Dermatomes and Myotomes Flashcards
C1 Dermatome
D: vertex of skull
C2 Dermatome
D: temple, forehead, occiput (posterior head)
C3 Dermatome
D: neck, posterior cheek, temporal area, prolongation forward under mandible (posteriolateral neck)
C4 Dermatome
D: shoulder area, clavicle, upper scapula (Acromioclavicular joint)
C5 Dermatome
D: deltoid area, anterior aspect of arm to base of thumb (Lateral Arm)
C6 Dermatome
D: anterior arm, radial side of hand to thumb, index finger (Lateral forearm and thumb)
C7 Dermatome
D: lateral arm/forearm to middle, ring, and pinkie fingers (palmar distal phalanx-middle finger)
C8 Dermatome
D: medial arm/forearm to middle, ring and pinkie fingers (little finger and ulnar border of hand)
T1 Dermatome
D: Medial side of forearm to base of pinkie finger (medial forearm
T2 Dermatome
D: medial side of upper arm to medial elbow, pectoral and midscapular areas
T3-6 Dermatome
D: upper thorax
T5-7 Dermatome
D: costal margin
T8-12 Dermatome
D:abdomen and lumbar region
L1 Dermatome
D: Back, over greater trochanter and groin
L2 Dermatome
D: Back, front of thigh to knee (anterior thigh)
L3 Dermatome
D: Back, upper buttock, anterior thigh and knee, medial lower leg (middle 1/3 of anterior thigh)
L4 Dermatome
D: Medial buttock, lateral thigh, medial leg, dorsum of foot, big toe (patella and medial malleolus)
L5 Dermatome
D: buttock, posterior/lateral thigh, lateral aspect of leg, dorsum of foot, medial half of sole, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd toes (Fibular head and dorsum of foot)
S1 Dermatome
D: Lateral and plantar aspect of foot
S2 Dermatome
D: buttock, thigh, posterior leg (medial aspect of posterior thigh)
S3 Dermatome
D: groin, medial thigh-knee (perianal area)
S4 Dermatome
D: perineum, genitals, lower sacrum (perianal area)
C1 Myotome
M: n/a
Resistive Test: cervical rotation
C2 Myotome
M: longus colli, sternocleidomastoid, rectus capitis
Resistive Test: shoulder elevation
C3 Myotome
M: trapezius, splenius capitis, Diaphragm, Scalenes
Resistive Test: shoulder elevation
C4 Myotome
M: trapezius, levator scapulae, Diaphragm, Scalenes
Resistive Test: shoulder elevation
C5 Myotome
M: supraspinatus, infraspinatus, deltoid, biceps, Diaphragm, Scalenes
Resistive Test: shoulder ABduct, elbow flexion
C6 Myotome
M: biceps, supinator, wrist extensors, Scalenes
Resistive Test: elbow flexion, wrist extension
C7 Myotome
M: triceps, wrist flexors, Scalenes
Resistive Test: elbow extension, wrist flexion
C8 Myotome
M: ulnar deviators, thumb extensors/ADDuctors, Scalenes
Resistive Test: thumb extension
T1 Myotome
M: palmaris longus, flexor carpi ulnaris, Pronator Quadratus
Resistive Test: finger ADDuction
T5-7 Myotome
M: Rectus Abdominis, Interal/External Obliues, Transverse Abdonimis
T8-12 Myotome
M: Quadratus Lumborum, Rectus Abdominis, Internal/External Obliues, Transverse Abdonimis
L3 Myotome
M: Psoas, quadriceps, ADDuctors, Sartorius
Resistive Test: knee extension
L4 Myotome
M: Hamstrings, glut medius, Tibialis anterior, extensors hallucis,TFL, IT band
Resistive Test: knee extension, Ankle Dorsiflexion
L5 Myotome
M: Hamstrings, glut max/medius, TFL, IT Band, Piriformis, Plantaris, Popliteus, peroneals, Tib Anterior/Posterior, Extensor/Flexor Digitorum, Ext/Flex hallucis
Resistive Test: Ankle Dorsflexion, great toe extension
S1 Myotome
M: calf, hamstrings, gluteals, peroneals, plantarflexors
Resistive Test: ankle plantarflexion
S2 Myotome
M: calf, hamstrings, gluteals, plantarflexors
S4 Myotome
M: bladder, rectum
L2 Myotome
M: Psoas, hip ADDuctors, Sartorius
Resistive Test: hip flexion