Genetics Flashcards
Most common chromosomal number abnormality
Trisomy 18
Edward sydrome
Flat facial profile, saddle gap, clinodactyly, transverse palmar crease, brachycephaly
Down syndrome
Later in life, Children with trisomy 21 are at risk for:
Alzheimer’s, acute lymphoblastic leukemia
Rocker bottom feet
Edward’s syndrome
Trisomy 13
Patau syndrome
Moderate microcephaly, sloping forehead, microophthalmia, cleft lip and palate, malformed ears, scalp defects, rocker bottom feet, cryptochordism
Patau syndrome
45, X
Turner syndrone
Female, short stature, underdeveloped gonads, thyroglossal duct cyst, coarctation of the aorta
Turner syndrome (45,X)
Most common cause of primary amenorrhea
Turner syndrome (45,X)
Management for Turner syndrome (45,X)
Recombinant growth hormone
47, XXY
Klinefelter syndrome
Male, tall, gynecomastia, delayed secondary sex characteristics, small testes, azoospermia
Klinefelter syndrome (47, XXY)
Management for Klinefelter syndrome (47, XXY)
Androgen replacement therapy
Most common form of MR in males
Fragile X syndrome
Most common form of MR in males
Fragile X syndrome
Macro orchidism, large size, long face, prominent jaw, large prominent ears, stereotyped behavior and speeh
Fragile X syndrome
Screening for trisomies
ACE (down up down) low maternal serum AFP, increased human chorionic gonadotrophin, low unconjugated estriol