Hepatitis Lecture - Schoeny Exam 3 Flashcards
Which types of Hepatitis are spread through blood and body fluids? Which are spread through feces?
Blood/body fluids: B, C, D
Feces: A, E
Which types of hep cause chronic infection?
B, C, D
Which types of hep have a immunization?
A, B, D
Symptoms of acute hepatitis?
Nausea, vomiting, abd pain, loss of appetite, fever, diarrhea, light (clay) colored stools, dark urine, jaundice
There are 2 lab tests for hep a, hep A IgG, and hep A IgM. What’s the difference?
IgG tests for immunity from vaccine or previous infection
IgM tests for acute infection
What vaccines are available for hep A?
Havrix for hep A only
Twinrix is hep A/B combo
What is the immunization schedule for Havrix?
Children and adolescents - .5mL dose, 2 shot series given 6 months apart
Adults - 1mL dose, 2 shot series given 6 months apart
What is the immunization schedule for twinrix?
Standard - 3 shot series given at day 0, 1 month, and 6 months
Accelerated - 4 shot series given at day 0, day 7, day 21, and 1 year.
Hepatitis A treatment?
Supportive care
What is the most easily transmissible blood borne pathogen?
Hep B
When is the accelerated schedule for twinrix used?
For adults who are not immunized.
Can hep B be transmitted through breastmilk?
Most common hep B modes of transmission?
Parenteral (needles)
What percentage of Hep B infections clear naturally?
When Hep B + mothers give birth, what should be given to the baby at birth?
Hep B antibodies and hep b immunization
What patient population has increased risk of poor hep B outcomes?
patients of Asian descent
What are the different hepatitis B labs?
HBsAg Anti-HBs Anti-HBc IgM anti-HBC HBeAg Anti-HBe
What is HBsAg?
Hep B surface antigen.
+ during infection
What is Anti-HBs, what does a + result indicate?
Antibody to HBsAg
Indicates immunity to Hep B. Does not specify if it is from infection or immunization.
What is Anti-HBc, what does a + result indicate?
Antibody to Hep B core antigen.
+ result indicates prior infection.
What is IgM anti-HBc, what does + result indicate?
IgM class antibodies to Hep B core antigen. \+ result indicates infection within past 4-6 months.
HBeAg and Anti-HBe are used for what?
Specialized hep B treatment
What is the first detectable lab abnormality during hep B infection. When does it become postive?
HBsAg - positive 4 weeks after exposure.
Chronic hep B infection would show what lab abnormalities?
HBsAg and Anti-HBc would be positive.
An acute hep B infection would show what lab abnormalities?
+ HBsAg, Anti-HBc, and IgM anti-HBc