Pediatric principles of motor development, reflexes, and righting reactions Flashcards
cephalocaudal principle
head to toe
0-6 months: head and neck control, then upper body
6-12 months: trunk, legs to sit, stand, cruise, walk
proximal to distal principle
center/core of body (head and trunk) develops first, then distal (hands/feet)
ex: need wrist and thumb before isolated finger control
mass to specific (differentiation) principle
baby progresses from the entire use of the body to using specific body parts
ex: rolling (whole body/log roll to segmented roll)
rooting reflex
@28 weeks gestation; integrated @3 mo
test: stroke baby’s mouth –> head/mouth/tongue will move towards the stimulation
*searching; survival to find food
suck/swallow reflex
@28 weeks gest; int @2-5 mo
test: place finger in the mouth –> strong, rhythmical sucking
*eating food
traction reflex
@28 weeks gest; int @2-5 mo
test: pull baby up by forearms and pull to sit –> head lag, UE flexion, reflexive grasp
*enhances reflexive grasp
moro reflex
@28 weeks gest; inter @6 mo
test: rapidly drop the baby’s head backward –> immediate arms out, then arms in and crying
*alarm system, fight/flight response
plantar reflex
@28 weeks gest; integ @ 9 mo
test: put pressure on bottom of foot –> toes curl
*prep for standing, tactile input
not integrated: inc in sensitivity, delayed walking
galant reflex
@32 weeks gest, int @2 mo
test: hold in prone suspended and stroke down side of back –> lateral trunk flexion on the stimulated side
*trunk stabilization, lateral movement for crawling
palmar grasp
@37 weeks gest, int @6mo
test: press into palm –> fingers curl
*increase tactile stim on hands, grasp/release, hand manipulation, crawling
@37 weeks gest, int @6 mo
test: supine, rotate head to one side –> face side arm extension
skull side arm flexion (think like in warrior 2 looking over your extended arm)
*hand eye coordination, crossing midline, poor handwriting and reading comprehension
TLR (tonic labyrinthine reflex)
@37 weeks gest, int @ 6 mo
in prone –> increased flexor tone
in supine –> increased extensor tone
*diff extending head in prone or sitting up in supine because the increase in extensor tone will make it difficult to flex the neck
gravity, muscle tone
@4-6mo, int @8-12 mo
test: place in crawling position and flex the head –> arms will flex, legs extend (puppy pose)
place in crawl and ext head –> arms will ext, legs bend
think: the arms do same as what you are doing to the head
*precursor to crawling, diff sitting from supine because requires neck flexion (and if the LEs are extended this resists the movement of sitting up), poor muscle tone and POSTURE
landau reflex
@3-4 mo, int @12-24 mo
test: hold baby in prone suspended –> total extension of body
*postural control, breaks up flexor tone
neck righting reaction
neck acting on body
test: supine, turn head to 1 side –> entire body log rolls in direction of head (NON SEGMENTAL; body moves as 1 unit)
*facilitates rolling, maintains alignment, precursor to crawling
body righting reaction
body acting on body
test: supine, bend 1 hip/knee towards chest –> SEGMENTAL rolling
optical head righting
birth - 2 mo
never integrated
uses VISUAL system
orients head in space
test: hold baby upright and tilt off center –> center their head using vision
labyrinthine head righting
never integrated (starts 2mo)
NO visual cues
test: cover eyes and tilt them off center –> they will center their head using their vestibular system
protective reactions (4)
- downward (4 mo) - lower baby toward ground –> extend their LEs
- forward (6 mo) - tip baby forward –> extend UEs
- sideways (7 mo) - tip baby to the side –> UE ext and abduct
- backwards (9 mo) - tip baby back –> UEs extend
equilibrium reactions (4)
- prone tilt (5 mo)
- supine tilt (7-8 mo)
- quadruped tilt (9-12 mo)
- standing tilt (12-21 mo)
test: place in that position on a tilt board and raise it to 1 side
response: spine will curve on the raised side; both arms will extend and abduct
*postural adjustments; maintain equilibrium
think about a surf board
motor development
- crossing midline
- laterality (hemispheric specialization)
- bilateral integration (coordination)
- fine motor and dexterity
- visual motor integration
- oral motor control