Peace 4 Flashcards
Project Summary?
- location, sites. - Aim - Context - Value
- Enhancement of 6 sites spread across the Ards and North Down District Council area.
- Existing community spaces developed into inclusive, shared spaces.
- provision of informal recreation and leisure facilities
reconciliation between opposing communities in NI
- £787,000
Client and funding?
European Regional Development Fund
Special EU Programmes Body
- implement the 270m euro EU Peace 4 fund in NI
Construction Programme?
Sites / context ?
Small green spaces - residential areas / on the periphery
Woodland, existing parks, car park, community green space
- Japanese knotweed
- Badgers
Through a framework - SCAPE
JV AECOM, Gleeds and Pick Everard
how did we get Peace 4 ? - competitive/direct appointment from framework?
Traditional - Design Bid Build
- gives client more control - funders SEUPB advised by following advice of the CP Directorate. changed from D&B
CPD = industry advisory body for public procurement.
2 months before tender - created some risks and project issues
AECOM appointment
RIBA stages 1-7
through a SCAPES BECS framework worth £350m.
Perfect circle = joint venture between AECOM, Pick Everard and Gleeds. offering services to public sector clients.
Contract: NEC PSC opt A - FP + AS
Fee: £154,000
my experience RIBA 3-5
Planning permission?
- Not required
- prepared and consultations with xxxx
- agreed between client and local planning authority it was classified as permitted development
Tender for construction contract
- method
- my involvement
- criteria
- Contract
- value
?? Selective single stage?
my involvement - tender clarifications
awarded to FPMcCann - Quality and Price - 70-30%
Value = £750,000
My Role ?
Drawings concept to planning - hazard register SHE plan + updates NEC supervisor - progress meetings - ensures that the works are carried out in line with the quality defined by the Works Information - independent professional judgement - diaries and reports - CA&QS for review of payment applications - defects inspection and report
Relevant Legislation ?
PCD 2015
CDM 2015
Japanese knotweed - ??
Badgers - ??
H&S management at AECOM
ISO 90001
Safety for life policy
Safety in design workbook
Hazard register
Designers risk assessment/ Residual Hazard Register
example ???
certificates for controlling projects?
EW notice - 8 weeks from problem
eg - from us car park at ropewalk
- from contractor ?? covid? (2 weeks to respond)
CE - cost & time impact
- PM has 1 week to confirm EW is a CE & request
- contractor has 3 weeks to submit quote
- PM has 2 weeks to accept / reject quote
notice of non-completion
delay damages
snag list
certificate of making good - equivalent??
Delay damages scenario ?
- Progress meeting
- PM issued EWN to client and contractor - risk of non completion by Contract Completion Date 02/10/2020 +application of delay damages should this be missed.
- defects inspection carried out
- client agreed to halt delay damages from 27/11/2020
- sites open to public
- signage, railings and snagging carried out after handover.
- PM advised that continuing to apply delay damages could be considered punishment - remaining works not obstructing use of the site.
- railings fabrication delayed due to delay damages
spirit of the contract client agreed - planting and skate park already outside main programme - delayed due to covid and weather respectfully.