Pedia Part 2 Flashcards
Most common congenital heart disease
Pulmonary vascular obstructive disease
Eisenmenger syndrome
Most common cause of cyanotic congenital heart disease in NB
Mahinery like murmur
Anatomic findings characteristic of TOF
PROVe (pulmonary stenosis, right ventricular hypertrophy, overriding aorta, VSD)
Hypoxic spell
Also known as diamond blackfan syndrome
Pure red cell aplasia
Most common hematologic disease of infancy and childhood
Iron deficiency anemia
Spoon nails
Koilonychia- iron deficiency anemia
Also called Colley’s anemia
Beta thalassemia major
Crew cut or hair on end appearance on skull radiographs
Sickle cell disease
Apgar score :need for resuscitation, esp ventilatory support
Earliest possible sign for congenital hypothyroidsim
Earliest possible sign
Most common manifestation of PKU
Developmental delay
Physiologic anemia occurs at how many weeks
Most common cause of hemolytic disease of the NB
ABO incom
Most vaccines can be given safely except for
Cholea and yellow fever
Most common of the pediatric inflammatory myopathies
Heliotropic erythema crossing the nasal bridge
Gottron papules
Mgmt for dermatomyositis
Sunscreen, vitamin D, oral steroids for muscle damage, high dose intermittent IV methylprednisolone for severe disease
Chronic disease characterized by fibrosis affecting the dermis and arteries of the lung, kidneys and GIT
Earliest manifestation of scleroderna
Raynaud phenomenon
Ramstedt pyloromyotomy used for
Pyloric stenosis
Remnant of omphalomesenteric duct
Meckel diverticulum
Diagnostic tool for meckel’s
Meckel radionuclide scan
Associated with adenovirus and currant jelly stools
More specific than amylase for acute inflammatory pancreatic disease
Cutoff sign(dilated transverse colon) found in what condition?
Acute pancreatitis
Acute poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis follows infection of throat (type ?) or skin (type ?)
Low serum C3 normalizes in how many weeks
6-8 weeks
Hematuria in post step AGN persists for how many months
6-12 mos
May decrease the rate of progression of IgA nephropathy
Fish oil (omega 3 fatty acids)
Helmet cells, burr cells, fragmented RBCs
Hemolytic uremic syndrome
Screening for trisomy 21 in utero
Low maternal serum AFP, low unconjugated estriol, increases HCG
Most common form of MR in males
Fragile X syndrome
Albuminocytologic dissociation in csf
Most common solid tumors in childhood
Brain tumors
Homer wright rosettes
Circular patterns of tumor cells surrounding a center of neutrophils found in medulloblastoma
Homer wright rosettes
25% of optic glioma is associated with what neurocutaneous syndrome
Optic nerve glioma
Mgmt for diptheria?
Penicillin/ erythromycin
Leukomoid rxn
Complications of pertussis
HSOAP (hemorrhage, seizures, OM, atelectasis, pneumonia)
Prophylaxis for meningococcemia
Rifampicin in children and ciprofloxacin in adults
Bullneck from lymphadenopahy
Infectious arthritis following GIT infection
Osteomyeltis in sickle cell anemia
Salmonella cholerasius
Osteomyelitis with hx of trauma
Purpuric lesions, fever, headache, includes palma and soles
R Ricketsii (Rocky Mountain spotted fever)
Petechiae to purpuric lesions, fever, headache, petechiae, spares palms and soles
R prowazaki (typhus)
Sand paper like rash
Sunburn like rash
Most common predisposing factor to development of meconium aspiration syndrome
Subjective improvement with iron administration
12-24 hrs
Preliminary BM response with iron administraion
48 hrs
Increase in reticulocyte count post iron absoprtion
Hgb increase with iron administration
After 4-6 weeks
Repletion of iron stores