Kidneys part 2 (Exam 4) Flashcards
CKD is characterized by decreased kidney function for how long?
3 months
Most common causes of CKD?
What product is muscle metabolism is a measure of kidney function?
What is a normal Cr?
GFR is also known as?
Creatinine Clearance (CrCl)
What is a normal CrCl?
> 90
Gold standard for measurement for GFR?
Inulin clearance
What is the most commonly used estimate of GFR?
Cockcroft-Gault equation and MDRD
When calculating a GFR, should you use a patients actual body weight or ideal body weight?
Ideal body weight
What is a normal level of urine protein?
What is the gold standard test to assess proteinuria?
24 hour urine
What lab finding is specific to CKD?
What would be the first abnormal finding in CKD?
Urine albumin
What lab rest is the preferred test in screening for albuminuria?
Urine albumin to creatinine ratio
You are concerned that your patient may be developing early CKD due to his lifestyle. Is a urine dipstick an appropriate test?
No, urine dipstick only detects urine albumin over 500.
What is a normal urine albumin?
You are seeing a diabetic patient and find albuminuria in routine lab findings. What medications should you consider putting this patient on?
Normal size of a kidney?
In CKD, do kidneys increase or decrease in size?
There are a shit load of meds to avoid/be aware of in CKD patients. Try to name some of them.
NSAIDs Contrast Magnesium Phosphorus Aluminum Antimicrobials Diabetic meds Decongestants Antihypertensives Opioids and gabapentin
CKD also has a shit load of complications. Which of the following are NOT complications of CKD?
a) HTN
b) Hyperphosphatemia
c) Hyponatremia
d) Hyperparathyroidism
e) Anemia
f) Hyperkalemia
g) Acidosis
h) Uremic encephalopathy
c) hyponatremia
All the others are complications of CKD
At what GFR is dialysis typically indicated?
What are the different types of dialysis?
Hemodialysis Peritoneal dialysis (Continuous ambulatory and continuous cyclic)
What type of dialysis does a patient do at home while they sleep?
Continuous cyclic dialysis
Classic findings of nephrotic syndrome?
Low serum albumin
Classis findings of nephritic syndrome?