Crime and Punishment Flashcards
Outline three Christian beliefs on justice
1) Christians are expexted to treat everyone equally and with respect
2) God will reward the righteous and punish sinners
3) The treatment of offenders should be in consideration of the crime they have committed
Outline 3 reasons why Christians should fight for peace.
1) God is seen to be just and people should act in the same way.
2) Jesus taught ‘Do to others as you would have them do to you’
3) Christians are stewards of the world and should protect it as God made the world out of love
Explain the importance of Justice for Christians (4/5)
1) Jesus taught importance of justice. In the Bible it states ‘ ‘Do to others as you would have them do to you’
2) God is seen to be a just(acting morally) so people should act in the same way
What are non- religious people such as Atheists and humanists attitudes to Justice?
They agree that justice is important. It seems fair to them that those who do wrong are punished.
Outline 3 causes of crime
1) Poverty
2) Social environment
3) Addiction
Explain two causes of crime (4)
Outline 3 Christian teachings about crime.
1) The bible teaches the difference between right and wrong
2) Christians believe all humans are able to sin
3) The bible teaches that crime such as killing or stealing is wrong.’You shall not murder’
Describe two ways Christians work to end crime (4)
Prison fellowship (Supports criminals while in Prison)
Street Pastors( Are groups of trained volunteers who work on the street)
Explain two reasons why Christian individuals or groups work to end the causes of crime?
1) God is believed to have made Christian stewards which means helping others and society generally.( it is important as you are acting in a way reflecting God’s intentions.
2) The Bible teaches that humans have a responsibility to help others.
What is the Quote that suggest that if you overcome evil you will be recorded?
‘Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good’
What is the Quote to suggest that people who follow evil will be punished and go to hell?
‘and who reject the truth and follow evil, there will be wrath and anger’
What are Atheists attitudes towards evil and suffering?
They hold no religious beliefs and use the existence of evil and suffering as an argument against God, arguing that an all loving and all powerful God would not let his creation suffer.
What are Humanists attitudes to evil and suffering.
They do not except evil and suffering as a test or punishment or part of a divine plan. They believe humans have a degree of choice in their lives and must, therefore, take some responsibility for evils such as war. They also believe that some people may suffer through it is not their fault due to natural causes.
Outline three Christian beliefs on the existence of evil in the world
God gave humans free will
Christianity teaches their is a purpose of suffering
Christians believe suffering is a test of faith.
Outline three Christian beliefs on the existence of evil in the world
1) God gave humans free will
2) Christianity teaches their is a purpose of suffering
3) Christians believe suffering is a test of faith.
Outline three Christian beliefs about good, evil and suffering.
1) The parable of the sheep and goats teaches Christians about good and evil.
2) Christianity teaches that people who are bad will be punished in the afterlife.
3) Christianity teaches that people who are bad will be punished in the afterlife
Explain two Christian beliefs about why people suffer
- Suffering is a test of faith
-God gave humans free will
The parable of the sheep and Goats(those who help others will be rewarded, while those who do not will be punished)
Explain two non-religious arguments as to why people suffer
1) Atheists o religious beliefs and use the existence of evil and suffering as an argument against God, arguing that an all loving and all powerful God would not let his creation suffer.
2) They do not except evil and suffering as a test or punishment or part of a divine plan. They believe humans have a degree of choice in their lives and must, therefore, take some responsibility for evils such as war.
Give 3 points for the statement ‘Evil and suffering is not a problem, if you believe in God’
1) Suffering is directed to those who don’t follow the rules of God
2) God reduces suffering by treating us with compassion
3) Evil is an abuse of free will (evil is a reflection of people’s choices not gods)
Give 3 points against the statement ‘Evil and suffering is not a problem, if you believe in God’
1) Natural disaster’s still happen ( people who still are faithful and believe in God do face suffering as it is apart of our nature
2) Story of Job
3) suffering has a purpose
Outline three Christian beliefs on punishment of criminals
Punishment is necessary if a person has done wrong
Christians believe in the death penalty because of justice
A person will face God after death and account their life.
Explain two reasons why, For Christians, punishment might be needed in society?
1) Punishment helps a person to learn that their behavior is wrong (Christian teach importance of forgiveness)
2) Punishment makes society safer (God created world for a just and fair place so punishment keeps world safe)
Explain two Christian teachings about crime Quote ?
1) Revenge is not the right response
2) We should forgive people just the same way God forgives our sins ‘let anyone of you who is without a sin be the first to throw a stone at her’-adulterous woman
Explain two different Christian attitudes to punishment
1) Jesus taught us love (agape) and forgiveness (crucial to have a fresh start)
2) ‘eye for an eye tooth for a tooth’
Give 3 points for the statement ‘It is more important to punish criminals than to forgive them’
1) Punishment is seen to protect society from the person who committed the crime.
2) Christians believe that punishment helps to make the world fairer and more just. (this is what God intended)
3) Christians believe that punishment will allow the person who has done wrong the opportunity to reflect on their behavior and realize why they are wrong.(helps become a better person)
Give 3 points against the statement ‘It is more important to punish criminals than to forgive them’
1) Christians believe that the Bible teaches them importance of forgiveness. (we are all sinners and we need to move on with our lives)
2) We are all sinners ‘Let you who is without sin cast the first stone’
3) Forgiveness allows criminals to realize that their behavior is wrong and change their behavior to become better person. ( God is merciful (forgiving) so forgiving people is following God’s example.
Explain two reasons why Punishment is important to Christians?
1) Bible states ‘Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth’
2) It deters persistent offenders from committing the crime again(sense of justice is achieved)
Give 3 points for the statement ‘it is god who makes people suffer’
1) Part of Gods plan
2) Ominscient (purpose of suffering)
3) Natural evil
Give 3 points against the statement ‘it is god who makes people suffer’
1) God doesn’t exist
2) Satan makes people suffer not God
3) Free will.
What are the 4 aims of Punishment?
1) Protection
2) Retribution
3) Deterrence
4) Reformation
What is Retribution?
Retribution is defined as something done to get back at someone or the act of punishing someone for their actions. An example of retribution is when someone gets the death penalty for committing murder.
What is Deterrence?
Deterrence: committing crimes E.g 25 years in prison
What is Reformation?
. Reformation – To try and change the criminal, so they no longer commit the crime.
What is punishment?
Keeping the public from being harmed, threatened or injured by criminals
State three ways Christian try rehabilitate criminals
Death penalty
Describe two of the aims of punishment (4)
Reformation (Criminals should be given a chance to reform
Protection( ensures society is protected by persistent offenders
Explain two christian beliefs about Punishment (5)
‘Jesus taught us love (agape) and forgiveness (so it is crucial to allow a fresh start to those who have turned away from sin)
2) ‘eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth’
Explain two reasons why Christians support the aims of punishment?
1) The aims of punishment are needed to keep order in society.(protecting society is very important as God created the world as a safe and just place)
2) The aims of Punishment seem to be in the line with teachings from the bible e.g Reformation suggesting that we need to forgive like Jesus and give people second chance
Explain two views on the aims of punishment?
1) ‘eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth’ retribution if necessary.
2) Christians should help sinners get on the right way of living.
Give 3 points for the statement ‘Reformation is more important than Retribution’
1) Can help deter the criminals from criminal activity
2) Jesus forgave
3) Capital punishment life is not ours to take apart from God ‘you shall not kill.’
What is Forgiveness?
Forgiveness is to stop blaming someone for what they have done, accept that they are sorry and work towards reconciliation (bringing people back together after conflict)
What is Restorative justice?
Bringing together the offender and victim family to try and restore peace.
Outline 3 beliefs about why restorative justice is important for Christians.
1) The bible teaches that we should try to forgive those who hurt us, even when difficult.
2) Christians believe reconciliation and making up with offers is the best way of solving conflict.
3) It gives offenders the opportunity to reform and change their behavior.
Outline three Christian beliefs on forgiveness
1) We are all sinners
2) Jesus forgave
3) Love thy neighbour
Explain the importance of reconciliation in Christianity?
1) Jesus promoted forgiveness and reconciliation
2) Blessed are the peacemakers
Explain two christian teachings about forgiveness (5)
1) Christianity teaches it is important to forgive others( We should forgive others as God forgives our sins)
2) Jesus forgave others ( when Jesus dies on the cross he forgave both the criminals for their sins and those who crucified him ‘Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing’(Follow his examples)
Explain why some Christians believe in restorative justice ?
1) Criminals face up to what they have done
2) It can rehabilitate the criminal quicker
Give 3 points for the statement ‘ A good person should always forgive’
1) Jesus forgave when Jesus dies on the cross he forgave both the criminals for their sins and those who crucified him ‘Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing’(Follow his examples)
2) God should be left to Judge sinners.
3) We are all sinners
Give 3 points against the statement ‘ A good person should always forgive’
1) The bible states God needs to forgive not us
2) Some crime are to extreme to be forgotten.
3) Sense of justice isn’t achieved.
Give 3 points for the statement ‘Murderers should not be forgiven’
1) Thou shall not kill’
2) God’s Job to forgive not us.
3) ‘eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth’
Give 3 points against the statement ‘Murderers should not be forgiven’
1) Jesus forgave when Jesus dies on the cross he forgave both the criminals for their sins and those who crucified him ‘Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing’(Follow his examples)
2) We are all sinners
3) ‘Blessed are the peacemakers
Give three points for the statement ‘ We should try to rehabilitate as many criminals as possible’
1) Jesus forgave when Jesus dies on the cross he forgave both the criminals for their sins and those who crucified him ‘Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing’(Follow his examples)
2) Offenders will be able to teach others right from wrong
3) Situation ethics ‘love thy neighbour’.
Give three points against the statement ‘ We should try to rehabilitate as many criminals as possible’
It won’t deter other people from committing similar crimes
Victims family may feel like justice isn’t being achieved
Give 3 points for the statement ‘Christians are far too soft on criminals and should support a tougher punishment’
1) ‘Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth’ (death penalty)
2) Some punishments go against Gods teaching of ‘Thou shall not kill’
3) Criminals can re-offend causing harm to Gods creation
Give 3 points against the statement ‘Christians are far too soft on criminals and should support a tougher punishment’
1) Jesus taught to forgive and give a second chance to reform.
2) We are all sinners
3) Sancity of life
What are christian views to Human rights towards treatment of Criminals?
Christians recognize that all humans deserve to have human rights because God created human equal ‘You are all one in Christ Jesus’
They believe that people should be punished by removal of some human rights, but should have basic human rights such as food and water.
What are christian views to Fair trial towards treatment of Criminals?
This is where the person accused of the crime has evidence for there defense and against their defense. They believe justice is important and support idea of fair trial. ‘When justice is done, it brings joy to the righteous but terror to evildoers’
What are christian views to Trial by jury towards treatment of Criminals?
Christians support jury, as it is fair the bible teaches the importance of being fair. ‘Do not pervert justice or show partiality’
Give 3 points for the statement ‘Criminals should always be treated in a respectful and just way’
1) Christians teach that all humans are equal and deserve equal treatment and dignity. (criminals when committing crime may deserve to lose some human rights but still deserve some respect)
2) It is wrong to torture a criminal even though they have done wrong)
3) Christians believe that criminal has the right to a fair and unbiased trial so it isn’t biased. (teachings in bible support this)
Give 3 points against the statement ‘Criminals should always be treated in a respectful and just way’
1) Some Christians may feel that the rights of victims are more important than the rights of the criminal.(the bible talks about protecting innocent and not given same level of respect could mean this)
2) Situation ethics
3) The use of torture can be positive saving people lives.
Give 3 points for the statement ‘the use of torture is always wrong’
1) Humans were created by God and deserve fair and respectful treatment.
2) God forgives us so therefore we should follow God’s example of forgiveness.
3) Jesus always performed most loving action ‘Love thy neighbour
Give 3 points against the statement ‘the use of torture is always wrong’
1) Gives justice to victims of crime
2) The most peaceful forms of justice doesn’t always work
3) Torture acts as a deterrent and protects society.
Outline three Christian beliefs on the capital punishment
1) The bible teaches ‘you shall not murder’
2) Jesus teaches that revenge is wrong
3) Christianity teaches the importance of love and companionship not killing.
Outline three reasons why Christians support Capital punishment.
1) The old testament teaches that it should be used for some crimes
2) Christians believe in eye for and eye’
3) Jesus never taught the death penalty was wrong.
State three reasons why some Christian are against the death penalty
1) Jesus taught revenge is wrong
2) Goes against sanctity of life
3) The bible states ‘you shall not murder’
Explain why some Christians believe we should use situations ethics when dealing with punishment (4/5)
1) Jesus performed the most loving action
2) ‘Love thy neighbour yourself’
Describe two reasons why Christians would be against the death penalty
1) Goes against sanctity of life
2) Christians believe peace is God’s intention for the world( therefore so this how we should act and behave)
Explain two reasons why Christians would be in favour of the death penalty Quote (4/5)
1)Jesus never taught the death penalty was wrong
2)The old testament teaches that the death penalty should be used for some crimes.
‘Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed’
Give three points for the statement ‘Criminals should never face the death penalty’
1) Sanctity of life
2) Adulterous woman
3) Christians believe peace is God’s intention for the world( therefore so this how we should act and behave)
Give 3 points against the statement ‘Capital punishment should be banned in every country’
1) ‘eye for an eye tooth for a tooth’
2) It deters people committing the most serious crimes
3) It gives justice to the victims
Give three points for the statement ‘Harshly punishing criminals is the best deterrent’
1) A sense of Justice is achieved
2) Acts as a deterrent to other people
3) The old testament teaches the Death penalty should be used for some criminals.
Give three points against the statement ‘Harshly punishing criminals is the best deterrent’
1) Restorative justice is the best deterrent
2) Adulterous woman
3) Jesus taught revenge is wrong
Give three points for the statement ‘ Capital punishment should be banned in every country’
1) ‘Thou shall not kill’
2) it is barbaric and uncivilized (shouldn’t be used in modern life it has no place)
3) many people who have been executed where later found out to be innocent (it is unreliable in finding the real culprit)
Give three points against the statement ‘ Capital punishment should be banned in every country’
1) ‘eye for an eye’
2) ‘ whoever sheds human blood, by human shall their blood be shed(serve crimes have serve consequences)
3) ‘it deters people from committing the most serious crimes( people are unlikely to commit crime, protecting civilians)