Living the Muslim life Flashcards
Who follows the ten obligatory acts?
Shi’a Muslims
How many of the 5 pillars are involved in the ten obligatory acts which Sunni Muslims follow?
Name 6 Obligatory acts.
1) Salah
2) Sawm
3) Zakah
4) Hajj
5) Khums
6) Jihad
7) Shahadah
What is Salah?
The Muslim Prayer
What is Sawm?
Four pillar of Islam and means fasting during the daylight hours during the month of Ramadan.
What is Zakah?
Each muslim who can afford it should donate 2.5 per cent of their annual wealth to the poor.
What is Khums?
tax set 20% for causes decided by Shi’a leaders.
What is Hajj?
One of 5 pillars of Islam it is a Pilgrimage to Mecca.
Explain why The Ten Obligatory Acts are important to Shi’a Muslims (4/5)
1) They provide Guidance( the practices are see to be commanded by Allah, showing them how to act and behave)
2) Show commitment to Allah (enabling Shi’a Muslims to connect with Allah and purify their hearts)
Give 3 points for the statement ‘It would be difficult to follow all ten Obligatory acts’
1) People who earn a low income may not be able to afford Hajj
2) Sawm is difficult as if you are pregnant you have to eat for baby
3) Trying to pray 5 times might be difficult may be tiring
Give 3 points against the statement ‘It would be difficult to follow all ten Obligatory acts’
1) Zakah is a healthy way of thinking to give money to charity/Zakah.
2) If you follow ten obligatory acts you show your commitment to Allah
3) Hajj if your passionate you would make it enjoyable and make it happen.
What is Shahadah?
Deceleration of belief which Muslims are required to say.
Outline three Muslim beliefs on Shahadah
1) First pillar of Islam
2) Deceleration of Faith
3) It is the first words recited into the ears of a newborn child repeated throughout a Muslims life
Outline 3 things that are important when Muslims are reciting the Shahadah.
1) Muslims must speak these words out loud with sincerity(seriousness and respect) and full of understanding of what they mean
2) You must say it out loud
3) You need to say it in order to convert to Islam
Outline 3 reasons why the 10 Obligatory acts are important for Muslims?
- It promotes a better society
- It offers guidance on how to live your life
- It shows commitment to Allah
Explain the importance of Shahadah (4/5)
1) Shahadah is an important testimony which reminds a person about an important commitment they have made ( will make it more likely to honor it)
2) The shahadah is first pillar of Islam. (deceleration of faith which comes before all the other pillars and basic requirement of faith)
Give 3 points for the statement ‘the Shahadah is the important pillar of Islam’
1) It is seen to underpin all other pillars ( this shows importance as it contains the central belief of Allah)
2) The shahadah is spoken daily, making up part of Adhan (call to prayer) which is whispered into a newborn baby ears. (demonstrates the role it plays within the life of every Muslim
3) First Pilliar of Islam (suggests it is the most important as it comes before all others.
Give 3 points against the statement ‘the Shahadah is the important pillar of Islam’
1) Salah could be seen as most important
2) Zakah could be seen as more important (as it impacts the greater world it is less personal)
3) The pillars are equally important as they are all considered duties(therefore Muslims should perform all duties as they are for Allah)
Outline 3 purposes of Salah
1) Allows Muslims to communicate directly with Allah
2) Performing one of the 5 pillars
3) Muslims can aim to improve themselves and please Allah through Salah
What is the significance of Salah?
Muslims believe all prophets of Allah taught their followers about worship, Prophet Muhammad demonstrated to Muslims how to pray
Outline the importance of the Jummah prayer.
Most important day of week as it is an opportunity for sins to be forgiven.
Outline the important rules when performing Salah at mosque.
Perform Wudu ; cover their hands, and remove their shoes beforehand
2) Switch of any devices like mobile phones to prevent distractions
3) Enter calmly and say ‘peace be upon you’ as a greeting to those in the mosque.
Give 3 points for the statement ‘A fixed time to pray does not fit in with mordern day life’
1) It takes up time
2) May not have an ideal situtation to perfomr salah in a quiet space
3) You could have previous arrangements which overlap with prayer time.
Give 3 points against the statement ‘A fixed time to pray does not fit in with mordern day life’
1) Shows commitment to Allah
2) If you are devoted you find time (please Allah)
3) Allah created modern life, so therefore Muslims should be able to make time.
Explain two reasons why Salah is important to Muslims?
1) Muslims are able to seek help at difficult times through prayer ‘I respond to those who call me’
2) Allows Muslims to communicate directly with Allah.
Outline three Muslim important things during Ramadan.
1) It is prescribed for you making it compulsory for all Muslims.
2) This was the month angel jibril first visited Muhammad and revealed the Qur’an
3) Fasting should bring Ummah closer together, making them grateful for what they have
Outline 3 forbidden things in daylight hours during Sawm.
1) No food
2) No smoking
3) No sexual activity
Outline the people who are exempt from Sawm.
1) The elderly
2) Muslims who are physically or mentally unwell
3) Pregnant woman
Explain the importance of Sawm in Islam (4/5)
1) The Qur’an says that Sawm is an obligatory duty for Muslims to perform fasting is ‘prescribed by Allah’ (therefore it is compulsory and one of the Five pillars)
2) Muslims believe that teaches muslims self - control and discipline ( appreciate what they have)
Give 3 points for the statement’ Fasting is a waste of time’
1) Health risks
2) Other acts are important such as Zakah
3) Muslims might be physically or mentally unwell
Give 3 points against the statement ‘Fasting is a waste of time’
1) Commitment
2) One of the 10 obligatory acts
Benefits you - Closer to Ummah struggle together
Give 3 points for the statement ‘Ramadan is the hardest of all Jihad’
1) Health issues
2) Muslims might be physically or mentally unwell
3) pregnant woman ‘God wants to ease for you’
Give 3 points against the statement ‘Ramadan is the hardest of all Jihad’
1) Hajj
2) Zakah
3) Salah
Explain two reasons why Muslims do not have to fast?
If they are sick (it mat affect recovery and long term health
2) If they are pregnant ( they need to stay healthy so their unborn child gains nutrients to grow and develop)
What is the history Laylat - Al -Qadr?
The night of power. the event where words are revealed by Allah to Muhammad via Angels.
What is the Nature of Laylat - Al -Qadr?
Muslims believe like prophet Muhammad they can receive their own Laylat-Al-qadr, Muslim scholars explain it in two ways, one they have understood it to be a particular night when a person has rheir prayers accepted and the other is when Angels come to the support of someone or a particular matter.
Outline 3 purposes of Laylat Al-Qadr
1) it was the start of the revelation of the Qur’an, which muslims beleive to be the final message from Allah to humanity
2) It was the time Muhmmad was called to become a prophet for the whole humanity
3) Muslims can also experience their own Laylat Al-Qadr as a way of strengthening their faith in Islam and becoming closer to Allah
Explain two reasons why Laylat Al - Qadr is important to Muslims.
1) To give Muslims the opportunity to ask for forgiveness for things they have done wrong
2) Muhammad advised his followers to seek Laylat Al -qadr ( As he is a role model, Muslims will follow in order to get closer to Allah)
Outline three reasons why Zakah is part of the Five Pillars
1) It is a sign of unity and supports the Ummah
2) It helps a Muslim to grow spirtually and frees them from greed and selfishness
3) Wealth is a gift of Allah which should be shared
Outline three Muslim beliefs on Khums
1) One of the ten obligatory acts
2) It is used to help the poor or those who may be suffering
3) It gives special recognition to Muhammad, his descendants and leaders within Shi’a Islam
Why is does Khums give special recognition to Muhammad, his descendants and leaders within Shi’a Islam
After prophet Muhammad’s death Shi’a Muslims would have given one fifth of their savings every year to the Imam of the time, who would spend it in whatever way he considered necessary for the Muslim community, now shi’a Muslims give money to government who spend money on orphans, schools and any other religious cause.
Explain two reasons why Zakah is important to Muslims?
It creates peace (therefore important to create a harmonious society that does not forget the less fortunate)
2) All acts of charity will be rewarded ‘Pay the prescribed alms… you will receive a greater reward’
Explain two reasons why Khums is important to Muslim?
1) Serving others is part of the faith. Prophet muhammad said ‘the upper hand than the lower hand (hadith) (suggesting it is more important to receive).
2) Like Zakah, Khums must be paid annually (shi’a Muslims believe that failure to do so would mean that any money owned is not pure)
Explain two benefits for Muslims receiving Khums?
1) Better access to education when Khums is used to build learning centers
2) Helping spread the Shi’a tradition such as Publishing books.
Explain two benefits for Muslims receiving Zakah?
It shares and distributes wealth in the world (this is what Allah intended for his creation)
2) It can help the poorest and neediest in society ( improve the conditions for many and make their lives bearable)
Explain two reasons why Muslims give to the poor?
1) Helping those in need makes them a better Muslims (Jannah)
2) Wealth is a gift from Allah ( Muslims should distribute wealth as everyone is equal)
Give 3 points for the statement ‘Duty of Government to look after the poor’
1) The government have mote influence and resources (can contribute on a bigger scale)
2) Khums is a donation to leaders/government(Shi’a Muslims give money to government to make decisions)
3) Dependent on Taxes
Give 3 points against the statement ‘Duty of Government to look after the poor’
1) Wealth is a gift from Allah
2) Helping those in need- makes them better Muslims
3) Promotes peace to create harmonious society that doesn’t forget the less fortunate.
Outline the the importance of Hajj
1) Hajj is one of the five pillars of Islam and must be completed by all Muslims who meet the criteria.
2) It is a demonstration of unity, equality within Islam
3) The pilgrimage is an opportunity for allows sins to be forgiven (Hajj offers pilgrims a fresh start to life)
Outline 3 actions completed on Hajj.
1) Tawaf - circling of the Ka’bah seven times
2) Stoning of the devil at Mina - throwing stones at the pillars
3) Mount Arafat - Standing and Praying or reading the Qur’an
Explain two benefits of Completing hajj?
1) Shows commitment to Allah (one of the Five pilliars of Islam and is a duty all Muslissm complete for Allah
2) Completing Hajj strengthens Ummah ( it unites Muslims in their shared believe in Allah as they all complete the same actions)
Give 3 points for the statement Hajj is essential for all Muslims’
1) Shows commitment to Allah (Muslims believe they will be rewarded in al-Jannah.
2) Strengthens the Ummah and the faith of individual Muslims.
3) Gives an opportunity to focus on Allah (ask for forgiveness and get closer to him’
Give 3 points against the statement Hajj is essential for all Muslims’
1) Muslims have to be physically fit and financially stable
2) Over 2 million people attend every year, making it difficult to have a personal experience due to large numbers
3) There have been incidences due to a large volume of people
What does Jihad mean?
What is Greater Jihad?
Inner struggle to be a better Muslim and closer to Allah by Studying the Qur’an, doing good deeds, resisting from greed and anger.
What is Lesser Jihad?
Outter struggle to Defend Islam
Outline 3 conditions for lesser Jihad.
1) Fought as last resort
2) authorized by a religious leader
3) Religious freedom is being taken away
Explain two reasons why Jihad is important to Muslims?
Better understanding of Muhammad ( follow in his footsteps)
2) Helps Muslims refrain from bad habits (Proves struggle is a good thing)
Explain two reasons why Greater Jihad is seen as more important to some Muslims than lesser Jihad?
1) It is viewed as an act of sacrifice to Allah (if it more important to overcome daily challenges rather than just go to war)
2) Sources of Authority have emphasized this. (The Qur’an and Muhammad both stated this)
Explain two reasons why Greater Jihad is important to Muslims?
1) viewed as an act of sacrifice for Allah (involves Muslims giving up time or even their life in order to resist any temptations they mace face and overcome them through moral actions)
2) It shows how Muslims should live life as Allah intended (struggling against temptation in the world helps them gain characteristics such as Self-discipline )
Explain the importance of lesser Jihad?
Defend the Religion (prophet Muhammad sometimes took action against people who persecuted Muslims and who wanted to end Muslim)
Aims to restore peace and freedom
Give 3 points that support the statement ‘The greater Jihad is more important than the lesser Jihad’
1) The greater Jihad is most important as it is stressed in the Qur’an
2) More of a personal battle ( showing commitment to Allah)
3) Muhammad was involved in military battles but supported greater Jihad as being more important.
Give 3 points that is against the statement ‘The greater Jihad is more important than the lesser Jihad’
1) Defend the Religion (prophet Muhammad sometimes took action against people who persecuted Muslims and who wanted to end Muslim)
2) Lesser jihad Aims to restore peace and freedom
3) Saves innocent civilians
Outline the Significance of Id-ul-Adha?
It was a sacrifice that Ibrahim was asked to sacrifice his son Ismail. This reminds Muslims to show dedication and devolution to Allah.
State 3 Muslim Celebrations.
1) Id-ul-Adha (End of Hajj)
2) Id-ul-Fitr
3) Id-ul- Ghadeer
Outline the Significance of Id-ul-Fitr?
A time to celebrate and thank Allah for his help in getting through the month of fasting.
Outline the Significance of Id-ul-Ghadeer?
It occurs 8 days after Id-ul-Adha, this celebrates the appointment of Imam Ali as successor to Muhammad,Sunnis do not recognize this festival as they do not recognize Imam Ali as the successor to Muhammad.
Outline 3 ways Id-Ul -Adha is celebrated.
1) Prayers
2) Cards
3) Presents are given
Outline 3 ways Id-Ul -Fitr is celebrated.
1) Homes are decorated
2) there will be special services
3) A celebratory meal is shared.
Explain two reasons why the Ka’bah is important in Hajj?
1) It is believed by Muslims to be the first place in the world that was dedicated to the worship of Allah
Outline 3 reasons why Muslims have celebrations and commemorations are important.
1) To remember past events and important people within Islam
2) Remembering inspiring people increase their faith
3) Unite the Ummah and show commitment in Allah e.g end of Fasting.
Give 3 points for the statement the ‘laylat al-Qadr is the most important goal of a Muslim’
1) the Laylat al-Qadr is stated in the Qur’an ‘Better than a Tousand months (this points out unqqiunss of it and so it must be a main goal as it isn;t experienced often
2) There would be no Islam if there was no Laylat - al -Qadr ( Prophet Muhammad himself experienced it at start of Islam, showing he is extremely blessed)
3) Muslims can also experience their own Laylat Al-Qadr as a way of strengthening their faith in Islam and becoming closer to Allah
Give 3 points against the statement the ‘laylat al-Qadr is the most important goal of a Muslim’
1) One judgement day you will be accounted for performing one of the the 5 pillars of Islam not Laylat Al-Qadr
2) It is experienced only one time a year during Ramadan ( it makes up a small amount of a Muslims life)
3) Isn’t stated in the Qur’an or Hadith
Give 3 points for the statement ‘Private prayer is more important than community prayer’
1) private prayer makes you feel comfortable when you are praying.
2) private prayer is more convenient as they don’t have to journey all the way to the mosque as the can just do it at home. ( people get tired going to mosque)
3) having private prayers means that you have a private relationship with Allah
Give 3 points against the statement ‘Private prayer is more important than community prayer’
1) community prayer brings all Muslims together and strengthen the Ummah.
2) because Salah is part of the 5 pillars and it helps Muslims to pray(, some Muslims would feel like they are strengthened and encouraged to do it properly as everyone in the community is doing the same thing.)
3) praying as a community can strengthen your faith. serve god properly)