Lobes Flashcards
Frontal Function
voluntary movement, intellect, orientation
Broca’s Area: speech, concentration
personality, temper, judgement, reasoning, behavior, self-awareness, execitive function
Parietal Function
touch, kinesthesia, vibration, temperature
recieves info from brain regarding hearing, vision, motor, sensory, memory
provides meaning for objects
interprets language and words
spatial and visual perception`
Temporal Function
primary auditory processing/olfaction
Wernicke’s Area: understanding/production of speech, verbal/general memory
rear section enables interpretation of other’s emotions and reactions
Occipital Function
main visual processing center
processes color, light, and shapes
judges distance, provides ability to see in 3D
Frontal Impairment
contralateral weakness
perseveration, inattention
personality changes, antisocial behavior
impaired concentration, apathy
Broca’s Aphasia (expressive deficits)
delayed/poor initiation
emotional lability
Pariteal Impairment
dominant hemisphere = agraphia, alexia, agnosia
non-domintant hemisphere = dressing apraxia, constructional apraxia, anosognosia (impaired awareness of illness)
contralateral sensory deficits
impaired language comprehension
impaired taste
Temporal Impairment
learning deficits
Wernicke’s Aphasia: receptive deficits
antisocial, aggressive behaviors
difficulty with facial recognition
difficulty with memory, memory loss
inability to categorize objects
Occiptial Impairments
homonymous hemianopsia (loss of half of the field of view on the same side in both eyes)
impaired extraocular muscle movement and visual deficits
impaired color recognition
reading and writing impairment
cotrical blindness with bilateral lobe involvement