Pediatric Emergencies Flashcards
Birth to 2 months
Controls gaze
Turns head
2-6 months
Eye contact
Uses both hands
Rolls over
Sleep through night
6-12 months
Sits without support
Puts things in mouth
Teething begins
1 to 3 years
Use parent to do things to child
Toddler Development
-Crawls/walks Sensory developments -Runs climbs Balance -Fine motor Skills Toiler training Draw a circle
Preschool Age
3 to 5 years
Can understand directions
4 years old develops 20/20 vision and has normal running or walking
School Age
6-12 years
Can communicate well
13-17 years
Issues of independence and sexuality
Neck and Airway
Short necks Airway smaller Epiglottis is LONG and floppy Keep nares clear <6 months old Neck very soft and collapsible, don't hyperextended neck
Narrowest portion of child’s airways is____
Occurs at cricoid cartilage rather than vocal cords in adults
Respiratory System
Metabolic oxygen demand of child is doubled to adult
Children inhale toxins faster than adults and become symptomatic sooner
Only enough air to see rise of the chest
Pediatric Resp Rates
Neonate-1month: 30-60 Infant: 25-50 Toddler: 20-30 Preschool: 20-25 School: 15-20 Adolescent: 12-20 Adult: 12-20
Pediatric Pulse Rates
Neonate-1month: 100-180 Infant: 100-160 Toddler: 90-150 Preschool: 80-140 School: 70-120 Adolescent: 60-100 Adult: 60-100
Cardiovascular System
Pulse can be 200 or more for compensation
Peds rely on heart rate for cardiac output rather than vasoconstriction
Blood Volume in Ped
Appx. 70ml/kg
Hypovolemia in Ped
May lose a lot of blood before hypotension show
Delayed Capillary Refill
Shunting of the vessels causing peripheral vasoconstriction
Nervous System
Brain and spinal cord not very well protected
Less subarachnoid space causing less cushion for the brain
Easier to damage head and spine
Suspect Shock in Ped
Brady for hypoxia
Spinal column
Fulcrum of spine is closer to C1-C2 because head is heavier
Abdomen and Pelvis
Head 1st cause of injury, abdominal injuries second
Not as much protection with ribs and abdominal organs
Fractures are easier due to lack of ossification centers
Chest and Lungs
Very thin chest wall
Ribs are more pliable and flexible
Easier to hear heart and lung sounds
Thinner more elastic skin
More BSA ratio
Temperature isn’t regulated as well
Increased risk of hypothermia and severe burns
Not much glycogen stores in liver of pediatrics
Cover head to manage heat loss
Pediatric Assessment Triangle
Work of breathing
Circulation of skin
Most important feature of child’s appearance
Tone: muscle tone, ridged or limp?
Interact: alert? How easily distracted? Grasp or reach?
Consolability: can be calmed by caregiver?
Look: fixed gaze or glass stare
Speech: strong cry? Age appropriate speech
Work of Breathing
Abnormal Airway Sounds: snoring, hoarse speech, strider, wheezing or grunting
Abnormal Positioning: sniffing positions, tripod, refusing to lie down
Retractions: superclavicular, intercostal, substernal retractions, head bobbing
Flaring: flaring of nares on inspiration
Indicative of partially closed epiglottis and moderate to severe hypoxia
Seen with pnuemonia
Reflects vasomotor instability in capillary beds seen by patchy areas of vasoconstriction and vasodilation
Blue hands or feet in younger than two months
Whit or pale skin of mucous membranes
Length Tape
Measures up to 75lbs or 34kg
Blood Pressure
80+age(2) Minimal: Infant- >70 Toddler- >80 Preschool and School- >80
Respiratory Emergencies
90% cause of cardiac arrest in Peds
Foreign Body Airways in Infant
Responsive: deliver 5 back blows and five chest thrusts
Unresponsive: look in mouth, start CPR start with 30 or 15:2 if another person available
Foreign Body in Children
Responsive: abdominal thrusts
Unresponsive: start CPR 30:2 unless another person available then do 15:2.
THEN open airway and look in the mouth. Continue CPR and then laryngoscope
Respiratory Distress and End Organ failure qualifies as Anaphylaxis
Epinephrine !
.01mg/kg IM 1:1
Seal bark cough Viral infection of upper airway Treat with racemic Epi .5ml in 3ml Racemic- localized Epi- systemic
Do not work patient up.
Stay calm and keep calm
Don’t look in mouth
Bronchospasm Mucus production Inflammation Albuterol 2.5mg in 3ml Atrovent <22lbs= 250mcg >22lbs= 500mcg Corticosteroids Fluid!
Racemic Epi or Albuterol
Cystic Fibrosis
Fluid lungs and GI tract
Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia
Spectrum of lung conditions found in premature neonates who required long periods of high oxygen and ventilators support.
May have home ventilators and oxygen
May consider Atrovent
Airway Management
Use shoulder Roll for head tilt chin lift
Long Term ventilation
Same as adult
Bag Mask
Capnography saturation
12-20 breaths/min
Blow by technique for minimal oxygen needed
Size: age+16 / 4 = size of tube
1month-adolescent = straight blade
Adolescent to adult = straight or curved
2-3cm beyond vocal cords
Oro or Nasogastric Insertion
Need 30-60ml syringe
Twice the size of ET tube 5mm et is 10FR
Continuous stomach suction at 20-40mmHg
Congenital Heart Disease
Common heart defects
Cyanosis Disease
More serious HLHS hypoplastic Left heart syndrome ( does not distribute oxygen in heart ) - almost no left ventricle at all which mixes oxygenated and deoxygenated blood DO NOT FLOOD WITH OXYGEN 76-82% oxygen Tetralogy of Fallot
Noncyanotic Disease
Atrial Septal Defects
Ventricular Septal Defects
Congestive Heart Failure
Heart can no longer meet metabolic demands of the body
Inflammation of heart muscle
Can lead to heart failure
Symptoms- dyspnea, exercise intolerance, syncope, or murmur
DCM- Dialate Cardiomyopathy: heart becomes weakened and enlarged making it less efficient in pumping
HCM- Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy: thickened heart so heart has to pump harder
Same as adult but most common is a febrile seizure
Febrile seizure
Occur in 25% of peds
Simple Febrile Seizures: brief generalized seizures, lasting less than 15 minutes
Complex Febrile Seizure
Longer, lasting more than 15 minutes FIX the FEVER !!!!!! Tylenol Acetaminophen is 15mg/kg Tylenol is 10mg/kg Fluids! BGL!
Gown up! Very deadly and contagious
Unchallenged Ridgidity
Purpuric and Patecial coloration of the skins. Patecial is small dots
Symptoms- fever,
Biliary Atresia
Build up of bilirubin
Telescoping of intestine, small, into itself
Meckel Diverticulum
Malformation of small intestine
Pyloric Stenosis
Pylorics become hypertrophied and present with projectile vomiting
Fluids and insulin
CAH Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia
Not enough cortisol
Inadequate production of pituitary hormones
Toxicological Emergencies
Call Posion control
Carbon Monoxide: oxygen Organophosphate: atropine Tricyclics AntiDepressants: Bicarbonate Opiates: Naloxone Beta Blockers: Glucagon Ca channel blockers: calcium Benzodiazepines: Romazicon