Endocrinology Flashcards
Normal height for age, over time starts falling of the height curve
Pathologic short stature
Definitive diagnosis for hypopituitarism
Absent or low levels of GH
Normal range for height, normal adult height is reached but the growth spurt is delayed
Constitutional short stature
GH treatment
hGH 0.18-0.3 mg/kg/week 6-7 divided doses
Cardinal clinical feauture of giantism
Longitudinal growth acceleration due to GH excess
Diagnosis of hyperpituitarism(lab)
Serum somatomedin
Medical management for hyperpituitarism
Cardinal features of diabetes insipidus
Polydipsia and polyuria
Hormone involved in DI
Vasopressin is synthesized where?
Paraventricular and supraoptic nuclei of the hypothalamus
Managament for DI(central)
Fluid therapy, long acting vasopressin, analog dDAVP
Management for nephrogenic DI
Tx of underlying d/o; thiazides
Precocious puberty is the onset of sexual characteristics at what age?
<8yo in girls
Premature thelarche is defined as
Breast development in 1st 2 years of life
Labs in precocious puberty
Immunometric assay for LH, pelvic ultrasound, cranial CT scan/MRI
Tx for precocious puberty
Leuprolide acetate 0.25-0.3 mg/kg IM q4 weeks
With cessation of therapy in precocious puberty, menarche and ovulatory changes appear within how many months?
6-18 mos
Earliest sign of graves disease
Emotional disturbance with motor hyperactivity
Disappearance predicts remission of grave’s disease
Antithyroid drug prefered for pregnant women
Most common cause of thyroid disease in children in children and adolescents
Associated with an increased risk of goiter and thyroiditis
Seen in 90% of children with thyroiditis
Thyroid antiperoxidase antibodies (TPOAbs)
Management for hypocalcemia
Neonatal tetany: 5-10 ml of 10% solution of calcium gluconate IV at a rate of 0.5 -1ml/min and 1,25 dihydroxycholecalciferol(calcitrol)
Hyperparathyroidsim is usually due to
Single benign adenoma
Characterized by hyperplasia or neoplasia of the endocrine pancreas, anterior pituitary and parathyroid
MEN syndrome
Symptoms of hypercalcemia
Painful bones, renal stones, abdominal groans, psychic moans, fatigue overtones
Most consistent xray finding in hypeparathyroidism
Resorption of subperiosteal bone(along the margins of the phalanges)
CAH is due to a deficiency in what enzyme
21 hydroxylase
Lab finding in CAH
Low Na, Cl, inc K; low serum cortisol; INCREASED SERUM 17-OHP
Most definitive test in addison’s disease
Measurement of plasma or serum level of cortisol before and after administration ACTH
Characteristic pattern of obesity with associated hypertension
Cushing syndrome
Short stature, webbing of neck, pectus carinutum/excavatum, cubitus valgus, right sided CHD, hypertelorism, downward slanted palbebral fissure, ptosis, micrognathia, moderate MR in25%, SNHL; delayed puberty, cryptochordism
Noonan syndrome
47 xxxy chromosome
Klinefelter syndrone
Most common sex chromosomal aneuploidy in males
Klinefelter syndrome
Management for klinefelter syndrome
Long acting testosterone preparation and enanthane ester
45 x,chromosomal complement
Turner syndrome
Cardinal finding in all girls with turner syndrome
Short stature
Management of tuner syndrome
Recombinant GH, Premarin(conjugated estrogen)
Most common endocrine metabolic disorder of childhood and adolescence
Found in 80-90% of newly diagnosed DM patients
Islet cell antibosies
Diagnostic criteria for DM
Random plasma glucose >200mg/dL; fasting plasma glucose >126mg/dL
Level of glucose in diabetic ketoacidosis
Glucose >300mg/dL
Blood glucose level in Nonketotoic hyperosmolar coma
Blood glucose >800mg/dL
HbA1c reflects the average blood glucose concentration of the last ___ months?
2-3 mos