Pediatric Reflexes Flashcards
Asymmetric Tonic Neck Reflex (ATNR)
Stim: head turned to one side
Response: arm and leg on face-side extend, arm and leg on scalp-side flex, spine curved convexly toward face-side
Normal Age: birth-6 months
Symmetrical Tonic Neck Reflex (STNR)
Stim: head flexed/extended
Response: w/head in flex- arms flexed, legs extended
w/ head in ext- arms extended, legs flexed
Normal Age: 6-8 months
Effects of Abnormal ATNR on Movement
Interferes w/: feeding, visual tracking, midline use of hands, bilateral hand use, rolling, development of crawling, may lead to skeletal deformities
Effects of Abnormal STNR on Movement
Interferes w/: ability to prop up on arms in prone, attaining/maintaining hands-and-knees position, reciprocal crawling, sitting balance when looking around, use of hands when looking at object in hands
Tonic Labyrinth Reflex (TLR)
Stim: position of inner ear labyrinth- reflected through head position
Response: in supine- body/extremities held in ext
in prone- body/extremities held in flex
Normal Age: birth to 6 months
Effects of Abnormal TLR on Movement
Interferes w/: ability to initiate rolling, ability to prop up on elbows w/ ext hips in prone, ability to flex trunk & hips to come into sitting form supine, often causes full body ext-interferes w/ balance in sitting/standing
Galant Reflex (GR)
Stim: touch to skin along spine form shoulder to hip
Response: lateral flexion of trunk to the same side as stimulus
Normal Age: 30wks gestation-2 months
Effects of Abnormal GR on Movement
Interferes w/: development of sitting balance, can lead to scoliosis
Palmar Grasp Reflex
Stim: pressure in palm on ulnar side of hand
Response: flexion of fingers causing strong grip
Normal Age: birth-4 months
Effects of Abnormal Palmar Grasp on Movement
Interferes w/: ability to grasp/release object voluntarily, weight bearing on open hand for propping up/ crawling/ protective responses
Plantar Grasp Relfex
Stim: pressure to base of toes
Response: toe flexion
Normal Age: 28 wks gestation- 9 months
Effects of Abnormal Plantar Grasp on Movement
Interferes w/: ability to stand w/ feet on flat surface, balance reactions/weight shifting in standing
Rooting Reflex
Stim: touch on cheek
Response: turning head to same side as stim w/ mouth open
Normal Age: 28 wks gestation- 3 months
Effects of Abnormal Rooting on Movement
Interferes w/: oral-motor development, development of midline control of head, optical righting, visual tracking and social interraction
Moro Reflex
Stim: head dropping into ext suddenly for a few inches
Response: arms ABduct w/ fingers open, then cross trunk into ADduct; crying
Normal Age: 28 wks gestation- 5 months
Effects of Abnormal Moro on Movement
Interfers w/: balance reactions in sitting, protective responses in sitting, hand-eye coordination, visual tracking
Startle Reflex
Stim: Loud, sudden noise
Response: similar to Moro- but elbows remain flexed & hands closed
Normal Age: 28 wks gestation- 5 months
Effects of Abnormal Startle on Movement
Interferes w/: sitting balance, protective responses in sitting, hand-eye coordination, visual tracking, social interaction, attention
Postive Support Reflex
Stim: weight places on balls of feet when upright
Response: stiffening of legs and trunk into ext
Normal Age: 35 wks gestation- 2 months
Effects of Abnormal Positive Support on Movement
Interferes w/: standing, walking, balance reactions, weight shift in standing, can lead to ankle contracture into plantarflex
Walking/Stepping Reflex
Stim: supported upright position w/ soles of feet on firm surface
Response: reciprocal flex/ext of legs
Normal Age: 38wks gestation- 2 months
Effects of Abnormal Walking/Stepping on Movement
Interferes w/: standing, walking, balance reactions, weight shift in standing, development of smooth coordinated reciprocal movements of LE