Matters of life and death Flashcards
What is a Commodity?
Something useful or valuable
What is a Creationist?
Someone who believes in the literal truth of the description of creation given in scripture.
Outline three things Muslims believe about the origins of the universe
1) Everything was created by Allah
2) Creation was intended, planned and designed by Allah.
3) it took a periods of time to create the universe.
Explain the Muslims response to scientific theories of the origin of the universe (4/5)
1) They believe scientific explanations give them a better understanding of Allah and his creation.
2) The explanation of the Big bang theory helps to fill in gaps of what is not explained in the Qur’an.
Explain two Muslim beliefs about the origins of the Universe?
1) Allah created it ( the universe is there to support and sustain life so humans can prosper by carrying Allah’s will)
2) It is a commodity and have a purpose. (Muslims shouldn’t take things for granted and should value everything Allah created.
Give 3 points for the statement ;The Qur’an and science are in conflict over how the world was created’
1) The Qur’an says Allah created the universe, science says it was the big bang. ( to different theroies)
2) Science seems to suggest the universe was created by chance, while the Qur’an suggests Allah planned and designed it
3) The Qur’an suggests a loving God, while science suggests no planning or designing from a loving God.
Give 3 points against the statement ;The Qur’an and science are in conflict over how the world was created’
1) Many Muslims believe that Science helps to further explain the teachings about the Qur’an ( it fills in gaps)
2) They believe scientific explanations give them a better understanding of Allah and his creation.
3) Several passages are seen by some Muslims to refer to the event known as the Big bang.
Give 3 reasons for the statement ‘Science and religion can co-exist’
1) Science doesn’t disapprove religion, it provides answers to things that religion cannot explain.( shows science only fills in the gaps that Allah cannot come back down to fill in himself)
2) Many scientists who do their research in the name of their religion such as Abdus Salam a devout Muslim. ( scientists marvel at what god has created as uses it as motivation to discover more, it depends on each other)
3) Many Muslims believe the Big bang is compatible with their beliefs.
Give 3 reasons against the statement ‘Science and religion can co-exist’
1) Some scientific theories contradict with the word of Allah (evolution theory), this goes against Allah creating Humans
2) Neither sides of the Argument can be proven (Allah’s existence can’t be proven and we will never know)
3) The Qur’an says Allah created the universe, science says it was the big bang. ( to different theories)
What is Sanctity of life?
The belief that life is holy because it is God-given.
Outline three teachings about the sanctity of life
1) Human life should reflect the uniqueness of Allah
2) You must not take life
3) Humans have been made trustees (Khalifahs) of the earth.
Outline 3 Muslim beliefs about the sanctity of life?
1) Life is special and holy as all life is created by Allah
2) Allah is the creator of life, only he can take it away
3) Every human life is worth the same value as any other.
Explain two reasons why Muslims believe life is Holy?
1) Life is created by Allah
2) Muslims believe it is wrong to take life ‘ Do not murder’
(Al-ll human life should be respected as it is a gift from Allah)
What is the Theory of Evolution?
The process by which different species have developed from earlier forms.
Outline 3 Muslim beliefs about the Origins of the human life.
1) Everything else before humans (e.g. plants, seas) was prepared for human beings
2) Allah gave humans reason
3) Creationist Muslims consider Adam to be the first man on earth, created by Allah
Explain two ways in which Muslims respond to scientific explanations about origins of human life?
1) Some tradiational Muslims would belive that evolution is in conflict with Qur’anic teachings about the orgins of humans (Evolution suggest is was natural selection, whereas Qur’an teaches Allah made humans from clay)
2) Some Muslims accept ideas from Islam being compatible with evolution (Evolution is a part of God’s plan for how humans were created)
Give 3 points for the statement ‘ There is no way of accepting Muslim ideas about the origins of humans along with scientific views about Evolution’
1) Evolution conflicts with the Qur’an (Evolution suggests life started with organisms adapting whereas Qur’an suggests the universe was planned and intended)
2) No common ground between Muslim teachings and scientific teachings ( leading people to believe in none)
Give 3 points against the statement ‘ There is no way of accepting Muslim ideas about the origins of humans along with scientific views about Evolution’
1) Science can help explain what the Qur’an isn’t clear about (evolution explains his plan for how it was created within the world)
2) Many Muslims believe science and Islam can be brought up together as they view evolution as part of God’s plan( these teachings can work along each other rather than conflict)
3) Many Muslims believe evolution can help them understand God better and his ways.
Give 3 points for the statement ‘Evolution is a fact, Allah’s existence is not’
1) If god was all powerful, wouldn’t he stop natural disasters
2) Darwin’s theory suggests humans evolved through the process of natural selection
Give 3 points agaisnt the statement ‘Evolution is a fact, Allah’s existence is not’
1) Evil and suffering n this life is a preparation for heaven
2) Creationist Muslims belive that Allah created the First human on earth Adam
3) The Qur’an is evidence
What is Abortion?
The deliberate ending of a pregnancy.
When o Muslims believe that Life begins?
Ensoulment when the soul enters the foetus
What is Pro-life?
The belief that the unborn child has a right to life
What is Pro-choice?
The mother should have the right to choose whether to have an abortion
Outline 3 Muslim beliefs about Abortion?
1) The sanctity of life teaches that Allah created life and is holy so wrong
2) The Qur’an teaches that reasons that are not justified for abortions lack of money or a child from adultery
3) Accepted reasons for abortion include the life of the mother being in danger
Describe two reasons why some Muslims may get abortions (4)
1) Mothers life is at risk
2) Situation ethics
Explain two reasons why Muslims oppose abortion?
1) ‘Do not kill your children in fear of poverty’
2) All life is sacred (Allah is the only one that can take life
Give 3 points for the statement ‘If more people believed in God, there would be fewer abortions’
1) Islam does not accept abortion for the reason of parents not being able to afford to care for child (it is seen as selfish)
2) Situation ethics (keeping child is the most loving thing to do)
3) In Islam abortion is not allowed after adultery and as a result of unplanned pregnancy.
Give 3 points against the statement ‘If more people believed in God, there would be fewer abortions’
1) Situation ethics
2) Some Muslims would allow an abortion if the foetus has a deformity or serious illness
3) Abortion is accepted in situations such as Rape
Give 3 points for the statement ‘Abortion goes against the sanctity of life’
1) It states all life is sacred and should be looked after (going against this is seen as going against God
2) Life was given by Allah so therefore he should take it away
3) Life is a gift given from Allah and abortion shows that the gift is not being acknowledged ( shows disrespect to Allah)
Give 3 points against the statement ‘Abortion goes against the sanctity of life’
1) If child is born with a serious condition then the most loving thing to do is have an abortion ( Allah wants parents to perform the most loving actions)
2) If child being born will kill the mother, she should have right to abortion ( Allah would not want mother to die as knowingly killing herself as this is seen as suicide)
Explain 2 Muslim beliefs about science?
1) Islam is Compatible with science. ( The Qur’an refers to aspects of evolution that agree with modern theories about the origins of the universe)
2) Muslims belief that Allah is the first cause and that there are no random occurrences in nature. (‘Who created you, shaped you, proportioned you’) This shows a every stage of growth, Allah directs it.
Outline 3 Muslim teachings about death and the afterlife.
1) Allah has full control over life and death
2) The world will end when Allah chooses and at this time people will face judgment.
3) People will either be sent to Al-Jannah as a reward for a good life or Jahannam for a bad life.
Outline 3 non-religious reasons for believing in the afterlife.
1) Gives them comfort
2) A reward knowing your loved ones are in a better place
3) To meet loved ones.
Explain two reasons why Muslims support the existence of the Afterlife?
1) Teachings from the Qur’an highlight the importance of life after death. ( they teach that life is a test in order that a person can be rewarded.)
2) Muslims teach that there is a connection between life and life after death. ( Living a good life ensures a person is rewarded and not punished)
Explain two ways that Muslims might argue for life after death?
1) it gives them comfort ( Muslims know there loved ones who have dies are in a safe place and isn’t end for them)
2) It is a reward ( there is a netter places and encourages us to live a good life on earth.
What is Paranormal?
Unexplained things thought to have a spiritual causes.
Explain 2 Muslim responses of life after death?
1) Muslims believe that the idea of an afterlife (akhirah) gives their existence on earth a purpose
2) Paranormal beliefs go against the teachings of Islam
Give 3 points for the statement ‘People only believe in an afterlife because it brings them comfort’
1) Comfort is an idea of fantasy (the idea of afterlife can be seen as fiction as lack of evidence)
2) Social control ( idea to control human behaviour)
3) Fraudulent claims have been made about people communicating with the dead
Give 3 points against the statement ‘People only believe in an afterlife because it brings them comfort’
1) Design of the universe is proof of his existence (so his teachings on the afterlife must be true)
2) Muslims believe that Allah exists, and have faith in what he says.
3) Muslims have a personal experiences of communicating with Allah (through prayer)
Give 3 points for the statement ‘it is logical to believe in life after death’
1) As a way of dealing with grief and all of life’s hardships (. Losing a loved one is a terrible occasion which can be made a little less saddening by the idea that they have gone to a better place.)
2) Life only makes sense if someone follows it. (. The afterlife is a way for us to try to make sense of our otherwise explainable existence.
Give 3 points against the statement ‘it is logical to believe in life after death’
1) that there is no scientific evidence for any of it. This is important because all ideas of the afterlife are based on our imaginations.
2) the most logical conclusion as to what happens after death is the same as what was before birth; nothing
3) Social control ( idea to control human behavior)
State 3 arguments for belief in life after death?
1) Reward
2) Paranormal
3) Logic
Give 3 points for the statement ‘There is no afterlife’
1) Comfort is an idea of fantasy (the idea of afterlife can be seen as fiction as lack of evidence)
2) Social control ( idea to control human behaviour)
3) Fraudulent claims have been made about people communicating with the dead (Islam is a religion of honesty)
Give 3 points against the statement ‘There is no afterlife’
1) Design of the universe is proof of his existence (so his teachings on the afterlife must be true)
2) Muslims believe that Allah exists, and have faith in what he says.
3) Muslims have a personal experiences of communicating with Allah (through prayer)
Explain two ways Muslims respond to non-religious arguments against life after death?
1) There is evidence of an afterlife, as Qur’an is evidence (Written by God)
2) Muslims reject arguments of Social control as they believe there is a direct link between life and death ( they believe how a person lives their life will determine how they will be Judged)
What is Hospice care?
A style of care that aims to improve the lives of people who have an incurable disease.
Outline 3 types of Euthansia.
2) Voluntary euthanasia
2) Assisted suicide
3) Non-voluntary euthanasia
What is Voluntary Euthanasia?
A person’s life is ended painlessly at their own request.
What is Non-Voluntary Euthanasia?
A person’s life is ended painless when they are unable to ask (if a person is in extreme pain)
Outline 3 Muslim teachings about Euthanasia?
1) Euthanasia is always wrong as it goes against the sanctity of life.
2) Only Allah can give or take life so Euthanasia is wrong.
3) Euthanisia is suicide which isn’t allowed in Islam
Outline 3 non-religions views about Euthanasia?
1) Situation ethics
2) If a person has made a decision they shouldn’t require any permission
3) The person can die with dignity rather than continuing to live with a poor quality of life.
Explain two reasons why Muslims will not support the use of Euthanasia?
1) Suffering has a purpose ( Allah has a plan for everyone and you should not interfere with it )
2) The Qur’an teaches Euthanasia is wrong ( it is the world of God and guides them
State 3 features of Hotspice care.
Medical needs
Spiritual needs
Emotional needs
Outline the importance of Hotspice care.
The Prophet Muhammad strongly condemned those who had the opportunity to serve their parents in old age, but failed to do so. It is also a special duty, serving for them for however long Allah keeps them on earth.
What is Stewardship?
Taking care of the earth as Khalifah on behalf of God and the next generation.
Outline 3 threats to the Natural world.
1) Pollution
2) Global warming
3) Use of natural resources
Outline the 3 main catogeries of how food and drink in Islam are divided into.
1) Halal (Permitted and prepared according to Muslim teachings
2) Tayyab : oure and wholesome
3) Haram ( forbidden, such as pork)
What is Utilitarianism?
The idea that whatever promotes the greatest good or happiness for the greatest number of individuals is what is morally right.
Outline 3 ways Muslims perform there role as Khalifahs on earth.
1) Treating animals humanely and with respect
2) Helping maintain harmony on the earth
3) Performing acts that help protect the earth.
Explain two ways Muslims might act as Khalifahs on earth?
1) Treating animals humanely and with respect (Allah created them for a purpose and that you should only eat Halal meat as it is painless killing of animals)
2) ) Helping maintain harmony on the earth. In the Qur’an it says ‘It is Allah who made you successors (khalifahs)on the earth.
Outline 3 Muslim believes about animal experimentation being acceptable.
1) It is for a good purpose, such as helping human understanding
2) It supports the development of Medicine
3) Animals are treated humanely during the process.
Outline 3 reasons why Muslims believe they should care for the world and not waste resources.
1) Allah created the world and humans are its trustees
2) They have been given a duty by Allah to be khalifahs of the world
3) After death they will be called to answer any ill- treatment of the planet.
Give 3 points for the statement ‘Everyone should care for the natural world’
1) Muslims believe they have a duty of stewarship given to them by Allah
2) Muslims beleive the world was created as a gift from Allah
3) Islam teaches in the Qur’an we should not damage world and preserve it for future generations.
Give 3 points against the statement ‘Everyone should care for the natural world’
1) Some people without religious belief may claim they do not have any responsibility to care for the world. (not their duty)
2) People who damage the world should be the ones to clean it up
3) They are only one person and cannot make difference to the world.
Give 3 points for the statement ‘Stewardship only makes sense for religious believers’
1) Animals are part of world and should be treated with respect
2) Perform acts that help protect the world
3) Help maintain humanity on earth.
Give 3 points against the statement ‘Stewardship only makes sense for religious believers’
1) Peter singer started a campaign for moral rights of animals
2) Many veterans