Pediatrics Flashcards
most neonatal umbilical hernias will spontaneously resolve by what age?
5 years old
t/f systemic corticosteroids, elimination diets, and topical antibiotics should be avoided in atopic dermatitis
what type of baths are beneficial for moderate to severe cases of atopic dermatitis?
bleach baths
how frequently should you use mid or high potency steroid medication for atopic dermatitis ?
once daily - using twice daily offers minimal improvement
t/f topical steroids and calcineurin inhibitors are safer and less expensive options for treatment of atopic dermatitis compared with Opzelura
t/f tolerance to food antigens improves with frequent exposure in infants
once remission is achieved for a patient with relapsing atopic dermatitis, what are the two options for maintenance therapy?
once daily midpotency steroid or calcineurin inhibitor two to three times weekly
at what age does the USPSTF start recommending comprehensive intensive behavioral intervention for children with BMI > 95th percentile?
6 years
what medication can be used to treat atopic dermatitis that is mild in whom the patient prefers to avoid steroids and calcineurin inhibitors?
crisaborole (PDE4 inhibitor)
what is the recommended dose of daily ferrous sulfate supplementation for pediatric patients with IDA?
what is the most common cause of anemia in children less than 5 yo ?
iron deficiency anemia
universal screening for anemia should be considered in all children at what age timeline?
9-12 months
what is the preferred type of iron to use for supplementation to treat IDA in children?
ferrous sulfate
t/f systolic ejection murmur can be a physical sign of anemia
when should iron supplementation start for infants who are exclusively breastfed?
4 months
what 4 studies should be done to further classify normocytic anemia in children?
reticulocyte count, bilirubin, haptoglobin and LDH
G6PD deficiency, pyruvate kinase deficiency, hereditary spherocytosis can cause what type of anemia?
normocytic anemia
what is the most common inherited blood disorder in the US?
sickle cell anemia