Frames of Reference and Developmental Theories Flashcards
top down approach
what is important to the client?
holistic, client centered
determine the occupation/role the client wishes to return to
deficits are considered later
bottom up
more biomechanical
ROM, strength, agent modalities
looking at ways to restore/remediate the deficits
ecology of human performance model (EOHP)
how the CONTEXT and environment influences performance (like productivity in a coffee shop)
4 constructs: person, context, task, performance
in test question: look for changing/adapting the environment or context so you can be successful (because you have the motivation, but need to change the environment)
intervention for ecology of human performance model
- establish and restore to improve abilities and function
- adapt/modify context and task demand
- alter - find optimal context
- prevent: anticipate problems
- create opportunities for performance
PEO-P model
person environment occupation performance
looking at the fit between all of these
in the test: see where these parts are identified in the question (the child is in school working on handwriting)
transactional relationships of occupations with people and their environments
offers many avenues for change
model of human occupation
looking at the person
MOHOvates (motivates)
intrinsic desires, volition, habituation
what drives them to engage them in the occupation
occupational adaptation theory
- INTERNAL adaptation process that we are trying to improve
- mastery over their performance
- when there is an improved adaptive process (flexibility), the more functional
- normative, lifelong process
tx goal: using meaningful occupation to improve client’s ability to adapt
3 elements of occupational adaptation theory
- person (intrinsic DESIRE for mastery)
- environment (DEMAND for mastery)
- interaction of the two
produces the outcome that is meaningful
models vs frames of reference
m: focus on occupation based models with all disabilities, general
for: specific way to address a disability
cognitive behavioral therapy
thoughts, feelings that impact behavior
identify and understand the behavior and problem solve appropriate ways to respond
thought record
treatment idea with CBT
paper with columns
identifying different thoughts throughout the day, write it down, the response they had, and an alternative response
behavioral frame of reference
looking just at behaviors
if your client engages in maladaptive behaviors, they are unavailable to learn and participate
punishment or reward systems, modeling, role playing (support good, eliminate bad)
“extinguishing” behaviors
behavior contracts
psychodynamic/psychoanalytic frame of reference
means of supporting feelings, thoughts, and emotions
negative energy/thoughts takes up space in your brain and you can’t participate in more meaningful activities
engage in expression
lifestyle performance model
identify and describe the nature and “doing” elements of an environment that support a satisfying life
match between environment and the person’s needs
intervention addresses 5 questions:
- what does the person need to be able to do?
- what is the person able to do?
- what is the person unable to do?
- what interventions are needed, and in what order?
- what are the characteristics/patterns of activity and of the environment that will enhance their QOL?
performance measured in 4 domains: self care and maintenance, intrinsic gratification, societal contribution, and reciprocal relationships
sensory integration frame of reference
winnie dunn - sensory seeking, avoiding, sensitivity, poor registration
tina champagne - sensory modulation
recovery model
person’s intrinsic motivation to establish sense of hope for the future
focus on improving quality of life by attaining goals through self-advocacy
psychiatric rehab
eliminate barriers and promote health and wellness
not linear
person specific (individualized)
partner with service providers and community based services
Erikson’s 8 stages
- trust vs mistrust - infancy/baby - 18 mo
- autonomy vs doubt and shame - 2-4yrs
- initiative vs guilt - preschool age
- industry vs inferiority (security and mastery with peers) - elementary school age
- self identify vs role confusion - teenage years
- intimacy vs solidarity - young adulthood
- generatively vs self absorption - middle adulthood
- integrity vs despair - late adulthood
maslow’s heirarchy of needs
if the lowest needs are not met, the person cannot work on higher levels
- physiological: basic survival needs
- safety: psychical and psychological security
- love and belonging: affection, support, group affil
- self-esteem: belief in oneself as valuable
- self-actualization: highest level
Piaget’s sequence of cognitive development
- sensorimotor period (birth - 2)
- pre operational (2-7)
- concrete operational (7-11)
- formal operations (11-19)
development of play
exploratory (0-2yrs) - with parents, develops body scheme, exploring properties and effects
symbolic (2-4) - tests and refines ideas, language development, parallel play with peers
creative (4-7) - cooperative peer groups, engages in many types of play experiences, refines skills
games (7-12) - rules, competition social interaction
role acquisition
task and social skills to meet demands of roles
intervention focused on acquisition of specific skills needed to fx in their environment
teaching-learning principles