Pediatric Fever (Exam 2) Flashcards
A fever is a temp greater than?
Can bundling or teething cause a fever?
No, maybe elevated, but not over 100.4
Are tympanic temps just as accurate as rectal?
No, must get rectal temp
T/F The higher the fever the sicker the infant.
False, fever is a fever
What is the cause of a majority of serious bacterial infections SBI’s?
What is the causative organism?
UTI, most commonly from E. Coli
T/F breastfed infants are immunocompetent?
False, they have immature opsonin capabilities, decrease macrophage and neutrophil function, poor Ig response to encapsulated bacteria
T/F The older the kid, the higher the chance of SBI.
False, <4 weeks 15% SBI, 4-8wks <5% SBI
Does a fever over 100.4 require a work-up for bacterial illness regardless of PE?
What are the 5 common pathogens in neonatal fever?
GBS, E. Coli, Listeria, Klebsiella, Herpes
What labs should you order for neonatal fever?
BCx (blood culture)
LP (lumbar puncture)
How should you treat neonatal fever?
systemic Abx and admit
What is the most likely cause of pediatric fever, bacteria or virus?
Neonates are what age (in days)?
<28 days
Protocol eligible Infants are what age (in days)?
29 days to 59 days
What age are infants (in days)?
> 60 days
Is a parents gestalt predictive of infection?
Yes, have to listen to parent
Protocol eligible infants (age 29-59 days) assumes what?
They are term babies (>38 weeks + 6 days) Early term is 37wks to 38wks6days. Ross says for test purposes FULL TERM is 40weeks
PE that is benign (check eyes, ears, mouth,d iaper) and CHILD MUST BE CONSOLABLE
No previous abx
What are the 3 protocols?
What 4 things do all the protocols suggest you do?
1. Get a WBC count Positive WBC is <5,000 or >15,000 and/or absolute neutrophil count ANC >1500 2. Do a UA Positive if >10wbc/hpf 3. CXR if resp sx 4. Lumbar puncture (LP) Positive if >10 wbc/mm3
If any of the 4 things for the 3 protocols are positive, such as WBC, UA, CXR, or LP, what should you do?
Admit and empiric abx
If protocol tests are negative, what are your 2 choices?
- No abx, d/c and f/u in 24hrs
2. Abx and LP and d/c and f/u in 24hrs
Your peds pt has low risk labs, but they have obvious bronchiolitis, what do you need to do?
F/u in 24hrs
If your peds pt has a fever but you can’t identify the source, and they are w/in protocol age 29-59 days, what are your abx choices?
- Ceftriaxone or cefotaxime covering Strep pneumo, H influ, and E coli
- Ampicillin (up to 6 weeks of age) for Listeria and GBS
- Vanco for MRSA
- Acyclovir for all
If you give abx to your peds pt with no source of fever who is within protocol age, what do you HAVE to do?
What 3 bugs does ceftriaxone or cefotaxime cover?
Strep pneumo
H influ
E coli
What 2 bugs does ampicillin cover for?
What bug does vanco cover?
What is acyclovir for?
Herpes infections
Should you give azithromycin?
No, the road to hell is paved with azithro
If peds pt is >59 days old and has fever, what should you ask the parent?
What is their immunization status?
For a peds pt >59 days, what should you strongly consider ordering even if they have bronchiolitis?
If your >59 days peds pt with a fever has elevated wbc on cbc, what should you do next?
Your peds pt has been vaccinated, has a fever, but they don’t appear ill. If they just received their 1st round of vaccinations they are 6wks and w/in protocol age. If the fever is w/in 72 hours, what is all you need to do?
If the child is unvaccinated?
Ignore everything I just said for all previous slides
Unvaccinated infants less than 60 days old. What should you think?
Can kill in 24 hours, so worry about the fever on day 1
Lab values have greater importance, elevated cbc is really ominous
Very aggressive work-up and probably admission
New protocol for 29 to 90 days “step by step”. What are the steps for the algorithm?
-Well appearing with normal pediatric assessment triangle (Appearance, Work of Breathing, Circulation to skin)
-age >28 days old
-Procalcitonin <0.5ng/ml
-CRP <= 20mg/L
-ANC (absolute neutrophil count) <= 10,000
If all these present, low risk patient
If infant is positive for any of the “step by step” protocol steps then they fail the protocol and need a work-up. What should you do?
Do not give abx unless you do what?