Peaceful Coexistence Flashcards
A policy outlined by Khurshchev looking reset relations between ussr & the west after the Korean war
Rebuilding domestically, to develop potential economic and politcal cooperation
Seeking a positive relationship
Khrushchev open letter
Emphasised his goal on a public scale
Conditions needed for nations working together
Both ideologies needed to limit the expansionism and accept the others existence
Eisenhowers role
Eisenhowers public perception allowed for him to be softer on Communism
Underlying reasons
The ussr was drowning domestically due to the mass amounts of money being poured out on the arms race - they couldn’t afford to keep up with the US
World Fear
Nuclear bipolarity scared everyone
Geneva meeting ‘1954
Austria seperated by Saint Germain treaty, USSR and US did not want to cut Austria in half making it a neutral bufferzone
Mcarthyism decline
By 1954 Mcarthyism is dying down
Suez canal Crisis & Hungarian uprising
These two crisis’s cause peaceful coexistence to completly breakdown by 1956