Peace and Conflict Flashcards
What is Peace?
Is the absence of war and conflict, it is an important idea as Christians believe this is what God intended.
Outline three reasons why Christian should work towards peace
1) Blessed are the Peacemakers
2) Jesus is a peacemaker
3) It will help get justice in the world
Outline 3 christian beliefs about peace
1) Jesus encouraged his followers to seek peace, reconciliation and forgiveness.
2) The ten commandments forbids killing people.
3) We should work towards establishing a peaceful world.
Explain the importance of Jesus as a peacemaker (4/5)
1) Jesus taught blessed are the Peacemakers
2) Jesus taught that people should treat each other as they would like to be treated ‘Do to others as you would like have them do to you’
Explain why Peace is important to Christians (5 marks)
Christians believe peace is God’s intention in the world.( so this is how we should act and behave)
2) Peace helps achieve justice.(people should live in harmony together, making the world a fairer place and more equal)
Quote : ‘Blessed are the peacemakers’
What are Divergent Church teachings on peace?
1) ‘eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth’
2) There have been times when violence has been considered necessary in order to bring peace.
What is Justice?
It is idea of fairness being achieved. There is a believe there is a direct link between the ideas of justice and peace. If justice can be attained peace will naturally follow.
Give a quote that supports Justice?
‘Do to others as you would have them do to you’
What is Forgiveness?
Is to be able to move away from what has happened and attain peace through working together.
Give a quote that supports Peacemaking
‘if you hold anything against anyone, forgive them’
What is Reconciliation?
It is the idea of making up after conflict.
Give a quote that supports Reconciliation
‘Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ forgave you’
Give 2 christian Organisations that work for peace.
1) World Council of Churches
2) Pax Christi
Outline 3 ways a Christian group has worked for peace today.
1) They try to educate others
2) They hold peace vigils
3) They take part in Public demonstrations
Explain how to Christian groups work to peace?
World Council of Churches go into schools and youth groups to promote peace. (Blessed are the peacemakers, therefore they believe sources of authority, such as Jesus teach peace is important)
2) Pax Christi Encourage peace talks between groups to end conflict and support reconciliation. (therefore they believe God intended peace in the world and they have a duty to work to achieve this.
Give 3 points for the statement ‘There can never be peace in this world’
1) Religion has caused many wars.
2) Organisations have still failed to achieve peace in the world.
3) Conflict is in our nature (the church believe that there needs to be conflict in order to achieve peace’)
Give 3 points against the statement ‘There can never be peace in this world’
1) There are Christian organisations that work towards achieving peace
2) Jesus promoted peace
3) Blessed are the peacemakers
Explain two reasons why Christian believe that peace-making is important?
1) ‘Blessed are the peacemakers’
2) We should be working towards establishing a peaceful world ending wars. (God intended a peaceful world and we have a duty to achieve this)
Give 3 points for the statement ‘Forgiveness is the most important path to peace’
-Jesus forgave
Situation ethics
Blessed are the peacemakers
Give 3 points against the statement ‘Forgiveness is the most important path to peace
1) Some crimes are too bad to forgive
2) violence is necessary in order to bring about peace
3) Justice is the most important path (being fair is most important as everyone is equal)
What is Conflict?
Where an argument or disagreement has led to a breakdown in a relationship.
Outline 3 reasons why Forgiveness and reconciliation is important for Christians.
1) Jesus forgave
2) The bible teaches that it is important to settle conflicts, forgive and reconcile wherever possible.
3) Jesus taught forgiveness through the Lords prayer and through his actions
Outline three types of reasons for conflicts occurring
Self defense
Outline 3 christian teachings on conflict.
1) The bible provides guidelines on how Christians can work together for peace, reconciliation and justice, which they should follow
2) Christians believe it is their duty to work for peace, as this is what God intended.
3) Christians follow the example of Jesus who set an example and gave many teachings.
Give 2 attitudes which Non-religious people have about the role in the causes of conflict.
1) They argue without religion there would be less conflict.
2) Non religious people agree conflict is wrong but advocate that sometimes violence is needed in order to gain peace.
Explain two reasons why a non religious person could argue that religion causes war?
1) Religion divides people
2) National pride
Explain two reasons why a Christian might choose not to fight in war?
1) Violence will never achieve peace. Jesus says ‘Put your sword back in its place.’ Jesus said to him, ‘for all who draw the sword will die by the sword’ (violence causes more violence, rather than solving conflict)
2) Jesus didn’t fight back when he was arrested.
Explain two reasons why Christians believe it is important to work to end the causes of conflict?
1) Christians believe that God intended for the world to be a peaceful world with no conflict. ( Christians feel as if they have a duty to look after the world including getting people to get on with each other)
2) The bible tells us how Jesus condemned his disciples’ use of violence when he was arrested.(this shows how Jesus put his teachings into practice and helped others to create unity and end causes of conflict)
Give 3 points for the statement ‘All people should work to end the causes of conflict in the world’
1) Christians believe they have a duty to work to end the causes to conflict.( god created a peaceful world)
2) Many non-religious people may believe it is important to end conflict in the world in order to create peace.
3) )Violence will never achieve peace. Jesus says ‘Put your sword back in its place.’ Jesus said to him, ‘for all who draw the sword will die by the sword’ (violence causes more violence, rather than solving conflict)
Give 3 points against the statement ‘All people should work to end the causes of conflict in the world’
1) Many non-religious people may feel that if they don’t have any responsibility to help others and end conflict (they may even believe religion causes conflict and that should be removed from society)
2) Many people both religious and non-religious people may feel working to end conflict in the world is dangerous and could lead to violence (therefore they feel as if they have no responsibility)
3) It is impossible to remove conflict in the world. (they may feel as if the most we can do is reduce the impact of the causes of conflict.)
What is Pacifism?
The belief that war cannot be justified under any circumstances
What is a Conscientious objector?
a person who refuses to work in the armed forces for moral or religious reasons
What does Pasive resistiance mean?
Non violent opposition to something this may involve against certain laws e.g Martin Luther King
Outline 3 Christian beliefs about Pacifism
1) Jesus taught that people should love their enemies.
2) The ten commandments forbids you shall not murder.
3) Jesus stopped his own followers from using violence.
State three reasons why some Christian may be pacifists
1) Jesus is a Pacifist
2) Jesus taught to love our enemies
3) Jesus stopped his own disciples from using violence
What is an aggressor?
A person, group or country that is first to attack.
Explain two reasons why Christians may oppose pacifism?
1) Religious teachings that supports violence(Just war)
2) Violence can be last resort (seem as selfish and can cause harm to others)
What are Quakers?
They are a Religious denomination opposed to violence.
What 3 things do Quakers believe in?
1) They believe that God is in every person, and oppose anything that harms him people.
2) They believe they should act in the world agaiinst injustice peacefully. Many quakers may be conscientious objectors.
3) In the past, some Quakers refused to defend themselves from attack.
What are 2 christian views on Pacifism?
1) Some Christians refuse to take part in war and may join peace rallies
2) Some Christians may not accept pacifism, believing that sometimes fighting is the only way to bring peace.
Give 3 points for the statement ‘Pacifism only allows aggressors to win’
1) Being selfish wont protect innocent civilians
2) Violence causes more damage than Protests
3) Aggressors use their power to succeed
Give 3 points against the statement ‘Pacifism only allows aggressors to win’
1) Pacifism allows peace to flourish
2) Jesus taught his followers to be pacifist
3) Injustice talked out before war-MLK
Give 3 points for the statement ‘All Christians should be pacifists
1) Quaker Christians would agree as teachings in bible support this. (All who draw the sword will die by the sword, suggesting violence isn’t answer
2) Many Christians follow the example of MLK who was a pacifist using non-violent methods. (Christians believe if they follow MLk example they can achieve peace in the world)
3) ‘love our enemies’
Give 3 points against the statement ‘All Christians should be pacifists
1) Some Christians believe that if you are fighting for your country in war, the us of violence is okay.(therefore pacifism is wrong and fighting is needed to bring peace in the world)
2) The bible suggest you should be ready for war’ if you don’t have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one.’
3) Being selfish wont protect innocent civilians
What is a Just war?
A war which is fought for the right reasons and is seen as justified.
Outline three points from the Just War theory
1) If last resort
2) In self defense
3) Avoids killing innocent civilians
Describe two elements of the just war theory (4)
1) Last resort (you have tried peaceful methods to achieve peace but it hasn’t worked)
2) Self defense ( you have been attacked by violence and the only easy to save your self is by using Violence )
Explain two reasons why a Christian may go to war?
1) If it doesn’t go against the conditions of the Just war theory
2) There are biblical teachings that suggest you should be prepared for war.
Explain two reasons why the just war theory is important to some Christians?
1) Aims to minimize as many lives as possible.
2) Jesus expects them to be ready for war”if you don’t have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one”.
Give 3 point for the statement ‘No war is ever a just’
1) Life is sacred, as God created it (therefore you cannot hurting and killing innocent civillians and environment)
2) Pacifist christians believe it isn;t possible to justify any war, when there are more peaceful methods.
Give 3 point for the statement ‘No war is ever a just’
1) Life is sacred, as God created it (therefore you cannot hurting and killing innocent civilians and environment)
2) Pacifist Christians believe it isn’t possible to justify any war, when there are more peaceful methods.(Reconciliation and working together can help end conflict peacefully avoiding war)
3) God created a peaceful world which avoids conflict( therefore we should avoid all violence and act in God’s wishes)
Give 3 point against the statement ‘No war is ever a just’
1) Christian and Non- christian groups use Situation ethics.
2) Some Christians accept war is needed in order to bring an end to conflict and bring peace (the bible support this )
3) If Just war theory applies, then it is impossible that the war isn’t justifiable. ( Christians understand that Just war theory is used to prevent war, if the principles are applied then ware is more acceptable.)
What is a Holy war?
Is where religious believers think God is on their side and therefore fighting because it is the right thing to do.
Outline three Christian beliefs on holy wars
God allowed a Holy war
There is evidence of holy wars the old testament
The bible teaches the importance of Peace
Explain how situation ethics is important when deciding to go to war (5)
1) Jesus always performed the most loving action.’love thy neighbour
2) Most loving action at the time of situation.
Outline 3 aims of Holy wars.
1) To spread the faith.
2) To save and restore religious and sacred places that the enemy are destroying.
3) To convert countries to a different religious faith.
Give an example of a Holy war in the Old testament.
In the book of Joshua, chapter 6, God commands Joshua as the leader of Israel’s armies, to take the city of Jericho.
What are Non-religious views on Holy wars?
1) They reject Holy wars because their is no God
2) If God exist, why would a loving God, support one side other another
3) Most would oppose war in general, except in exceptional circumstances, but religion would never be a justifiable reason.
What do Christians believe is going on right now?
There is a spiritual war going on right now in which they need to fight in the name of God against evil and injustice.
Explain two reason why Christians would not agree on Holy Wars (4/5)
Quaker Christians may be pacifist- do not support war at all
Blessed are the peacemakers
Give 3 points to support the statement ‘There is no such thing as a holy war’
1) No God = no holy war
2) Quaker christians are against holy wa
Give 3 points to support the statement ‘There is no such thing as a holy war’
1) No God = no holy war
2) Quaker Christians are against holy wars
3) If God exist, why would a loving God, support one side other another
Give 3 points against the statement ‘There is no such thing as a holy war’
1) There is evidence of holy wars in the old testament.
2) There is a spiritual war going on right now
3) God allowed a holy war.
Outline 3 teachings about war in the Bible.
1) The bible teaches the importance of peace
2) The bible teaches that those who take up the sword will die by the sword’
3) The bible teaches ‘love our enemies’
Explain two reasons why a holy war may or may not be important to a religious believer?
1) There is a spiritual reward for those who take part.( showing commitment to God)
2) Aims to spread faith like Jesus did ( we should follow actions of Jesus.
What does non-nonsensical mean
Having no meaning or making no sense
Give 3 points against the statement ‘Going to war for religious beliefs is Nonsensical’
Aims to spread the faith
God allowed a Holy war
There is a spiritual reward if you take part
Give 2 reasons for the statement ‘Going to war for religious beliefs is Nonsensical’
1) Christians are against war
2) No evidence their is God
3) If God exist, why would a loving God, support one side other another
What are weapons of mass destruction?
biological, chemical and nuclear weapons that can cause widespread damage and kill thousands of people.
Outline 3 problems of Weapons of mass destruction.
1) WMD are difficult to control
2) Injure and kill’s innocent civilians
3) They go against christian beliefs about the sanctity of life and stewardship.
Outline three Christian beliefs on weapons of Mass destruction
1) Goes against sanctity of life
2) Kill innocent civilians (Jesus encouraged his followers to promote peace and that can only be done when Christians look after each other.)
3) They do not comply with Just war theory
Outline three Christian beliefs on weapons of Mass destruction
1) Goes against sanctity of life
2) Destroys Gods creation and environment
3) They do not comply with Just war theory
Outline 3 benefits of WMD.
1) Secures peace as it is a quicker way to win a war
2) Acts as a deterrent to other nations trying to start a war
3) Church of England believe that owning nuclear weapons is necessary but using it is wrong
Explain two different Christians to weapons of mass destruction?
1) They go against the sanctity of life. ‘Thou shall not kill’
2) Kill innocent civilians (Jesus encouraged his followers to promote peace and that can only be done when Christians look after each other.)
Describe the positives aspects of weapons of mass destruction (4)
1) A threat to deter other nations from starting a war
2) A stronger and quicker way to win a war
What are Non-Christian attitudes to WMD?
1) Athesists do not support WMD
2) Humanists believe life is specia, but for non religious reasons. they do not except WMD as they cause so much damage and threaten human life to a great extent.
3) People might refer to Utillitarinamism
What are Non-Christian attitudes to WMD?
1) Atheists do not support WMD
2) Humanists believe life is special, but for non religious reasons. they do not except WMD as they cause so much damage and threaten human life to a great extent.
3) People might refer to Utilitarianism, this is the believe that the right action brings about the greatest happiness for the greatest number. In this case WMD should not be used as they cause too much destruction and suffering.
What are Christian attitudes to violence?
Christians do not believe that fighting is the way to solve conflict, as the Bible and ‘Jesus’ teachings support ideas of peace
What are Christian attitudes to Terrorism?
Christians can never justify the use of extreme method, as it targets innocent civilians.
Explain two Christian teachings on issues surrounding conflict in the world?
1) Jesus taught to love our enemies (so therefore peace rather than fighting should be used to bring an end to conflict)
2) Christians can never justify terrorism as it is an extreme method as it target’s innocent civilians ( Everyone is equal and therefore should treat each other the same)
What are Humanists response to Issues surrounding conflict in the world?
1) Do not believe in the afterlife, so consider life earth very valuable. Violence costs lives, therefore they support non-violent methods. They might point out that conflict is caused by religious differences, which they belief it is pointless.
Give 3 points for the statement ‘ All Christians have a duty to work to overcome conflict in the world’
1) Christians believe they have a duty to Protect God’s creation as role of stewards. (Therefore limiting the damage caused by modern violence and issues of conflict around the world)
2) Jesus taught ‘love our enemies’ and not use violence against them. (instructs them to find peaceful methods of solving conflict avoiding use of violence)
3) Non religious individuals share views with Christians that we have all have a duty to stand up to violence ( human rights and equality are still important)
Give 3 points against the statement ‘ All Christians have a duty to work to overcome conflict in the world’
1) Some non- religious people may feel that authoritatives and government have the power to overcome conflict.
2) there is to be conflict in order to achieve peace.
3) Conflict is impossible to stop and the best we can do is limit the impact.
Give 3 points for the statement’ Terrorism is impossible to overcome’
1) There is always evil in the world
2) Cannot change people’s attitudes
3) Hatred
Give 3 points against the statement’Terrorism is impossible to overcome’
1) The sanctity of life
2) Follow Jesus(peacemaker)
3) worked together as one(peace to be united)
Give 3 points for the statement ‘Christianity is a religion of peace’
1) Jesus promoted forgiveness ‘ Turn the other cheek’
2) Pax Christi organisations promotes peace. (stewardship)
3) ‘Blessed are the peacemaker’
Give 3 points against the statement ‘Christianity is a religion of peace’
1) Story of Job- God let Job suffer to see if Job was devoted
2) Holy wars ( God sent his followers to wars )
‘he who doesn’t have a sword, must sell his cloak and buy one’
3) Christian organisations have not succeeded finding peace’