Peatland Formation - Paludification Flashcards
Can form from a change in a river course and from logging where
Removal of large trees reduces water removal through evaportranspiration.
Terrestrial vegetation is blanketed by
Peatland vegetation due to a change in site hydrology, leading to constant soil saturation.
High water tables result in the reduction of
Oxygen diffusion into soils, creating anoxic conditions.
Aerobic respiration rates are too low to decompose all
Organic material and it begins to accumulate as peat.
Prolonged periods of anoxic conditions can kill roots and trees.
The organic matter from dead vegetation creates a high demand for oxygen by bacteria engaged in aerobic decomp.
Vegetation becomes more isolated from the mineral soil. Nutrient sources become dominated by precipitation,
Resulting in a decline in nutrient levels in the soil and conditions becoming more acidic.