Christian beliefs Flashcards
What is the Trinity?
The trinity is the believe that God is the Father, Son and Holy spirit and that God has 3 equal parts.
What is the Nicene creed?
It is an important statement of belief about the trinity and the different characteristics of each role
What does the Nicene creed state?
1) The father is the powerful creator of everything ‘Maker of heaven and earth, of all is seen and unseen’
2) The son is Jesus Christ, who came to earth as God in human form and was crucified to redeem humanity’s sins- ‘For us and for our salvation he came down from heaven’
3) The holy spirit is the invisible power of God that works within the world today to guide and inspire us- ‘the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the son’
Outline 3 beliefs about the trinity (3 marks)
1) The trinity is mentioned in the Nicene creed
2) Christians believe that the three parts of the trinity are equally important
3) The trinity is the idea of the father, Son and Holy spirit.
What Quote is there to suggest that God is the Almighty leader and Gods loving nature?
‘Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty(…) God in three persons, blessed the trinity’
Explain two reasons why the trinity is important to Christians?
Firstly the trinity is made up of God the father, God the Son and God the Holy spirit. ‘Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty(…) God in three persons, blessed the trinity.’ This is important to Christians as it shows Gods loving nature as he is the Almighty creator and also spiritually in the world.
Secondly, the trinity shows that God is always in the World. Therefore God being present in the world makes a christian feel as if God is protecting them and makes them feel closer to him
What are the 2 ways Christians interpret the story of the creation?
Literal and non literal way.
What do literalists (creationists) Christians believe about creation?
1) The creation story as it is told in the bible is literally true because the bible is the literal ‘word of God’
2) God created the world in 6 24-hour days
3) They think the Big bang theory or the theory of Evolution is wrong.
What do Non-literalists believe that creation?
1) God created the world but not exactly the story in the bible says it is, the Genesis story is more a myth than a fact
2) Science and Religion together explain the creation, the bible explains why creation happened and science explains how.
What is the Quote to suggest that God is powerful in creating the universe and the role of the spirit of God?
‘In the beginning God created the heavens and earth…and the spirit of God was hovering over the waters’
Outline three Christian beliefs about creation
God created the world in 6 days
On the First day he created Heaven and Earth, light and dark
On the second day he created the land and plant life.
State 3 reasons for why ‘the creation story is no longer relevant’
-Science and Religion explain the creation
Non-Literalists believe God didn’t create the world as how the bible states
The bible is a Old text and People do not belief in God as there is more proof for Evolution
State 3 reasons against ‘the creation story is no longer relevant’
It is a gift showing how he loves us
Christians are stewards of his creation
Proofs God does exist as Christians believe God created the world.
QUOTE:’In the beginning God created the heavens and earth…and the spirit of God was hovering over the waters’
Explain two ways the biblical accounts of Creation can be understood (4 marks)
Literalist Christians believe the creation story in the bible as literally true( word of word). They accept the world was created in six 24 hours and reject all science that conflict with what the bible says.
Non Literalist Christians believe the creation story in the bible is true, but do not regard it as an factual account. They believe science and religion together explain how the universe was created.
What does incarnation mean?
It means becoming flesh and it is used by Christians to explain how God took human form through Jesus and lived and died within the world.
Why is Jesus important?
Jesus is seen by Christians as the incarnate Son of God and is given great importance within Christianity
What examples in the Bible that show Jesus as Divine (God)?
Jesus is omnipotent
Jesus forgave sins
Jesus preformed miracles
Jesus was resurrected after death.
What examples are there of Jesus as a human in the Bible?
He Prayed to God
He died
He was born to a human mother Mary
Describe why creation is important for Christians (4)
Shows that God is Omnipotent
God gave humans the responsibility to look after the world ‘stewardship’
Outline 3 beliefs about Jesus
1) Christians believe Jesus is the Son of God, as shown in the Trinity
2) Christians believe Jesus was God in human form on earth
3) Jesus is believed to be the saviour of the world, as he came to redeem the sins of humanity.
Explain two reasons why the Incarnation of Jesus is important to Christians?
Jesus went to heaven after he died and this gives Christians today hope as he viewed as the savior, dying to save the sins of humanity. It tells Christians there is an afterlife and provides hope that they will go to heaven.
Another reason why the incarnation of Jesus is important to Christians because it demonstrates that God is omnipotent. The bible states ‘ the virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel’ This is important because this act is seen as a miracle and shows how God has the power to give and take life.
Give three reasons why the incarnation of Jesus is important for Christians.
1) Helps understand God in Human form
2) Jesus died to save our sins as shows Gods love to humanity.
3) Provides hope for Christians that there is an afterlife.
What does ‘The passion mean?
It is the phrase used to describe the last few days of Jesus’ life made up of a number of key events
What happened on the Last Supper?
Jesus shared his last meal with his disciples, where bread was broken and wine drunk. Jesus predicted on of his disciples would betray him
Why is the last supper important to Christians?
Reminds Christians that Jesus made a ultimate sacrifice so others could live life.
Also shows that Christians should sense others, and nor expect others to serve them.
What happened at Jesus’ betrayal and arrest?
Soldiers came for Jesus while he was in the Garden of Gethsemane. Judas had betrayed him by telling soldiers where he could be found. He was charged for blasphemy for saying he was the son of God.
Why is the Jesus’ betrayal and arrest important to Christians?
It shows that if you stay faithful and do not use violence against aggressors you will be rewarded.
It also shows that evil often wears a mask to conceal its true purpose.
What happened at the crucifixion?
Jesus was sentenced to death on a cross as he was accused of blasphemy, tried and found guilty.
Explain the significance of the crucifixion
The death of Jesus represents the dedication to ensure eternal life for humans. ‘For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whoever believes in him, should have an eternal life’
Helps Christians understand the sacrifice Jesus made and reinforce the importance of Jesus.
What happened at the resurrection of Jesus
Jesus was brought back to life three days after crucifixion.
Explain why the resurrection is an important belief (4/5)
Shows that God is Omnipotent
It means that death is not the end
QUOTE: ‘I am the resurrection and the life’
What happened at Jesus’ Ascension?
The resurrected Jesus ascended to heaven 40 days after his resurrection.
Explain why Jesus’ Ascension is important to Christians?
There is hope for Christians that there is heaven
Shows Jesus is special and obedient.
What quote supports the Ascension?
‘After the lord Jesus had spoken to them, he was taken up into heaven and he sat at the right hand of God’
Outline three Christian beliefs about the last day’s of Jesus’ life
Jesus had his last supper with his disciples
Jesus was betrayed by one of his disciples Judas and was arrested
Jesus was put on the cross
Give 3 points for the statement that ‘All Christians should believe the world was created in 7 days’
1) God is omniscient (so has the knowledge and intelligence to create such as the universe)
2) The bible says the God is created in 7 days
3) God is omnipotent ( all powerful and has the power to accomplish creating the world)
Give 3 points against the statement that ‘All Christians should believe the world was created in 7 days’
1) God is Benevolent (Therefore God should still love you even if you don’t believe in creationism’
2) God gave humans free will
3) Some Christians believe in Evolution (Christians do not agree with the stages of creation or that God created the world by evolution)
What does Salvation mean?
Christians being saved from sin through the belief in Jesus
What is Atonement?
Is the idea that humans are reconciled and forgiven by God.This was broken when Adam and eve disobeyed God in the Garden of Eden.
What does redemption mean?
the action of saving or being saved from sin, error, or evil.
Outline three Christian beliefs about salvation/ role of Christ.
God sent Jesus to repair the relationship between Humanity and God
The bible states that God sent Jesus to atone for the sins of Humanity
Jesus offered redemption for humans by sacrificing his life.
Explain the importance of atonement for Christians ( 5 marks )
Christians belief it allows them get to closer to God and develop their relationship with him. The bible states that ‘For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whoever believes in him, should have an eternal life’ Understanding the sacrifice God made through giving his only son to the world to die on the cross helps them to understand that God loves us.
Jesus died on the cross to atone the sins of humanity and allow them to be saved. This means that Christians today believe they can also be rewarded in heaven and be with God.
What other points could you use that explains why atonement and salvation for Christians today?
1) Give humans hope that they can follow the example of Jesus, to be rewarded an afterlife.
2) Allows humans to understand the importance of being reconciled with other humans.
What does Universalism mean?
The belief that all humankind will eventually be saved
What does Eschatology mean?
is the word used for ‘end times’. Refering to the end of a human life or the end of the world.
What are the 5 possible things Christians believe will happen after death?
1) They will be resurrected
2) Day of Judgment
3) Hell
4) Heaven
5) Purgatory.
What christian beliefs do Christians have about Resurrection?
Christians believe that death is not the end. They believe that the resurrection of Jesus- when he came back to life from dead- proves life after death.
What christian beliefs do Christians have about The soul?
Souls that have been saved from death either go to heaven or to Purgatory, which is an idea of a waiting room where souls are cleansed before entering heaven. Souls that have not achieved salvation will go to hell.
What christian beliefs do Christians have about The day of Judgment?
Christians accept that God is just and it is God who will decide the destination of each human soul after death. They also believe that Jesus is also involved in Judgement and will offer every human the opportunity of salvation. Those who refuse will face the Last Judgment.
What christian beliefs do Christians have about heaven ?
Heaven is a place where Christians believe they will spend the afterlife. Some Christians believe heaven is a physical place but most think it is a spiritual state of being united with God. The bible teaches there is no sin, sadness or suffering in heaven.
What christian beliefs do Christians have about Hell?
The bible teaches that hell is where unrepentant sinners go after death id they have not accepted God’s offer of forgiveness and salvation through Jesus. It is a place of pain and suffering, without God.
Outline three Christian beliefs about the afterlife
Christians believe they will go either heaven or hell
Christians believe on the day of Judgment God will judge who depending how you have lived your life
Christians believe souls of those who have sinned a lot will be purified in order to go heaven.
Explain the importance of the Day of Judgement for Christians (4/5)
God will decide the destination of every human soul
Jesus will offer every human the opportunity of salvation( being saved from their sins)
What is the quote from Romans 2:16 that relates to Day of Judgement?
‘on the day when, according to my gospel, God will judge the secrets of men through Christ Jesus.’
Explain two beliefs about heaven for Christians?
Heaven is believed to be a reward for Christians who deserve it. Therefore it is for those who have performed good deeds and believe in God.
Christians believe they will be judged by God after death to determine whether they deserve to achieve salvation in heaven in the bible it states “And these will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life.” Therefore Christians believe the reward of heaven will be eternal with God.
What are the 2 main types of evil?
Moral evil/ suffering
Natural evil/suffering
What is Moral evil/ suffering?
Actions carried out by humans who cause suffering such as rape and murder.
What is Natural evil/suffering?
Things that cause suffering but have nothing to do with humans e.g famine and natural disasters.
Give 3 points for the statement ‘There is no life after death’
1) No definitive proof of life after death
2) Humans believe there is no life after death
3) Life after death doesn’t exist for religious people
Give 3 points against the statement ‘There is no life after death’
1) Resurrection of Jesus
2) The bible states that it will take place
3) There must be an afterlife as there would be no purpose/ point to life (rewarded for our actions on earth)
What is the Quote that links to hell?
‘He will punish those who do not know God and do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus’
What quotes link to Purgatory?
‘If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.’
Explain two reasons why evil and suffering raise problems for Christians about the nature of God?
Christians believe God is omnipotent and can do anything such as stopping suffering. Christians may question why an all loving God allows his creation to suffer.
Christian believe God is Benevolent (all loving) meaning he wouldn’t want us to suffer as he cares for us. Christians may question why God, if he is Benevolent, doesn’t stop evil.
Give a quote that links to Nature of God.
You answer us with awesome and righteous deeds, God our savior.
What 3 things does the Bible say about evil and suffering?
1) Genesis says that God created a perfect world.
2) Adam and Eve used their free will in the Garden of Eden to disobey God, which allowed evil and suffering in the world
3) Christians believe God sent Jesus to overcome evil in the world and die for our sins.
Explain how Vale of soul making is a response to problem of evil and suffering?
This is the idea that evil and suffering have a purpose, even if we don;t know what it is. Suffering can make a person stronger and help them appreciate the good things in their life.
What are the 5 responses to the problem of evil and suffering?
Story of Job Free will Vale of soul-making Prayer Charity.
Explain two solutions to the problem of evil for Christians?
Story of Job- shows we need to trust in God and he will reward us ‘In all this, Job did not sin by charging God with wrong doing’
Prayer - even if God doesn’t answer, God has a plan for everyone
Give three points that support the statement ‘Evil exist therefore God does not’
If God cannot prevent evil he is no omnipotent
If God doesn’t know evil he is not all knowing
God’s punishment as a result as a result of our bad sins
Give three points against the statement ‘Evil exist therefore God does not’
God gave humans free will
Gods plan preparing for heaven
Satan makes people suffer not God
Give three points for the statement It is God who is responsible for all evil in the world’
‘God’s plan
Natural evil
Give three points against the statement It is God who is responsible for all evil in the world’
-Free will
Satan causes evil
God doesn’t exist
Give three points for the statement ‘It is not possible to believe in God and accept evil and suffering in the world’
1) There is too much evil and suffering and it makes it difficult to accept why God does nothing to stop it.
2) Some people are innocent yet still seem to suffer
3) Some people suffer so much in the occurrences of suffering ‘disease’
Give three points against the statement ‘It is not possible to believe in God and accept evil and suffering in the world’
1) Evil is a taste of faith Story of Job
2) Christians believe that humans were given free will by God so that they could make their own decisions. (humans responsible)
3) Suffering has a purpose (just as we don’t fully understand all aspects of God). Accepting God means putting trust in to God.
Give 3 points for the statement that ‘the trinity is the best way to understand God’
1) Makes it clear to Christians is not like other human beings, as well as God’s divinity. In the bible it states ‘maker of heaven and earth’ (the trinity best explains God as Omnipotent being above all humans.
2) The trinity shows that God can interact with humans in different forms. e.g. the idea of incarnation is that God was in human form through Jesus. (helps understand God as it shows there is a way for humans to connect with him)
3) It is a clear description of the nature of God. ‘The father, the son and holy spirit’ ( from this you could argue that different forms of trinity is a clear way of showings God’s nature and immanence.
Give 3 points against the statement that ‘the trinity is the best way to understand God’
1) some Christians may find the idea of the trinity to be confusing or illogical. The bible implies that God is the father, son and Holy spirit but they are not the same. (meaning there is one god but different forms, this is difficult to grasp so Christians may not interpret it properly or not benefit from it.)
2) Understanding God through his attributes is clearer for humans such as his omnipotence or benevolence. (they can relate more as they know what he is capable of doing)
3) Not all christian groups accept the trinity. such as the Pentecostal church, the focus on mainly God the father and Holy spirit on earth. ( the fact that not all churches place emphasis on all forms of the trinity shows there are other ways that all Christian churches believe that God is understood.