Eval and intervention for performance in areas of occupation Flashcards
scales to measure functional performance
total A: 100%
max A: 75%
mod A: 50%
min A: 25%
SBA: supervision
Independent: none
general intervention guidelines
- top down approach: consider the person’s areas of occupation first
- remediate, alleviate effects of performance skills deficits and client factors are often required
- interventions for deficits than cannot be remediated should include adaptive strategies that compensate for the deficits
- strategies can be generalized etc different situations that are particularly helpful (energy conservation)
assessment of motor and process skills
effectiveness, efficiency, or safety of a person’s ADL task performance
interview to list 3-5 meaningful tasks and work on them
must be trained
exam hint with AMPS
if AMPS is an answer option in a CST item, “yes” should be selected for the AMPS IF the scenario indicates the eval is being administrated by a therapist who completed the AMPS training course and is a calibrated rater
if this info is not provided, say “no”
barthel index
- measures someone independence in BADL and functional mobility before and after intervention and the level of person care assistance needed by the individual
- direct observation of 10 ADLs/mobility
- max score is 100 (means they can do all task independently)
*does not equate to ability to live independently
cognitive performance test (CPT)
assesses 6 functional ADL tasks that require cognitive processing skills based on allen levels
(dressing, shopping, making toast, phone call, washing, traveling)
FIM and WeeFIM
functional independence measure
6 performance areas are assessed: self care, sphincter management, mobility, locomotion, communication, and social cognition
score 1- 7
totalA, max A, mod A, min A, supervision/set up, mod I, total I
The FIM™ is a measurement tool that has been shown to predict the discharge disposition for patients who have had a stroke.
katz index of ADL
level of independent functioning and assistance in 6 areas of ADL
receive a grade
A = independent in all 6
G = dependent in all 6
kitchen task assessment (KTA)
measures judgement, planning, organizational skills in a simple cooking task
0 = independent
1 = verbal A
2 = physical A
3 = totally incapable
klein-bell ADL scale
ADLs in 170 items in 6 areas
“achieved” or “failed”
kohl man eval of living skills (KELS)
17 basic living skills needed to live independently in 5 main areas
self care, safety+health, money management, comm mob+telephone, employment+leisure
“independent” “needs assistance” “not applicable”
milwaukee eval of daily living skills (MEDLS)
actual or simulated performance of BADLs
screening form to choose relevant ones
scored according to standardized criteria for each item
routine task inventory (RTI)
according to allens levels
observation, self report, or report of caregiver
housekeeping, preparing food, spending money, taking meds, doing laundry, shopping, telephone, travel
scoreable self-care evaluation
motivational questionnaire
assess their values and beliefs about self care skills
do the tasks and score
test of grocery shopping skills (TOGSS)
done at their grocery store
accuracy, time, redundancy, observation, strategies, asking for help, prices, etc
sexual expression/activity evaluation
in routine screenings/questions to see if it is valued to them
identify potential obstacles
determine if their knowledge is appropriate and adequate
legally must report any suspected abuse
self-care intervention
choose meaningful and valued activities
what do they really want to do independently vs what will they use adaptations for to make it easier
adaptive equipment
sexual expression/activity intervention
safe and satisfying
old people like sex too
correct answers will be using the PLISSIT model and a therapist debunking the myths and advocating for the person’s right to sexual activity
P = permission
LI = limited information - ensure the individual has accurate knowledge about their sexual abilities and potentials
SS = specific suggestions (alone or with partner, positioning, warm baths, energy conservation, catheter care/hygiene)
IT = intensive therapy when they require intervention for long-standing sexual problems (marriage counselor, sex therapist)
cognitive impairments - essential to ensure safety
- training in self-protection, roll playing, sex ed
play/leisure evaluation
- activity index: perception of meaning of leisure and extent of their participation
- interest checklist: level of interest
- leisure diagnostic battery: motivational/situational issues that influence leisure
- leisure satisfaction questionnaire
- meaningfulness of activity scale: enjoyment in it
- Minnesota leisure time physical activity questionnaire: energy expended during
- play history: child/adolescent dev level
- preschool play skill: observation
work assessment
- initial screening and prevocational assessment
- functional capacity eval (FCE)
- work capacity evaluation using real or simulation work activities (like BTE)
- job site analysis
mccarron-dial systems (MDS)
assesses prevocational, vocational, and educational abilities of individuals with disabilities
5 main areas: cog/verbal/spatial, sensory, motor, emotional, coping/adaptive behaviors
must be trained with a 3 day workshop
*questions about this could be yes if the workshop is mentioned
work intervention
- eval the work site and adaptive the environment and job tasks
- assistive devices, adaptive strategies
- practice, modify, and instruct in work activities
- conditioning exercises
- educate about safety and injury prevention
- reasonable accommodations
specific work programs
- work hardening - interdisciplinary, real and simulated activities, need CARF accreditation, productivity, safety, physical tolerance
- work conditioning - one discipline, flexibility, strength, movement, endurance are addressed, no accreditation
- ergonomic program - prevention, fit workplace to the body
- rehab or transition programs - employees with supports, transition
sleep red flag
people with parasomnias (narcolepsy, restless leg, sleepwalking) or obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) should be referred to a physician for more in depth eval
OSAS is deadly, physician referrals for it must be completed immediately
sleep interventions
- develop a daily pattern of relaxation activities: meditation, prayers, progressive muscle relaxation, visualization
- pre sleep routine
- meals 2 hours prior
- avoid caffeine and alcohol
- consistency with time
- soothing environment (dark, cool, quiet)
- only sleep and sex in the room