Living the christian life Flashcards
What is Christian worship?
Is when Christians show respect and appreciation towards God.
What are the 3 types of way people can worship?
1) Liturgical worship
2) Non-liturgical worship
3) Individual worship
What is Liturgical worship?
Christians worship according to set pattern on a regular basis eg Sunday and you often use the Book of Common prayer.
What is Non-Liturgical worship?
Usually a very few words said, usually songs being sang and less formal as it doesn’t follow set pattern and it is more improvised.
What is Individual worship?
Quiet worship alone in a persons home.
Outline 3 ways Christians can worship
1) Liturgical worship
2) Non- Liturgical worship
3) Individual worship
Explain two different types of worship in Christianity (4/5)
Liturgical worship-Christians have set pattern of worship at a service using Book of prayer.
Non-liturgical worship- less formal and structured worship including clapping and singing
What is the Book of Common Prayer?
Oldest Angelican service book which is used for reading prayers and services such as marriage
Why is Liturgical prayer important to Christians
1) It is seen to be powerful way in order to get closer God.
2) The book of common prayer is used here.
What is Eucharist known as?
Holy communion
Explain the importance of the Book of Common Prayer in Christianity (4/5)
1))It helps Christians pray and used for most special services
Why is Non-liturgical prayer important to Christians?
1) The prayers can be personal but still powerful
What is a sacrament ?
Strengthening and deepening the relationship with you and God, also it is a rite of passage or ceremony where the power of God can be received
Give three similarities and two differences between the way Christians and Muslims pray and worship
1) Both Religions have a holy place of worship church and mosque
2) Prayer is common in the way of Communicating to God
3) Christian worship is lead by Priests and Islam worship is lead by Imams.
Explain two reasons why some Christians prefer to use Liturgical worship to worship God?
1) the book of common prayer is used. (Therefore Christians find comfort in using words that may well have been said for decades)+
2) More formal than non-Liturgical prayer and more structured e.g every Sunday. (It is seen to be a powerful way in order to get closer to God )
What are the 7 sacraments?
1) Baptism
2) Confirmation
3) Eucharist
4) Marriage
5) Taking holy orders
6) Reconciliation
7) Anointing the sick
What sacraments do the Protestant church recognize?
Baptism and Eucharist
What sacraments do the Catholics recognize?
All the 7 sacraments
What does the 39 Articles say about sacraments?
The 39 Articles state that the sacraments are important as signs of Gods grace and evidence of being a christian.
What is Baptism?
A ceremony in which a person becomes a member of the church. The child or adult has holy water poured on to them to show that their sins have been washed away.
Which Christians recognize baptism as a sacrament?
The Catholic, Orthodox and Angelican will celebrate baptism of infants.
What is Conformation?
When a person chooses to become a full member of the church, a ceremony is held by a local bishop or priest.
Which Christians recognize Conformation as a sacrament?
Angelican and Catholic
What is the Eucharist?
The Eucharist is the re-enactment of the Last supper that Jesus shared with his disciples. The read represents the body of Jesus and the wine is his blood.
What do Catholics call the Eucharist ?
What does the Anglican church call the Eucharist ?
Holy communion
Catholics believe in Transubstantiation what does that mean?
That the bread and wine become the body and blood of Jesus.
What is Marriage and what 2 Christians recognize this as a sacrament?
The legal and spiritual union of a man and a women. Both take vows before God and promise to love, honor cherish and respect each other through sickness and health until partied to death. Catholic and Angelican church recognize this as a sacrament.
What is the sacrament of Taking holy orders and what Christians recognize this as a sacrament?
Becoming a deacon, priest or bishop. Catholic and orthodox.
What is a deacon?
an ordained minister of an order ranking below that of priest.
What is Reconciliation and which Christians recognize it as a sacrament?
Confession, admitting your sins and asking for forgiveness and Catholic and Orthodox recognize this as a sacrament.
What is the Sacrament of Anointing the sick and which Christians recognize this as a sacrament?
The sick person confesses their sins and prays with a priest, oil is rubbed on their forehead and the sick ask to be recovered to health, forgiveness or to be with God in heaven upon death.
-Catholic orthodox, Anglican and Methodists recognize this as a Sacrament.
State three Christian sacraments
1) Reconciliation
2) Eucharist
3) Baptism
What is the Whole point of Baptism?
The baby is baptized in belief that it will cleanse the child from original sin.
Outline three things that happen at baptism
1) Parents and Godparents make promises on behalf of their child
2) A sign of the cross is made on the baby’s forehead and water is poured on their head from the font in the church.
3) A lighted candle is given to represent the light of Jesus.
Explain the importance of baptism in Christianity (4/5)
1)A lighted candle is given to Represent the light of Jesus(represents Jesus giving you new life to believe in him to go to heaven)
2) it will cleanse the child from original sin in the bible it states ‘And now what are you waiting for? Get up, be baptized and wash your sins away, calling on his name.’
(we are all sinners therefore we should wash away our sins)
Explain why marriage is an importance sacrament (4/5)
1) Marriage reflects God’s everlasting love.
2) Marriage allows men and women to have children in the bible it states “He who finds a wife finds what is good and receives favor from the LORD.” (Therefore they can spread the religion through the child and in return God will reward them’
Explain two reasons why the Sacraments are still relevant for Christians?
1) The sacrament of Eucharist is still relevant today is because the act is performed in every Anglican and Catholic church. At the last supper, Jesus shared out the bread to his disciples and said ‘this is my body given for you’(Therefore, the Eucharist reminds Christians of the sacrifice Jesus made for them)
2) Reconciliation is still relevant today is that we are all sinners ( by performing reconciliation we are following Jesus’ teachings of forgiveness.)
Give 3 points for the statement ‘Give 3 points for the statement ‘‘Baptism is the most important sacrament’ (15)
1) Symbolizes a person becoming a christian.
2) Strengthens christian society
3) Cleansing sins from parent sins ( ‘And now what are you waiting for? Get up, be baptized and wash your sins away, calling on his name.’)
Give 3 points against the statement ‘Give 3 points for the statement ‘‘Baptism is the most important sacrament’ (15)
1) All sacrament are equally important all key in society (they are all a key role within christian faith)
2) Eucharist is the most important ( the Eucharist reminds Christians about Jesus’s sacrifice)
3) Reconciliation is most important (We are all sinners so we need to follow Jesus teachings of forgiveness)
Give 3 points for the statement Marriage is the most important sacrament’
1) Marriage reflects Gods loving nature
2) Marriage allows men and women to have children(therefore they can spread the religion)
3) “He who finds a wife finds what is good and receives favor from the LORD.” (The man who finds a wife finds a treasure and receives favor from the LORD.)
Give 3 points against the statement ‘Marriage is the most important sacrament’
1) Reconciliation is more important (Jesus was a peacemaker and promoted peace.
2) Anointing the sick is the most important( seeking a better relationship with God is more important than seeking a relationship with someone else
3) Eucharist is the most important ( the Eucharist reminds Christians about Jesus’s sacrifice)
Give 3 points for the statement the Eucharist is the most important sacrament’
1) ) The sacrament of Eucharist is still relevant today is because the act is performed in every Anglican and Catholic church. At the last supper, Jesus shared out the bread to his disciples and said ‘this is my body given for you’(Therefore, the Eucharist reminds Christians of the sacrifice Jesus made for them)
2) The Eucharist is a key ceremony that is celebrated regularly in church (brings all Christians together)
3) The significance of Jesus’ death and resurrection are central to Christianity (So Eucharist underpins the daily beliefs and practices of being a christian.)
Give 3 points against the statement the Eucharist is the most important sacrament’
1) Reconciliation is more important (Jesus was a peacemaker and promoted peace.
2) Anointing the sick is the most important( seeking a better relationship with God is more important than seeking a relationship with someone else
3) Baptism is the most important ( it symbolizes a person becoming a christian)
Give 3 points for the statement ‘God doesn’t need people to worship him’
1) God is omniscient (God has a plan for everyone)
Give 3 points against the statement ‘God doesn’t need people to worship him’
1) We are all sinners ( we need to ask for forgiveness and show God that we care for him)
What is Prayer?
Is when a person tries to communicate with or talks to God.
State three types of prayer
1) Set prayers
2) The lord’s prayer
3) Informal prayer
What are Set prayers?
Some Christians have a prayer book that it is used in their Sunday services of worship. Many prayers reflect key christian beliefs, which may praise or thank God for what he has done and provided.
State three types of prayer
1) Set prayers - such as those found in the book of common prayer
2) The lord’s prayer- ‘Our father..’
3) Informal prayer - Praying privately alone’
What is the Lord’s Prayer?
This is the most famous prayer, which is believed Jesus taught to his followers. It contains many of the key Christian beliefs about God.
Outline 3 reasons on the importance of prayer to a Christian.
1) To get closer to God and communicate with him
2) To praise God or thank him for what he has done
3) To say sorry to God when a person feels they have done something wrong.
Name three purposes of prayer and when they might be used.
1) Closer to God and communicate with him and this is used in the Lords prayer
2) Ask for forgiveness and this may be used in Informal prayer
3) To say sorry to God when a person feels they have done something wrong, this may be used in Set prayers.
Explain why prayer is important in Christianity (4/5)
The bible says that Christians should pray, in the bible it says’ Look to the LORD and his strength, seek his face always’ (Trust the LORD and his mighty power in order to get closer to God)
2) It is regular communication with God.( Christians believe it is important to develop a relationship with God)
Outline 2 other reasons why Prayer is important.
1) Jesus told his followers to pray (he gave them the Lord’s prayer)
2) It provides hope that God is listening (Christians believe that God listens to their prayer and answers their needs)
What is a Pilgrimage?
A journey to a religious or holy place.
What is a Shrine?
A holy place dedicated to a holy place
What is a vision?
Setting or hearing someone or something holy.
What are the 4 places of Christian Pilgrimage?
1) Jerusalem
2) Iona
3) Taize
4) Walsingham
What does Jerusalem represent ?
Jesus celebrated the Last supper, was arrested, crucified and resurrected in Jerusalem.
Why is Jerusalem important for Christians?
They think about the sacrifice Jesus made in dying for the sins for humanity and also where Christian teachings were found
What does Iona represent?
Island of the coast of Scotland is considered to be sacred as many saints lived there. Christians visit Iona to spend time in prayer and reflection. It is one of the oldest sites of pilgrimage.
What does Taize represent?
Christians visit taize in central france to join monastic order or to experience and share in the community’s way of life.
What does Taize represent?
Christians visit Taize in central France to join monastic order or to experience and share in the community’s way of life.
Why is Taize important to Christians?
It seeks to unite people of all races and pilgrims to spend time in mediation, prayer and silence, and live a simple life.
What does Walsingham represent?
A woman in Walsingham received a vision from the vision Mary, who showed her Jesus’ home in Nazareth. A replica was built in Walsingham, as it was difficult for many to make the journey to Israel.
Why is Walsingham important to Christians?
It is where Christians can pray to Jesus
State three reasons on the importance of pilgrimage
1) Understand faith better
2) Connect/ close to God
3) Unites all Christians/ share faith with others
Explain the importance of two different places of pilgrimage for Christians (4/5)
1) Jerusalem Jesus celebrated the Last supper there and was arrested, crucified and resurrect. ( therefore this reminds Christians of Jesus sacrifice in dying for our sins to save humanity.
2) Taize this is were many people experience the monastic order and share in the community’s way of life.(Therefore Christians can go and share their faith with others on a spiritual journey)
Explain two reasons why Pilgrimage is important to Christians?
1) Christians believe that pilgrimage can bring them closer to God (spending extra time in reflection, study and prayer as well as on the special places can help them understand the nature of God better.)
2) Pilgrimage can provide Christians with an opportunity to share the faith of others. (Christians can share thoughts and reflect the journey in order to understand their faith better)
Give 3 points for the statement ‘‘No one should go on pilgrimage’ (15)
1) Other important ways you can display your faith (Fulfilling sacraments, going to church)
2) Spend money on charity (God is everywhere therefore you do not need a special place to feel Gods presence.)
3) Some Christians may feel there is no need to participate in Pilgrimage as religious faith and practice is a personal thing.
Give 3 points against the statement ‘‘No one should go on pilgrimage’ (15)
1) Connect/closer to God
2) To trace the roots of the pilgrimage (Understand faith better and significance)
3) Unites all Christians (therefore they can share faith with others and remember important events)
What does Christmas signify?
Christmas celebrates the incarnation and birth of Jesus- when God’s son came to Earth in Human form. It is celebrated on 25 December although it is isn’t actual birth date.
What is the Festival of the Advent?
Marks the beginning of the Christian year and the countdown to Christmas. It takes place four Sundays before Christmas and is a period of preparation. Advent calendars and candles are used to count down the days.
What does Easter signify?
It is the festival that remembers the cruxification and celebrates the resurrection of Jesus. Good Friday is when Jesus was crucified and then on Easter Sunday the sadness at the death of Jesus is forgotten and his resurrection is celebrated.
What is the Holy week?
Is the final week of Lent leading up yo Easter. It commemorates the last week of Jesus’ life from when he entered Jerusalem on Psalm Sunday to the last supper and crucifixion.
Outline three Christian traditions during Christian celebrations
1) Cards and Presents are given and houses are decorated during Easter
2) During Easter special services are held maybe re-enacting the Crucifixion on Good Friday
3) Families come together to share a special meal on Christmas.
State three reasons on the importance of pilgrimage
1) Connect/closer to God
2) Show respect
3) Understand faith better
Explain the importance of the Holy week (4/5)
1) Commemorates last week of Jesus’ life
Give 3 points for the statement ‘Easter is more important than Christmas for Christian’
1) Easter celebrates the resurrection of Jesus provinding hope of afterlife with God (Easter is more important as it gives evidence for life after death)
2) Death of Jesus is remembered at Easter time. he died for the sins of the whole world ( this is a crucial event in history of Christianity and more relevant of Jesus birth)
3) The resurrection of Jesus gives proof of his divinity as the son of God. ( provides evidence of God;s love for the world in sending his son to redeem the sins of humanity)
Give 3 points against the statement ‘Easter is more important than Christmas for Christian’
1) Without the birth of Jesus there wouldn’t be the death and resurrection of Jesus. (therefore Christmas is as important if not more important than Easter)
2) More people celebrate Christmas than Easter ( this shows it has a wider social relevance than Easter)
3) The birth of Jesus signifies the start of religion of Christianity. ( Christians recognize the importance of tracing roots of their religion, so this event would be important in achieving this, the celebration of birth of Jesus is a way of marking this occasion)
Outline three religious celebrations that take place during the christian year.
1) Christmas
2) Easter
3) Holy week
Give 3 points for the statement ‘ Easter is the most important festival’
1) Resurrection proves that there is an afterlife. (offers them hope and belief that they will be reunited with their loved ones and receive eternal life)
2) it commemorates Jesus’ resurrection. ( this reassures Christians of Gods power and encourages them to continue to believe in their faith as God is omnipotent ans can bestow miracles.)
3) The resurrection of Jesus gives proof of his divinity as the son of God. ( provides evidence of God;s love for the world in sending his son to redeem the sins of humanity)
What is a missionary?
Is a person who is sent out on a religious mission, especially to promote Christianity in foreign places.
What is a missionary?
Is a person who is sent out on a religious mission, especially to promote Christianity in foreign places.A person who preaches and invites people to convert to the Christian faith
What is Evangelical work?
Preaching the gospels in order to attract new believers by missionary
What is ecumenical work?
A movement that tries to bring different Christians denominations closer together
Outline 3 purposes of Missionary work.
1) To spread the teachings of Jesus.
2) setting up and running schools and colleges
3) Inviting non Christians to convert to Christianity.
Outline 5 reasons why Missionary work is important to Christians.
1) Help people gain a clearer understanding of their purpose in life and get closer to God
2) Help allow people to be saved from their sin through Jesus.
3) It encourages Christians to tell other people about their faith.
4) can help the poor and suffering yo have hope
5) Keep christian messages alive and relevant to day and enables Christians to obey Great commission of Jesus.
Explain the importance of the missionary work in Christianity (4/5)
1) Help people gain a clearer understanding of their purpose in life ( this means that they can get closer to God by saving themselves from sin through Jesus.
2) It encourages Christians to tell other people about their faith. in the bible it states ‘ Go into all the world and preach the gospel to creation’ Therefore the word of God should be told to everyone to keep christian messages alive and relevant today.
Explain two purposes of missionary work (4/5)
1)To spread the teachings of Jesus.
2)Inviting non Christians to convert to Christianity.
In the bible it states ‘Come follow me, ‘Jesus said ‘and i will send you out to fish for people’ (this suggests Christians should help save people by telling them messages of God)
Outline 4 reasons why Evangelicalism is important.
1) Encourages Christians to tell others about their faith
2) Brings new Christians into the church
3) Christians can help the poor and provide hope for those suffering
4) Allows Christians to follow the Great commission (those who followed and obeyed Jesus’ commands)
Provide two reasons why evangelicalism is important to Christians.
1) Brings new Christians into church (therefore the missionary work can help them gain a clearer understanding of their purpose in life and get closer to God, also strengthen the Christian community)
2) Encourages Christians to tell others about their faith e.g. Pray also for me… so that i will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel’ (this means that Christians should spread the word of God with passion, knowing God is supporting them like Jesus did as he has made us stewards of the world)
What is alpha and what are their aims?
Alpha is an organisation which encourages evangelicalism in a relaxed format, this group aims to introduce new or potential members to the church and learn more about Christianity and also Provide Christians an opportunity to explore the meaning of life through series of talks and discussions.
Explain two ways in which Evangelical work helps others?
1) Education can be provided to help people understand their faith better. (it can help them gain a clearer understanding of their purpose in life and get closer to God)
2) Churches can help their local area and bring the community together through evangelical work. ( they can tackle community projects, which can improve an area for all the people who live there.
Outline 3 ways Evangelical work helps others.
1) Education can be provided to help people understand their faith better.
2) Churches can help their local area and bring the community together through evangelical work.
3) Evangelical work can bring practical help, especially in poorer areas and countries.
Explain two ways the Church helps the individual Christian?
1) by performing Missionary work (they can spread the teachings of Jesus and convert people into Christianity
2) Putting on activities to draw people into Christianity and create a sense of community. ( provides support to local community to ensure they fell that they belong)
Give three points for the statement ‘Christians should not be allowed to perform missionary work’
1) Might only spread western values (therefore culture doesn’t thrive)
2) Could be done forcefully which goes against Jesus teachings ‘Blessed are the peacemakers’
3) Some people crticise missionary abroad because it can infect local populations with foreign germs and diseases.
Give three points against the statement ‘Christians should not be allowed to perform missionary work’
1) Brings new Christians into church (therefore the missionary work can help them gain a clearer understanding of their purpose in life and get closer to God, also strengthen the Christian community)
2) Encourages Christians to tell others about their faith. ( Therefore you can keep christian messages in society alive)
3) Help others ( Jesus helped the poor looking out for them, therefore Christians can follow Jesus teachings which will reflect positively on their afterlife.
Outline 3 reasons why the local church is important to Christians.
1) Unites the local community
2) Provides support and comfort when needed
3) can give advice from sources of authority such as the minister of vicar.
What is another reason why the local church is important to Christians?
Gives identity and belonging to people in a community.
What are the 4 ways the local church community helps others?
1) Center of Christian identity
2) Ecumenism
3) Outreach work
4) Worship through living practices
How does Center of Christian identity shown from churches in the local community?
The local church will organise events to bring together people in the community and create a sense of Christian identity such as :
1) clubs for children, such as Sunday school to educate and introduce them to the christian faith
2) Social groups, such as coffee mornings to create social opportunities for Christians to share in their faith together
3) Bible study groups where Christians can understand and discuss their faith together.
What is Ecumenism and what does it do for community?
Ecumenism tries to break down barriers between different christian denominations, reminding all Christians that they are followers of God and believe in Jesus.
This is achieved by :
Groups of Christians may visit each other or hold events to help achieve unity
Some ecumenical church communities may share buildings or hold joint faith.
How does the local church help through Worship through living practices?
The local church community will celebrate special services including festivals such as Christmas and Easter and rites of passages such as baptisms and marriage, these help to mark important milestones in the lives of those within the community.
What is Outreach work and how does the local church help through outreach work?
It is an activity to provide services to people in need. Examples include:
Working with families to resolve problems
Visting those in prison or hospital
Organizing and running community activities
What is the quote that suggests the importance of supporting each other within the local community by being an example and role models to others.
‘By sherperd of God’s flock that is under your care, watching over them… but being examples to the flock’
What is Parish?
A community of local believers within a particular denomination
Outline 3 ways the local church community helps the individual believer and local area.
1) By holding parish activities such as coffee mornings and clubs for youngsters
2) Through ecumenism - bringing those of different denomantions together
3) By completing outreach work
What is the local church?
A meeting place for local believers and the community of believers who gather there
Do you think the church can benefit from non believers?
Yes as the church provides more than a spiritual guidance
Outline 3 ways supporters of the Ecumenism believe it helps Christianity .
1) Tolerance of different ideas
2) Mutual understanding of the christian faith
3) less discrimination and conflict
Describe the role the local Church plays in a community (4)
1) The local church community brings people together, both those of faith and those without faith( therefore it can create a sense of belonging for all people)
2) The local church can put on activities such as social groups and coffee mornings ( Christians can share their faith together strengthening the community)
Explain two reasons why Ecumenism is important to Christians?
1) It helps to bring people together closer, both with faith and those without faith ( it gives a sense of belonging for all people)
2) It means there is less discrimination and conflict ( therefore as Jesus didn’t use violence and was a pacifist, we should as stewards help to fight for no discrimination and conflict.)
Give three point for the statement ‘ The local church community is important today’
1) It helps to bring people together closer, both with faith and those without faith ( it gives a sense of belonging for all people)
2) The local community can put christian principles into action such as caring for others and helping them ( provide support for vulnerable people and show passion towards them ; reflecting key teachings in Christianity.
3) The local church can put on activities such as social groups and coffee mornings ( Christians can share their faith together strengthening the community)
Give three point against the statement ‘ The local church community is important today’
1) Some people are not religious and do not want to be involved in religious events ( therefore it wouldn’t be right to force them)
2) There are still differences between people and sometimes even within a local community those are too great to conquer (therefore it may not be right to try and bring some people together)
3) Some people do not have a local religious community or do not want to be apart of them ( it may not be important to them)
Outline 3 importances of the Worldwide church.
1) Gives a global identity to Christians (showing they are all united despite denominations)
2) Promotes unity
3) Provides support when needed- to Christians, other religious believers and non-religious believers.
4) Shows how chrstian teachings can be put into action globally.
What are Christian views on Reconciliation and Persecution?
1) Christians sometimes face persecution including verbal and physical abuse They can be prevented from practicing their faith.
2) Christians believe they should work to overcome persecution and break down barriers.
3) Some Christians support those being persecuted, for example by educating people about Christianity.
What are Christian views on Reconciliation and Persecution?
1) Christians sometimes face persecution including verbal and physical abuse They can be prevented from practicing their faith.
2) Christians believe they should work to overcome persecution and break down barriers.
3) Some Christians support those being persecuted, for example by educating people about Christianity.
4) The Worldwide church emphasizes the shared nature of faith to unite all Christians.
Outline 3 christian beliefs about Charity.
1) they teach compassion and treating other people fairly’ Love your neighbout as yourself ‘
2) Jesus taught about helping others e.g the parable of the Good samaritan
3) God made all humans in his image, so all people should have equality and dignity
Give another Christian belief about charity
Christians believe they will be accountable to God for their actions in this life : the parable of the sheep and goats talks about how humans will be judged according to how they helped others.
Who are Christian aid?
It is a christian charity that works globally to end poverty. It campaigns for injustice and seeks to change government policy.
What 4 things do Christian aid believe?
1) In treating people with compassion
2) That every human deserves respect and dignity
3) equality and justice are achievable
4) all humans are accountable for there actions
What is Agape?
Unconditional love towards everyone.
Outline three ways Christian groups reconcile conflicting groups.
1) World council of churches reconcile conflicting groups is organizing days of prayer.
2) campaigning for peace and human rights.
3) the Ecumenical movement arranges meeting to address the situation.
Outline 3 ways Christian Aid operates.
1) It runs political campaigns
2) It gives long term aid and education to help the poor feed themselves
3) It gives immediate aid such as first aid, food, shelter and clothing
Explain two reasons why the Worldwide church is important to Christians today?
1) The bible teaches the importance of caring for others. ‘Treat others as you would like to be treated’( therefore Christians should show agape love towards by giving to charities in order to fulfill Gods teachings of Equality
2) There are many examples of Christian teachings about helping others and the worldwide church achieves this( Christians work to reconcile others and break down barriers in order to promote unity.
What does this quote suggests ‘whatever you did poor one of the least of these brothers and sister of mine, you for me’
One of Jesus’ teachings was on charity, the parable of the sheep and goats. he tells his believers whenever they give to the poor they are giving to him. They are being judged by everything and by giving to charity you are following his teachings of helping others.
Give 3 points for the statement ‘Charity starts at home (community)’
1) Christians are stewards of the world and it is their job to help less fortunate
2) Jesus taught about helping others e.g Parable of Good Samaritan
3) Jesus taught the parable of sheep and goats (humans will be judged according to how they have helped others)
4) ‘God created mankind in his own image’
Give 3 points against the statement ‘Charity starts at home (community)’
1) Charity starts worldwide
2) We all are children of God so it doesn’t matter
3) Jesus branched to people other than his disciples.
What are similarities of life after death between Christianity and Islam?
1) Life is a test
2) Places of eternal reward and eternal punishment
3) Resurrection