse cases
parent education
thorough family history
developmental milestones during childhood: 2 months
social smile
lefts head 45 degrees
eyes follow object to midline
isn’t talking but can coo
developmental milestones during childhood: 4 months
laughs is aware of caregiver localizes sound lifts head to 90 degrees when on stomach fine motor- can follow an object with eyes past midline
developmental milestones during childhood: 6 months
differentiates parents for others stranger anxiety grasps objects, or rakes objects toward self attempts to feed self babbles
developmental milestones during childhood: 9 months
interactive games
separation anxiety
crawling, pulls to stand
developmental milestones during childhood: 12 months
taking first steps
pincer grasp
makes 2-block tower
5-10 word vocabulary
developmental milestones during childhood: 18 months
parallel play walks well walks backward tower of 4 blocks can use a cup and spoon
developmental milestones during childhood: 2 years
dresses self with help
climbs stairs
gender identity around 2-3 years old (around time of potty training)
6 block tower
50-75 words; 3-word sentences
developmental milestones during childhood: 3 years
magical thinking
climbs/descends stairs
makes a tower of 9 blocks
draws a circle
developmental milestones during childhood: 4 years
plays with others hop on 2 foot draws a line image and a closed figure (triangle, square) 250 or more words
developmental milestones during childhood: 6 years
can draw a stick figure person
When do infant reflexes disappear?
by 6 months
after this, suggestive of CNS abnormalities esp in context of
perinatal complications
rooting reflex
rubbing the cheek causes turning the cheek towards the stim
Tonic reflex
face turns, arm on face side extends and other arm flexes
placing reflex
rubbing dorsum of foot causes that foot to step up
Anticipatory guidance:
newborn to 1 week
sleep on back to prevent SIDS
“back to sleep” campaign
baby does not need to bath every day
Anticipatory guidance:
4-6 months
begin feeding solid foods
usually first food is iron- fortified cereal
Anticipatory guidance:
12 months
can introduce cow’s milk
before 12 months, hemorrhage in the gut is more likely
When do kids start seeing the dentist?
2-3 yo
if cavities have begun, then go to the dentist with six months of first tooth eruption
unless there are risk factors (brushing less than once a day, caregivers with lots of cavities, etc.)
Anticipatory guidance:
can start seeing dentist
Anticipatory guidance:
regular sleep schedule
television limitation
when do you see kids for wellchilld visits?
2 days 2 weeks 1 month 2 months 4 months 6 months
every 3 months from 6-18 months
every year after 2 years old
how many DTaP vaccines does a kid get?
how many Hib vaccines does a kid get?
how many PCV vaccines does a kid get?
When do you give HepB vaccine?
at birth
When do you give Tdap vaccine?
11-12 yo
When do you give meningococcal vaccine (MCV4)
at 11-12 years, with a booster at 16yo
when do you give HPV vaccines? there are 3
11-12 yo to males and females both
when do you give flu vaccines?
>6 months
appropriate use of car seats
How many calories are present in an ounce of breast milk? How many calories are present in an ounce of formula?
20 kcal/ounce
breast milk is designed to be this way
What are the caloric needs for an infant younger than 6 months?
100-120 kcal/kg/day
What work-up should be performed on a newborn with a single umbilical arter?
occurs in about 0.5% of births and 20-30% of these infants have major structural anomalias
Work this up with renal ultrasound, as 7% will have clinically significant (but asymptomatic) renal anomalies
What are the most common problems that arise in premature infants?
respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) hypoglycemia persistent PDA infection/sepsis retinopathy of prematurity intraventricular hemorrhage necrotizing enterocolitis
in a NICU, these are the things you would try to treat and prevent
caput succedaneum
edema in the scalp
crosses the midline and diminishes after a few days
subperiosteal hemorrhage
edema does not cross suture lines
resolves in weeks to months
more likely with vacuum deliveries, increased risk of jaundice as blood breaks down
bloody vaginal discharge in a the first few days of life
withdrawl of hormones leads to menstruation. there is nothing to do about this
cutis marmorata
spider webbing or marbling of the skin
not concerning
erythema toxicum neonatorum
2-3 mm yellow pustule with red base
similar in appearance to a whitehead
arising in the first 24-72 hours of life, microscopic examination of the pustular contents (not necessarily for diagnosis), reveals numerous eosinophils, that are usually gone by 3 weeks.
Tell the parents to leave this alone
Harlequin color change
intense reddening of gravity- dependent side and blanching of the nondependent side with a line of demarcation between the two, lasts a few seconds-minutes, affects 10% of newborns (more common in newborns), most common in first few days of life, may be due to immaturity of autonomic innervation to skin vessels. Completely benign and will resolve in days to 3 weeks.
macular stains (stork bites)
permanent vascular malformations, commonly at the nape of the neck, but also at upper eyelids and middle forehead
Benign but permanent.
Milia (or miliaria)
sweat accumulated beneath eccrine sweat ducts
obstructed by keritin at stratum corneum
usually develops in the first week after birth, with excess clothing or fever
Mongolian spots
will fade in 1-2 years
Neonatal acne
20% of infants
onset around 3 weeks of age
mild lesions should be left alone and will resolve in about 4 months
severe inflammation managed with retinoids, or benzoyl peroxide
infantile acne
different than neonatal acne, onset usually at 3-4 months of age, yellow papules around nose and cheeks, usually clear by age 1, but may persis until age 3. Severe inflammation can be managed with benzoyl peroxide or topical retinoids