PE PAPER 1- 2018 Flashcards


01 Which receptor is responsible for detecting a change in blood pressure?
[1 mark]



97% of students correctly identified the baroreceptor as the receptor responsible for detecting a
change in blood pressure

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02 Which method of estimating energy expenditure involves measuring the production of
CO2 and/or the consumption of O2 (1)


Indirect calorimetry

. Only 61% of students correctly identified indirect calorimetry as the
correct measure of energy expenditure. Those who did not get the mark most often confused the
correct answer with a VO2 max test.

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Table 1 shows the oxygen content of arterial and venous blood at rest and during box
intense aerobic exercise.

0 3 . 1 Define the term A-VO2 diff.


-Difference between oxygen content/partial pressure of oxygen in arterial and venous blood (1)

-How much O2 is extracted and used by muscles (1)
Accept other appropriate definitions of the term A-VO2

70% of students achieve the mark for this question. Where students failed to answer the question
correctly it was most often due to failing to refer to oxygen in their answer.

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Explain the change in A-VO2 diff during exercise. Use the data in Table 1 in your answer. (3)


-A-VO2 diff increases from 5 to 15ml.
-Means more oxygen is needed / extracted by the muscles.
- Used / needed for energy / ATP production for endurance / stamina / aerobic exercise /
delays fatigue.

The mean mark for this question was 1.6 with most students able to explain that more oxygen was
required by the working muscles and some highlighting that this was required for energy/ATP
production. Fewer students were awarded the mark for the main focus of the question, which was
stating that AVO2 diff increases and supporting this statement with information from the table. This
highlights the need for students to carefully read and answer the question set.

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Figure 1 below shows a tennis player performing a forehand stroke.

Identify the main agonist, and plane and axis of movement at the right shoulder as the
tennis player in Figure 1 moves from position A to position B.




Agonist: Pectorals / anterior deltoid.
Plane: Transverse plane.
Axis: Longitudinal axis.

Over a quarter of students were able to access the full 3 marks for this question. Where full marks
were not awarded, common errors included naming the main agonist as the deltoid and stating that
the movement occurred in the sagittal plane around the transverse axis.

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In Figure 1, the main muscle fibre type used for a powerful forehand stroke is fast
glycolytic (type IIx).
State three characteristics of this muscle fibre type. (3)


 Large motor neurone size
 Large muscle fibre diameter
 More sarcoplasmic reticulum development
 High PC stores
 High glycogen stores
 Low mitochondrial density
 Low myoglobin content
 Low capillary density
 High myosin ATPase/glycolytic enzyme activity
 High fatigability / low aerobic capacity / high anaerobic capacity
 High force production / speed of contraction
 White in colour

This question was answered well with a mean mark of 2.04. Students were able to provide a wide
range of answers. Schools and colleges should be aware of the requirement in the specification to
teach both characteristics and functions of each muscle fibre type. While both were accepted here,
characteristics are structural features which identify the muscle fibre type (eg large muscle fibre
diameter), while its functions are the resultant capabilities of the fibre as a result of its structure (eg
high force of contraction)

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Figure 2 shows Chris Frome. He is a British cyclist and multiple Tour de France box
In 2015 he recorded a VO2 max score of 84.6 ml/kg/min. An average cyclist would
have a VO2 max score of 40–42 ml/kg/min.

Analyse the factors which explain Chris Froome’s higher VO2 max and the effects
these factors have on his performance.
[8 marks]


AO1 – Knowledge of VO2 max and factors affecting this

eg VO2 max is maximum volume of oxygen that can be utilised per minute/unit of time. It is directly
proportional to an athlete’s aerobic power. The higher your VO2 max the greater your aerobic
Factors that affect VO2 max include: Genetics, age, gender, physiology, training, lifestyle, body
composition, drugs.

AO2 – Application of the factors affecting VO2 max to Chris Froome and comparison to
average cycist

-eg Chris Froome has a high VO2 max due to the training he has undertaken.
-As a professional
cyclist Froome will undergo high levels of continuous training spending hours on
his bike at a time.

-This training will have affected his physiology, increasing his red blood cell count and the capillary
density in his body.

-Chris Froome’s higher VO2 max may be in part due to his age. As he is still relatively young/not old
age will not be a limiting factor for his VO2 max.

-If the average cyclist is older the impact of aging
may have started to decrease their VO2 max.

AO3 – Analysis/evaluation of the impact of Chris Froome’s increased VO2 max on
performance and the relevance of the factors
eg having a high VO2 max means that Chris Froome has an increased oxygen carrying capacity and
can supply his working muscles with more oxygen, increasing his lactate threshold. This ability to
work at higher intensities without OBLA occurring will mean he is able to maintain a higher average
speed over the duration of a long stage compared to that of an athlete with a lower VO2 max.
Although lifestyle factors such as smoking can have an influence on VO2 max and cycling
performance, the difference between Chris Froome and an average cyclist could be minimal due to
the typical lifestyle of a cyclist.
VO2 max can be largely influenced by genetic factors. Had Chris Froome not been born with good
genetics for endurance sport it is unlikely he would have been able to achieve such a high VO2 max
from training and lifestyle choices alone.
Credit other relevant analysis of the factors affecting Chris Froome’s high VO2 max and how they
will impact performance.

Answers to question 5 covered the full range of marks. Students awarded the lower marks tended
to simply state the factors which affect VO2 max. The mean mark for this question was in level 2
and students awarded in this band made an attempt to apply these factors to Chris Froome, and in
some cases made limited evaluative comments, such as his increased VO2 max allows him to work
harder for longer. The best answers showed breadth and depth of knowledge, which was applied
specifically to Chris Froome and made insightful evaluative comments regarding the impact on his
performance in a race and/or compared to the average cyclist. In some high-level examples,
students were able to discuss which factors were most significant, for example training can only
have a limited effect as VO2 max is largely dictated by genetics.

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Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF) is a specialist training method used box
by a range of athletes.
Explain the role of proprioceptors in PNF and evaluate its effectiveness as a specialist
training method.
Use sporting examples in your answer.
[15 marks]


AO1 – Knowledge of Proprioceptors and PNF
eg PNF is an advanced stretching technique which aims to improve athletes flexibility. One method
involves the passive stretch of the target muscle; followed by an isometric contraction; before
repeating the passive stretch.
The proprioceptors involved in PNF are muscle spindles and Golgi tendon organs.
Muscle spindles detect how far and fast a muscle is being stretched, producing a stretch reflex if
required. This is designed to prevent a muscle from over-stretching. The stretch reflex occurs during
the passive stretching phase of PNF.
Golgi Tendon Organs on the other hand are activated by increased tension in a muscle and can
override the stretch reflex. This is known as autogentic inhibition which occurs as a result of the
isometric contraction in PNF.
AO2 – Application of PNF to sporting examples
eg PNF stretching can be used to improve performance in sports such as gymnastics and dance. In
these sports a greater range of motion at a joint can allow the performance of more advanced
routines. It also allows performers to produce more aesthetically pleasing shapes with their bodies.
In sports such as swimming and sprinting greater flexibility can allow a more efficient technique to
be used which in turn can increase the speed of the performer/decrease the effort required to travel
at the same speed.
In sports such as football and rugby PNF training can be used as an injury prevention method. If
performers have a greater range of movement at their joints they are less likely to incur muscular
injuries such and strains and tears.
AO3 – Evaluation of PNF as a training method
In sports such as dance and gymnastics, there are great benefits to be had from improved flexibility.
Producing more aesthetically pleasing shapes will lead directly to higher scores and in turn a
greater chance of success.
PNF stretching is a very specialised training method focusing on one component of fitness,
flexibility. In a large number of sports other components of fitness may be deemed more important
eg anaerobic power in swimming sprints.
Due to the passive nature of stretches and the overriding of the stretch reflex, risk of injury is
increased if precautions such as a thorough warm-up and a knowledgeable partner are not adhered
PNF stretching reduces power and speed if performed immediately prior to activity. Therefore this is
not an appropriate specialist training method during a warm up for sports requiring these
components of fitness.
Credit other relevant evaluative points.

This question had the lowest mean mark (4.45) of the fifteen mark questions. Students who found
this question challenging had a poor knowledge of the proprioceptors involved in PNF, in some
cases failing to mention the muscle spindles and golgi tendon organs or confusing their functions.
Where knowledge was strong students were generally able to apply the training method to
gymnastics. Generally, students spent a great deal of time and effort describing in detail the
procedure of PNF stretching despite this not being the focus of the question. This tended to be at
the expense of application (AO2) and evaluation (AO3). The best answers applied the training
method to a range of sports for different reasons (increased range of motion for aesthetics,
increased range of motion for improved efficiency of movement, injury prevention, etc) but also
evaluated its suitability in these sports, highlighting the increased risk of injury and lack of impact
on other components of fitness as examples of limitations.
This was an example of a synoptic question as the proprioceptors role in PNF and PNF as a
specialist training method are in separate sections of the specification. Schools and colleges
should be aware that there are synoptic questions on both papers, which can draw from content
from anywhere in the specification

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Baddeley and Hitch devised a model of the working memory.
Which subsystem in this model deals with auditory information from the senses to
help produce a memory trace?
[1 mark]


Phonological loop

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Which types of feedback would be most appropriate for a performer in the cognitive
stage of learning?
[1 mark]


Knowledge of results, positive, extrinsic

Question 07 and 08
93% of students correctly identified the phonological loop as dealing with auditory information.
Only 54% of students correctly identified D as the correct combination of feedback for a cognitive
performer. Those who did not get the mark most often confused the correct answer with a B where
the only difference was the knowledge of results/knowledge of performance option. While both
forms of feedback would be applicable, knowledge of results is considered the most effective of the
two for a cognitive performer.

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Performers need to learn skills in order to take part in physical activity. Skilled
movements are learned, economic and consistently successful.
State three other characteristics of skill.


 Coordinated / controlled (1)
 Fluency / flowing / smooth (1)
 Adaptable (1)
 Aesthetically pleasing (1)
 Goal orientated behaviour / predetermined results (1)
 Precise / accurate / correct technique (1)

This question was answered very well with over 40% of students accessing full marks. Where
students didn’t achieve full marks, the most common error was the repeat of those characteristics
of skill named in the question. Several students did not realise that economic and efficient
constitute the same answer

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Vygotsky’s Social Development Theory is a constructivist theory. Learning is built up box
in stages based on the current level of performance.
Outline the three stages of development in this theory.
Give a sporting example for each stage (3)


 What can I do (alone) e.g. I can hold a golf club and stand correctly (1)
 What can I do with help e.g. I can swing the club and make contact with the ball with help from
my coach. (1)
 What can I not yet do e.g. I cannot yet hit the golf ball with any accuracy towards a target (1)

This question targeted new content on the specification and it was pleasing that over 50% of
students were able to achieve 2 or more marks. However, this was also the most common notattempted question, with 2.3% of students not writing a response (the next highest not-attempted
question was 0.7%).
The most common error was to confuse social development theory with the stages of learning
(cognitive, associative and autonomous). While it was acceptable to use examples from different
sports for each stage in this series, future questions could require students to apply their
knowledge to the same activity throughout

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‘Verbal guidance is a suitable way of introducing a new skill to a cognitive learner.’
Discuss this statement.
[4 marks]


Award one mark for each of the following
Advantages (sub max 3 marks)
 Can be used in conjunction with visual guidance to give cognitive learner more information /
highlight specific cues (1)
 Helps to build correct mental image which a cognitive learner can refer back to (1)
 Positive feedback/verbal guidance can be used to maintain motivation as the performer is in the
cognitive stage of learning (1)
Disdvantages (sub max 3 marks)
 Too much information/information overload may cause confusion/place too much demand on
the memory of a cognitive learner (1)
 Verbal guidance during performance can cause the performer to lose concentration especially
in the cognitive stage (1)
 Technical terms may not be understood by a cognitive performer (1)
 Incorrect verbal guidance may decrease the performance which could develop bad habits in a
cognitive learner/unaware of correct technique (1)
 Some performers may struggle to create a mental image from verbal guidance alone / visual
guidance may be more effective (1)
All points must be applied to a cognitive learner to gain cre

This was an AO3 short answer question with its rigour reflected in the mean mark (1.6 out of 4).
The most commonly awarded marks were for verbal guidance highlighting key cues when used
with visual guidance, the possibility of information overload and that visual guidance may be more
effective. Students often failed to discuss in enough detail to be awarded full marks, with only 3.8%
achieving the maximum 4 marks. While not on the mark scheme, marks were awarded for
highlighting that mechanical or manual guidance may be more appropriate due to its ability to
develop kinesthesis and reduce risk, as these were considered examples of other appropriate

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Goalkeepers in hockey need to respond quickly to the actions of the attacking players. box
Analyse the factors which will affect a goalkeeper’s response time and the strategies
a coach can use to help them respond quicker.
[8 marks]


AO1 – Knowledge of response time, factors and strategies in isolation
eg Response time is the time from the onset of the stimulus to the completion of the task and can
be calculated by adding the reaction time to the movement time. Reaction time is the time taken
from the onset of a stimulus to the onset of an action whereas movement time is the time taken to
complete the task/from the start to the end of the action.
Factors affecting response time may include: Number of choices (Hicks law); single channel
hypothesis; psychological refractory period; anticipation; selective attention.
Strategies to improve response time may include: Training with specific stimuli from performance;
making stimuli more intense to improve concentration/develop selective attention; improving fitness
to decrease movement time; using anticipation.
AO2 – Application of factors and / or strategies affecting response time for the goalkeeper
eg Reaction time for a goalkeeper is choice reaction time. The attacker may provide a range of
stimuli and the goalkeeper has a number of possible responses. Hick’s law states that reaction time
increases as the number of choices increases therefore reaction time will be slower in this situation
compared to a situation which only requires simple reaction time.
A coach could improve the fitness of a goalkeeper to improve response time. By using interval
and/or plyometric training the player’s speed will increase thus decreasing the movement time.
AO3 – Analysis of strategies which could be used to improve response time
eg A coach could improve the fitness of a goalkeeper to improve response time. By using interval
and/or plyometric training the player’s speed will increase thus decreasing the movement time. This
will allow the goalkeeper to make saves from faster/closer shots more easily.
By making the ball brighter during training sessions the coach can develop the goalkeeper’s
concentration and selective attention. This will mean that in a game they may be able to focus on
the relevant stimuli like the ball, blocking out irrelevant stimuli like the crowd, in order to make saves
at important times.
Credit other relevant analysis of the factors which will impact on a goalkeeper’s response time and
strategies a coach could use to improve it.’

For this question, responses ranged from 0 to 7, with a mean mark of 3.5. Basic answers tended to
focus on the factors affecting responses time but didn’t apply this knowledge specifically to a
goalkeeper. The best answers not only explained strategies which would improve a goalkeeper’s
response time but linked these to specific factors affecting it and how it would specifically improve
performance in a fully competitive situation.

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Skill classification can be used to place skills onto a range of continua including: box
• Simple – Complex
• Discrete – Serial – Continuous
• Self-paced – Externally paced
• High Organisation – Low Organisation.
‘Progressive part practice is suitable for developing a tumbling routine in gymnastics.’
Evaluate this statement, using your knowledge of the continua listed above.
[15 marks]


AO1 – Knowledge of skill classification and progressive part practice
A simple skill requires few decisions and limited information processing whereas complex skills
require greater decision making and more information processing/performance of a number of sub
Discrete skills have a clear beginning and end, continuous skills have no clear beginning and end
and serial skills are made up of a number of discrete skills.
A Self-paced is one in which the performer decides when the movement will take place whereas
with an externally paced skills, other factors determine when movement begins.
Low organisation skills are relatively easy to break into sub routines whereas high organisation skills
are harder.
Progressive part practice involves practising the first part of the skill then adding parts gradually.
From example learning part A; then part B; then practising A and B together before adding part C. It
is sometimes known as chaining.
AO2 – Application of skill classification to a gymnastics tumbling routine
eg In this case a gymnastics routine is a simple skill as the routine is pre-set and there are few
decisions to be made whilst performing/complex as the perform is required to link a high number of
sub routines.
A tumbling routine in gymnastics can be discrete because it has a clear beginning and end / serial
due to it being a series of discrete skills.
A tumbling routine in gymnastics is self-paced as they usually decide when to begin the routine and
how fast to move / externally paced is due to the gymnast having to start tumbling in time with the
A tumbling routine is a low organisation skill as it is relatively easy to break into sub routines.
A gymnast can use progressive part practice to learn a tumbling routine in stages e.g. they could
learn a somersault before learning a forward roll and then combine the two together.
AO3 – Analysis/evaluation of the suitability of progressive part practice
eg Progressive part practice is good to use with skills such as tumbling as due to its low
organisation, this method of practice allows the performer to break the routine down and master
each individual move before moving on to the next. This can result in an increase in motivation and
also reduces the risks involved when learning complex routines.
However, a gymnast may get stuck with one particular move within the routine that may slow
progress using progressive part practice. Therefore a more suitable method may be to use whole
part whole. This will allow the performer to develop a kinaesthetic feel for the routine whilst still
improving the specific weakness.
Progressive part practice can, however, be time consuming and if the performer already knows the
routine and is preparing for competition whole practice may be more effective.
Credit other relevant discussion about whether progressive part practice would be suitable for the
development of a gymnastics tumbling routine.

This question was generally answered well with students demonstrating good knowledge of
progressive part practice and application of the skill continua to a tumbling routine. This is reflected
by the mean mark of 5.8. Better responses not only justified the position on each continuum
accurately, but then used this information to evaluate the suitability of progressive part as a
practice method. Further successful evaluation was evident when students considered the
suitability based on the skill level of the performer, and suggested alternative options when they
were relevant.

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Which of these is a characteristic of the popular recreation available to the lower class
in pre-industrial Britain?
[1 mark]
A Local and specific to each community
B Regular
C Rule based
D Skill and tactics based


Ethnic minorities may be pushed into certain sports, based on assumptions about
What is this an example of?
[1 mark]
A Channelling
B Racism
C Stacking
D Stereotyping



State two social benefits to an individual of increasing their participation in physical
activity and/or sport.
[2 marks]


 Happier/more positive outlook on life makes you more approachable to others (1)

 Improved confidence/self-esteem in the company of others (1)

 Improved communication skills/ability to work with others (1)

 Meet new people/form friendships with people with similar interests (1)

87.7% of students achieved at least 1 mark on this question. The majority of these correctly
identified meeting new people/making friend as a social benefit to the individual. The second mark
proved more difficult to come by with a number of students simply stating increased happiness and
confidence, which are mental benefits, unless specifically applied to social situations. Some
students gave responses not specifically linked to the individual, eg decreased pressure on the
NHS, which weren’t credited.


Explain two benefits of sponsorship to companies investing large amounts of money box
into sport.
[4 marks]


 Increase in publicity / media coverage (1) resulting in an increased sales/profit (1)
- Linking the company to an elite athlete (1) adds value to a brand/creates an association with
excellence/creates an association with a healthy image (1)
- Decreases tax paid by the company (1) due to tax relief afforded on money donated as
sponsorship (1)
- Being liked to a successful sport/performer (1) can improve the morale of the company’s staff (1)
-The company is provided with tickets etc (1) which allows them to build relationships with
customers and clients (1)

Most students achieved half marks or more on this question. Those who achieved 2 marks tended
to identify an increase in publicity leading to an increase in sales. The next most common answer


Rational recreation saw the development of early professionalism during the
industrial and post-industrial era (1780–1900).
Explain the differences between the gentleman amateur and working-class
professional and the impact these had on their participation during this time.
[4 marks]

 (Wealth) Gentlemen amateur had more money therefore had access to a wider range of
activities to participate in / working class professional has less money so could access fewer
activities to participate in (1)

 (Time) Gentleman amateur had more free time so had the opportunity to participate in more
activity / working class professional had less free time due to long working hours so had less
opportunity to participate in activity (1)

 (Commitment) Gentleman amateurs had less desire to improve performance therefore had
no desire to participate in training / working class professional were more committed to
perform as well as possible so participated in training (1)

 (Morality) Gentleman amateur had higher morality therefore participation had an emphasis
on taking part and fair play / working class professionals had lower morality therefore
participation was based on a win at all costs approach (1)

This was the most poorly answered question on the paper with students failing to link the
differences between the two groups to the specific impact on participation, leading to a mean score
of 1.06. Generally, students’ knowledge of the differences between gentleman amateurs and
working-class professionals was sound, but marks were only available for the evaluation of the
impact on participation caused by these differences.


Lauren is a 22 box -year-old member of a local athletics club and has regularly competed
in middle distance races since an early age.
Evaluate the impact that socialisation could have had on Lauren’s choices and her
current involvement in sport.
[8 marks]


AO1 – Knowledge of socialisation
eg Socialisation is a lifelong process where members of a society learn its norms, values, ideas,
practices and roles in order to take their place in that society.
Socialisation has two phases. Primary socialisation occurs during early years of childhood usually
within the immediate family. Secondary socialisation, however, occurs during later years (teenager
to adult) when family are less involved and other agencies/people/groups have more influence.
Gender socialisation is the act of learning to conform to gender roles through socialisation.
Social control refers to the way in which people’s thoughts, feeling, appearance and behaviour are
regulated in social systems including social norms.
AO2 – Application of socialisation to Lauren as a female athlete
eg During primary socialisation how active Lauren’s parents and siblings were will have directly
influenced her views on sport and physical activity. She will have also been influenced by the sports
they played/watched/enjoyed.
During secondary socialisation her peer group and school will have had a greater influence on
Lauren’s choices.
AO3 – Analysis/evaluation of how socialisation will have impacted her choices
eg In the primary socialisation stage it is likely that Lauren developed an interest in athletics from
her immediate family who will also have been required to support her in her participation. Had her
family not had an interest in athletics it is unlikely she would have been involved from a young age.
During secondary socialisation Lauren may have been further encouraged to take part in athletics
by her friends and teachers at school. Had her friends/peer group not been supportive this may
have resulted in Lauren giving up athletics or her involvement in sport be reduced.
Gender socialisation may have dictated the events within athletics that Lauren was drawn to
avoiding the strength/power events typically associated with men.
Credit other relevant evaluation of the impact that socialisation will have had on Lauren’s choices
and development as an athlete.

This question had the lowest mean mark of the three 8 mark questions (2.9). This was due to the
failure of a number of students to identify the focus of the question as socialisation and link this
topic to the key terms of primary socialisation, secondary socialisation and gender socialisation. A
few students focused on the opportunities available to women in sport without ever highlighting this
as gender socialisation. Even in instances where knowledge was evident, the application to Laura
and information provided about her in the question was limited. Some students talked about the
negative effects socialisation could have had despite her participation still being positive at 22
years old. Very few students used the concepts of socialisation to explain her choice of middle
distance running, instead focusing on athletics as a whole or using socialisation to explain why she
didn’t play other sports.


Table 2 shows the participation data for disabled and non-disabled adults over a box
4-year period since the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games.
Table 2
% participating in 30 minutes of moderate intensity activity at least once per week
Non-disabled Disabled
2012–2013 40.1 19.1
2013–2014 39.8 17.6
2014–2015 39.6 17.2
2015–2016 39.9 16.8
Explain the barriers that disabled athletes face and evaluate the effectiveness of the
strategies used to overcome these barriers.
Use the data in Table 2 to support your answer.
[15 marks]


AO1 – Knowledge of barriers and strategies for disabled athletes in isolation
Barriers to participation include; lack of facilities, funding, specialist coaches, specialist equipment,
location, role models.
Strategies to overcome barriers to performance include; increased media coverage, more role
models, more funding.
AO2 – Application of barriers and strategies to participation for disabled athletes and
performers in Table 2
eg Disabled participation may be lower due to low levels of media coverage. As there is a limited
amount of disability sport on TV and in the news disabled athletes may not be aware of the
opportunities that exist for them or how to access the opportunities they do know about.
Increased media coverage is a strategy that can potentially help to overcome barrier to participation
by increasing the number of role models.
Participation rates for both groups, but especially for disabled athletes, are lower in 2015/16 than
they were in 2012/13. This suggests a decline in participation following the London Olympics.
AO3 – Evaluation of effectiveness of strategies to overcome these barriers to participation
eg Increasing the media coverage of disabled sport would educate people on the capabilities of
disabled performers, helping to overcome the myths and stereotypes that currently exist. However
TV stations rely on viewing number to gain income from sponsors and it is believed that disability
sport would have a limited audience. Therefore it is unlikely this will happen. Also the figures from
Table 2 also imply that this strategy of increasing media coverage is ineffective.
Improving facilities and transport for disabled people would help them to access the range of
activities which are available to them. However this would involve increased spending and
investment, and sponsorship of disability sport is hard to come by due to its limited exposure and
low participation rates.
Credit other relevant analysis of the impact of prejudice, discrimination and stereotyping on disabled
participation in sport explaining the barriers they must overcome and suggesting possible solutions
to overcome these barriers.