other shiz I gotta know Flashcards
Americans with disabilities act (ADA) of 1990
- full participation in society for people with disabilities
- accessible environments
- policies with public service, employment, transportation, and public accommodations
omnibus budget reconciliation act (OBRA)
restraints cannot be used without proper justification, agreement, and documentation
individuals with disabilities act (IDEA)
children with disabiltiites receive education in the least restrictive and most natural environment
- inclusive models, taught in general education classroom
- IEP goals must be developed
- accommodations must be provided
assistive technology act (AT)
improving access to and acquisition of AT by funding direct services to support individuals with all types of disabilitites
fair housing amendments act
all multifamily housing with an elevator and all ground floor units of buildings without an elevator meet 7 accessibility requirements:
1. building entrance
2. public and common use areas
3. sufficiently wide doors for w/c
4. routes through the unit
5. light switches, outlets, thermostats, and environmental controls in easy access
6. reinforced walls in bathrooms to install grab bars
7. kitchen/bathroom w/c access
section 504 of rehabilitation act
all programs receiving federal aid make reasonable accommodations for all qualified individuals with disabilities including new constructions or alternations in physical spaces
funding for different accomodations
if it will enable a person to go to work or school
- state VESID vocational and ed services for ind with dis
- OVR offices for vocational rehab
- DVR divisions of voc rehab
private insurance, medicare, and medicaid sometimes cover
interventions to prevent wandering
- distract with an activity or topic of interest
- camouflage doors, exits, elevators with full length mirrors, signs, wallpaper, vertical blinds
- tape on floors to mark end of hall
- locks or velcro doors
- door alarms and monitoring devices
- rearrange furniture
illicit a swallow reflex
Cold stimulation to inferior faucial arches via a chilled dental exam mirror
types of practice
Blocked practice involves repeated performance of the same motor skill (cans are same size and weight). If they had different sizes, shapes, or weights, it would be random practice. Contextual practice is made up
Full time equivalent (FTE)
the amount of work time assigned to one full time staff member in a year. In this scenario, 4 employees have part time responsibilities, so they would each be considered 0.5 FTE x 4 = 2, plus the 6 full would be 8
Direct intervention for oral motor control
involves techniques that utilize a bolus
D1 and D2
D1 flexion pattern: “up and away” – dishwasher on ground to cabinet in opposite upper
D2 extension pattern: “down and in” (ch 12)
Lip closure
slight upward sweep of the index finger from the lower jaw to lower lip, also pressing down on the space between nose and upper lip
baby feeding progression
taking cereal from a spoon, self feeding by sucking a cracker, holding and banging an spoon, finger feeding soft foods, bringing a spoon to mouth, scooping food and bring to mouth
side effect of antipsychotic medications shown by restlessness, hand tremors, and shaky legs
also a side effect of antipsychotic medications, but is a lack of movement
Traditive dyskinesia
permanent side effect from long term use antipsychotics
Pseudo parkinsonism
rigidity, pill rolling tremors, masked face, shuffling gait
Overhead suspension sling
best suited for individuals with proximal weakness with muscle grade 1/5-3/5
Angled/curved tools
used for ROM deficits
which SCI can independently don pants in bed
depression transfers
level that can do full bowel/bladder care
bc fine motor skills
deficit specific approach
basic intervention for body approach for body neglect is the provision of bilateral activities. Therapist can guide the affected extremity if needed
Motor learning principle and random practice
performance of several motor tasks in random order to encourage reformulation of the solution to the presented motor problem
sensorimotor approach
activities should not require the individual to think about the steps needed to complete the activity. Should be spontaneous, noncortical, and fun (keeping balloons afloat while music plays)
shoulder tears
o Partial: weakness and pain
o Full: weakness and no pain
o Tendonitis: strong mx and pain
household mgmt kids
Wiping tabletops is 3 yrs, sorting laundry 4 yrs, making bed 5 yrs
Head trauma and STNR
most difficult would be moving from lying supine to sitting because it is initiated by neck flexion, and the STNR would result in increased hip extension, making it difficult to sit up
Rhett’s home program for parents
perform PROM to prevent contractures
CRPS and edema
elevation of the affected hand above the heart (retrograde massage is in a centripetal direction and would not be initial tx when pt is in pain)
rotator cuff post op
4-6 week PROM to AAROM, then 6 weeks strengthen with isometrics then isotonic
transfer of training approach
remedial and restorative to increase skill, deficit specific, utilizes tabletop activities and computer activities, organizing a list of daily activities
IEPs must be written
within 30 days of eval
prism glasses
bend light to 90 deg – laying down and can read
joint protection
start an activity only if it can be immediately stopped when it requires capacities beyond existing capacitates
o Others: pain should be a warning sign, stand directly in front of items to be opened/closed, ROM and muscle strength can be maintained by using MAXIMAL rom and MAXIMAL strength during activities
froment’s sign
Froment’s sign: the ULNAR nerve (adductor pollicis)
used with depression, borderline, suicidal thoughts/self injury
teaches: assertiveness, coping, and interpersonal skills
opportunities to practice more skills; rapport building