Pedia Flashcards
Boot shaped heart
Egg shape heart
Snowman sign
Rare complication of extreme exogenous obesity ; pts have severe cardiorespiratory distress with alveolar hypoventilation
Pickwickian syndrome
Valgus deformity of 1 leg with varus deformity of the other leg
Windswept deformity- ricketts
Horizontal depression along the lower anterior chest due to pulling of the softened ribs by the diaphragm during inspiration
Harrison groove- ricketts
Begins with pallor at the angles of the mouth, fissures covered by yellow crust
Perleche (angular cheilosis)- B2 deficiency
Painful tongue inflammation
Glossitis(magenta tongue) -B2 deficiency
Hyperkeratosis of hair follicles
Corckscrew hair- scurvy
Scorbutic rosary is found where?
Ground glass CXR
Bubbly lungs
RDS- bronchopulmonary dysplasia
Black lung
Contributary factor in PPHN
NSAID use on 3rd trimester
Blueberry muffin
Triad of Intestinal ischemia, enteral nutrition, pathogenic organisms
Necrotizing enterocolitis
Arthritis, conjunctivitis, urethritis
Reiter syndrome - AS
(+) HLA B27
Inflammation at the sites of attachments of ligaments, tendons, fascia, and capsule to bone
Enthesitis- AS
CXR: Sacroilitis
Juvenile AS
Ab found only in SLE
Anti-smith Ab
Skin over the metacarpal and proximal interphalangeal joints is hypertrophic and pale red with a papular, alligator skin like appearance
Gottron papules
CREST syndrome includes
Calcinosis, raynaud phenomenon, esophageal involvement, sclerosis of the skin, telangiectasia
Fingers take on a tapered appearance with tightened skin
Sclerodactyly - scleroderma
Anti SCL 70
Strawberry tongue, periungal desquamation
Most common cause of nonthrombocytopenic purpura in children
Henoch schonlein purpura
Palpable petrchia or purpura
Henoch schonlein purpura
VACTERL includes
Vertebral , anorectal, trachea, cardiac, esophagus, renal, radial, limb syndrome
Inability to pass an NGT or OGT in the NB
Most common esophageal disorder in children of all ages
Most common cause of non bilous vomiting
Pyloric stenosis
A bulge of the pyloric muscle into the antrum
Shoulder sign- pyloric stenosis
Streaks of barium in the narrowed channel
Double tract sign - pyloric stenosis
Triad of volvulus
Triad: S I R ( sudden onset of severe epigastric pain, inability to pass tube into stomachl, retching with emesis)
Bird beaks sign
Distended sigmoid loop
Inverted U sign- volvulus
Midline crease corresponding to mesenteric root in a greatly distended sigmoid
Coffee bean sign- volvulua
Double bubble sign
Duodenal atresia
Most frequent Cogenital GI anomaly
Meckel diverticulim
Most common cause of lower intestinal obstruction
Hirschprung disease
Anotectal malformation, sacral bone anomaly, presacral masses
Currarino triad - Hirschprung disease
Most common cause of intestinal obstruction bet 3mos-6yo
Coiled spring sign
Dougnut or target sign
Dilated transverse colon
Cut off sign (acute pancreatitis)
Friable doughnut shaped mass at the urethral meatus
Urethral prolapse
Compression of left renal vein
Nutcracker syndrome
Best single Ab titer to document skin infection
DNAse B antigen
Most common chronic glomerular disease
IgA nephropathy
Low set ears ,micrognathia, flat nose, limb defects, growth deficiency, hypertension, hyponatremi, impaired renal function, hepatic fibrosis
Potter facies- polycystic kidney disease
Streaky red or gray hair in dark haired children
Hypochromotrichia- kwashiorkor
Leading cause of pediatric hypertension
Most severe form of neural tube defect
Cracked pot, macewen sign(seperation of sutures), chiari malformation, dandy walker malformation, setting sun sign
Eyes deviated downward due to impingement of the dilated suprapineal recess on the tectum
Setting sun sign
Seperation of sutures
Macewen sign
Foreshortened occiput
Chiari malformation
Prominent occiput
Dandy walker malformation
High voltage bilaterally asynchronous, slow wave activity
Hypsarrhythmia- infantile spasms
Most common seizure disorder in childhood
Febrile seizure
Alice in wonderland syndrome, brillant white zigzag lines
Migraine with aura
Persistent headache lasting >3days
Status migrainosus
Band like tightness or pressure (headachd)
Stress headache
Cande dripping appearance
Tuberous sclerosis
Ash leaf skin lesion
Tuberous sclerosis
Roughened raised lesion with an orange peel consistency located primarily in the lumbosacral region
Shagreen patch- tuberous sclerosis
Mulberry tumors, bilateral angiomyolipomas abd cysts,
Tuberous scelrosis
Hamartromas located within the iris
Lisch nodules - NF
Cafe au lait macules, axillary freckling, neurofibromas, optic glioma
Von recklinghausen
Bilateral 8th nerve masses, meningioma, glioma, schwannoma
NF 2
Ptosis and some degree EOM muscle weakness
Myasthenia gravis
Administered during the tensilon test
Edrophonium IV
Acute demyelinating polyradiculopathy
Acute ophthalmoplagia, ataxia, areflexia
Miller- Fisher syndrome
Circular patterns of tumor cells surrounding a center of neutrophils
Homer wright rosettes- medulloblastoma
Leukomoid reaction, bordet gengou agar plate positive
Diffuse adrenal hemorrhage, DIC, coma, and death
Waterhouse-Friderischen syndrome- Meningococcemia
Rose spots
Rice watery consistency and fishy odor of stools
Darting organism
Due to intractable spasm of facial and buccal muscles
Risus sardonicus
Frontal bossing
Olympian brow -syphilis
Unilateral or bilateral thickening of the sternoclavicular portion of the clavicle
Higoumenaki’s sign -syphilis
Anterior bowing of the midportion of the tibia
Saber shin -syphilis
Barrel shaped upper central incisors
Hutchinson teeth -syphilis
Abnormal 1st lower molar
Mulberry molars -syphilis
Linear scars on mouth, anus, genitals
Rhagades -syphilis
Painless knee joint swelling with sterile synovial fluid
Clutton joint -syphilis
Refusal to move involved extremity
Pseudoparalysis of Parrot -syphilis
Acute systemic febrile reaction with exacerbation of lesions after tx with penicillin
Jarisch-Herzheimer reaction
Severe form of leptospirosis
Weil’s syndrome
Koplik spots
Branny desquamation
Painful enlargement of the parotid glands
Ulcers in the uvulopalatoglossal junction
Nagayama spots- Roseola
Fever with fussiness
Small vesicles and ulcers with a red ring found mainly on the anterior tonsillar pillars
Rash and aplastic crisis
Erythema infectiosum
Fifth disease, slapped cheek
Erythema infectiosum
Rash with lacy reticulated appearance esp on the extensors
Erythema infectiosum
Pharyngtis, generalized lymphadenopathy, fatigue (triad)
Infectious mononucleosis
Paul Bunnel antibodies
Infectious mononucleosis
Symmetrical rash on cheeks, multiple erythematous papules wc may coalesce into plaques
Gianotti- crosti syndrom - infectious mononucleosis
Hepatosplenomegaly, jaundice, petechiae, purpura, microcephaly
Cytomegalic inclusion disease
Strikingly enlarged epithelial or mesenchymal cells with large intranuclear inclusions
Hageman factor is activated
Dengue fever
Most common congenital heart disease
Pulmonary vascular obstructive disease
Eisenmenger syndrome
Most common cause of cyanotic congenital heart disease in NB
Mahinery like murmur
Anatomic findings characteristic of TOF
PROVe (pulmonary stenosis, right ventricular hypertrophy, overriding aorta, VSD)
Hypoxic spell
Also known as diamond blackfan syndrome
Pure red cell aplasia
Most common hematologic disease of infancy and childhood
Iron deficiency anemia
Spoon nails
Koilonychia- iron deficiency anemia
Also called Colley’s anemia
Beta thalassemia major
Crew cut or hair on end appearance on skull radiographs
Sickle cell disease